
Chapter 233 The Aircraft Carrier of Personal Items

Chapter 233 The Aircraft Carrier of Personal Items

To be honest, Pindao didn't know whether the book was poorly written or if it offended people. Some people in the book review area always said that the author had changed and the shooter was found.If you think about it, you will know that this is impossible.First of all, Pindao is not a great god with a monthly income of hundreds of thousands. The subscription of the previous book is just enough to make ends meet. You can smoke and drink tea happily every day, and save a little money to subsidize your life when the grades of the next book are not good. Starved to death, let alone this book, the subscription is extremely poor, the manuscript fee is 600 yuan per month, and I only dare to choose a cheap product with free shipping on a certain treasure for drinking tea.Is Pindao really brain-dead?Pindao did not buy out, and there was income from uploading, and there was no full attendance after it was released in the past two months.To be honest, this incident and many other things happened in reality, which made Pindao not in a good mood all the time, and he had the idea of ​​really becoming a monk.But Pindao is still insisting, hoping to give more words to those book friends who insist on supporting him, and hoping that he can get back to his status as soon as possible.I hope everyone understands, if you like this book, you can point out the mistakes in the book review area, Pindao is very grateful, if you blame Pindao for substituting someone to find a gunman or something, Pindao can only ignore it, after all, in this day and age, men Living is really tiring, and it is impossible to give up supporting one's brothers and sisters because of others' accusations.
In an instant, the sky-shattering alarm sounded over the aircraft carrier formation that was evacuating.

A fighter jet took off in an emergency, and various anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery on the cruiser, destroyer, and frigate entered the firing state one after another. Even the logistics support ship erected the only small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery.

In an instant, the aircraft carrier formation showed ferocious teeth!
It can be said that it only needs to give the aircraft carrier formation two to ten minutes of preparation time, then it can become the most terrifying standing weapon on Blue Star!

Looking at the soldiers running on the battleships from a distance, Wang Dashu sighed softly, the optical shielding field and the electromagnetic shielding field were suddenly opened, and within a few breaths, the huge and pitch-black body of the flesh-body god suddenly appeared thousands of meters above the sky. disappear.

"what's the situation?"

The supreme commander of the aircraft carrier formation couldn't help screaming when he saw the radar screen and the flesh god who had disappeared from the naked eye.

You know, in the information he received, there is no relevant information that the flesh god will be invisible at all.

This is not surprising, the flesh god has never shown this ability in front of the Sam people before.

Of course, the electromagnetic shielding field activated by the physical god is not just as simple as making himself disappear in the radar scan.

In an instant, the electromagnetic shielding field spread out around the flesh god.

"Report, the satellite cannot be contacted!"

"Report, the communication channel is interfered and completely disabled!"


The aircraft carrier formation shrouded in an electromagnetic shielding field, most of the electronic instruments carried on it, except the power system wrapped in lead, malfunctioned in an instant, making the aircraft carrier formation fall into a blind situation. middle.

As they themselves exclaimed, the satellite could not be connected, the communication channel was interfered, and even the dozen or so fighter jets that flew into the sky became deaf and blind, unable to accept orders, and could only circle around in the sky.

The already invisible flesh-body god pressed down on the aircraft carrier formation little by little, and several fighter planes accidentally hit the ionized protective layer of the flesh-body god, and were instantly melted into metal juice and fell down.

Seeing those fighter planes turn into metal juice out of thin air, the officers and soldiers of the aircraft carrier formation couldn't help being stunned, they had no idea what kind of attack this was.

However, the supreme commander of the aircraft carrier formation was extremely decisive, and immediately issued an order to attack over the aircraft carrier formation.

Although those battleships lost most of their electronic equipment, the impact of electronic warfare was considered at the beginning of the design, so the design of manually launching weapons still retained a lot.

The only problem is that the communicator cannot be used, so the commander's herald can only run to the deck and shout orders.

But in any case, as the small number of machine guns equipped on the aircraft carrier fired towards the sky and exploded a series of blue electric lights out of thin air, the other warships in the aircraft carrier formation also followed suit.

Missiles and anti-aircraft artillery fire immediately hit the ionized protective layer of the flesh god like raindrops, blasting groups of blue lightning.

At this time, the flesh god has descended to an altitude less than 500 meters from the sea surface, so those missiles and anti-aircraft artillery fire don't even need to be aimed, as long as they can be launched upward, they can hit the target.

Wang Dashu didn't care about the counterattack of the aircraft carrier formation at all. Those anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery fire were originally aimed at flying targets such as fighter jets and cruise missiles. Fundamentally speaking, their power was the smallest category.

And the ionization protective layer of the flesh god can even withstand the bombardment of heavy artillery from alien bases several times. These attacks of the aircraft carrier formation can deal with ordinary aircraft on the blue star, and the ionization protective layer can only consume some of its energy.

Soon, the eyes of the aircraft carrier formation commander stared straight.

Several white light beams appeared out of thin air and landed on the aircraft carrier. The next moment, the aircraft carrier left the sea in shock and began to fly towards China's territorial waters.

What's the situation?
Even the well-informed commander of the aircraft carrier formation was dumbfounded at this time, and he came back to his senses after being in a trance for a while.

The aircraft carrier was hijacked?

At this time, the officers and soldiers on the aircraft carrier became extremely flustered. They may have guessed the truth of the matter, but faced with such a sudden accident, they had no way to solve it. They could only watch helplessly as the aircraft carrier continued to rise under their feet.

To be honest, this kind of thing is really too scary.

This is an aircraft carrier!
Not a block!
Who knows if the aircraft carrier will be thrown directly after flying to a certain altitude?
Under the spread of such panic, dozens of soldiers bravely jumped into the sea, and were quickly rescued by other warships.

Seeing this scene, many other officers and soldiers also jumped into the sea, but more officers and soldiers resisted the desire to jump into the sea.

One is because jumping into the sea is also risky. I haven’t seen a soldier who accidentally hit the propeller of an aircraft carrier when he fell, and died directly as a result. Another is that his head hit the sea surface, and his neck bone broke and died. Death.

The second is that the little sense of honor of the soldiers supports them not to leave their posts without authorization.

Wang Dashu didn't pay attention to everything that happened on the aircraft carrier. He just let the flesh-body god hang the aircraft carrier to fly slower and be more cautious, lest the fighter planes on the deck that have not yet taken off fall into the sea.

In any case, those fighter planes are also his trophies, and throwing them away at will is not something to brag about.

Among other things, it is also an amazing scenery in front of your own villa.

Of course, having said that, it is impossible for Wang Dashu to let the physical god fly back to Cuihu City with the aircraft carrier at this time.

If the distance is too far, the speed of the flesh-body god hanging the aircraft carrier can only be kept below the speed of sound, otherwise, those people on the aircraft carrier may be directly blown away by the hurricane generated by the high speed.

Under such circumstances, after the flesh-body god returned to China's territorial waters, he flew directly to a military port on the coast of China. This military port was the closest to the flesh-body god's straight line, and it only took half an hour to arrive.

The only thing to pay attention to is to prevent the aircraft carrier from being hit by Huaxia's air defense missiles.

Well, in fact, before the physical god hoisted an aircraft carrier into China's territorial waters, its movement was captured by the China satellite.

Seeing the satellite photos sent, the top leaders of the Huaxia Parliament were all dumbfounded.

This situation was something they hadn't thought of before.

The flesh god didn't destroy Sam's aircraft carrier formation, but hoisted one of his aircraft carriers back directly!

And soon, Wang Dashu lifted the electromagnetic shielding field, called Councilor Yang, and asked him to communicate with the military port, and he wanted to put some personal belongings there.

(End of this chapter)

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