
Chapter 234 Prelude to Nuclear War!

Chapter 234 Prelude to Nuclear War!

Chinese New Year is coming soon, and Pindao is worried that his brain will not be enough to forget, so I would like to congratulate everyone in advance on a happy new year and all the best!
With such a guarantee, it is self-evident that the choices of other Sam executives are self-evident.

"I agree to the use of nukes!"

"I agree to the use of nukes!"

"I agree!"

"I object!"

"I abstain!"

In this vote that determined Sam's national destiny, more than [-]% of the high-level officials agreed to use nuclear bombs, while only one high-level group opposed it!
And so, at the end of the meeting, they voted at the highest level of the country to use the bomb.

As the attendant put the black nuclear suitcase in front of the highest level of the country of Sam, all eyes were fixed on the hands of the highest level of the country of Sam.

The so-called nuclear suitcase is not like the outside rumors. After opening, there is a button. As long as the top level of the Sam country presses this button, the nuclear bombs of the Sam country will be launched in unison.

In fact, after entering the password to open this black suitcase, there is a special phone inside, and its communication channel is connected with the supreme commander of Sam's nuclear strike force.

Picking up the phone, the highest level of the Sam Kingdom hesitated for a while, and then there was a look of determination in their eyes: "The supreme meeting has passed a nuclear strike resolution, and I, as the supreme commander of the Sam Kingdom, order you to implement the nuclear strike in three hours. Strike the plan!"

The reason why the highest level of the country of Sam ordered the implementation of the nuclear strike plan three hours later was to allow time to hide in the underground base.

Of course, in such a tense time, even the high-ranking families of Sam may not be able to enter. After all, as the dignitaries of Sam's country, many children in their families are distributed all over the world, some are in business, some are in the army, and so on.

But at this time, they also knew that it was impossible to allow more time, otherwise, when the physical gods freed up their hands, their fate might not be much better than that of the aircraft carrier formation.

At the same time that the high-level officials of the country of Sam informed their cronies, family members, etc. to rush to the underground base, the flesh god had already flown into the space above the country of Sam.

How to complete the task without causing too much trouble, Wang Dashu looked at the border of Sam's country below, and fell into deep contemplation.

Well, in fact, he has discovered the changes in various military bases in Sam's country through Yuan energy detection.

The yuan energy fluctuations released by the yuan energy detector can penetrate more than ten kilometers of the blue star's crust, that is to say, as long as the physical god circles the blue star, no secrets under the blue star can escape Wang Dashu's sight.

At least for now, there is no country on Blue Star that can build a [-]-meter underground base.

Generally speaking, most of the general underground military bases are only located at a depth of 50 to 200 meters underground, while nuclear bomb bases, nuclear anti-nuclear underground bases, etc. are located between [-] meters and a thousand meters underground!
As I said before, at such a depth, Yuanneng fluctuations swept across, and Wang Dashu immediately formed a geological structure map of the [-]-meter-underground Sam Kingdom in his mind.

And on this geological structure map, many wildernesses, deserts, and even big cities have underground bases one by one.

Wang Dashu quickly locked the underground bases and warehouses where the nuclear bombs were stored, and he even asked the flesh god to walk around the Blue Star a few times, and recorded all the nuclear bomb bases and warehouses stored in the Blue Star countries in his mind. middle.

At this time, he found that the number of nuclear bombs on Blue Star exceeded his previous guess.

Sam alone has more than [-] nuclear bombs regardless of their size!

The number of nuclear bombs in Xiongguo is about the same as Wang Dashu's guess, only [-], but the models are relatively backward, and most of the nuclear bombs are stored in warehouses, not on launch pads.

It's right to think about it. With the current economic strength of the Xiong Kingdom, if all the nuclear bombs are placed on the launch pads, it is hard to say that there will be no problems.

In China, the number of nuclear bombs is as many as [-]. As for the number of nuclear bombs of several other nuclear powers, the total number of nuclear bombs is about [-].

In other words, all the nuclear bombs on the Blue Star add up to [-], and if those large-yield nuclear bombs are thrown out, they can destroy the surface of the Blue Star dozens of times!
It has to be said that while these nuclear bombs temporarily ensured that the Blue Star would not break out into a world war, they also became the sword of Damocles hanging above the heads of the Blue Star humans!
Once someone is the first to launch a nuclear bomb, then a nuclear war breaks out, and the Blue Star humans will be lucky if they can survive 15.00%.

Wang Dashu didn't want to see the scenes in those doomsday games, so when he returned to the country of Sam and found that the military bases were filling the nuclear bombs with fuel, and when the safety system was turned on, he immediately took the forty bombs carried by the flesh god. The tiny biological fighters were released.

These miniature biological fighters carried by the fleshy god are cultivated from the biological fighter incubator, and each fighter is actually a biological body similar to the fleshy god.

After the fighter plane is lost, the biological fighter breeder will start cultivating fighter planes at a rate of one every two hours until the reserve meat bag is full.

Judging from the name, this miniature biological fighter is very small. Well, in fact, it is really not big, and its body length is only about three meters. It is relatively similar, as if two pairs of small wings are added to the body of the miniature flesh god.

But having said that, these miniature biological fighters are only slightly autonomous minds, and they need physical gods to command them tactically during battle.

But the combat effectiveness of these tiny biological fighters is much stronger than those of Blue Star.

The tiny biological fighters have the ability to fight in the atmosphere, their main weapon is a tiny particle cannon, and their secondary weapons are fifty acid liquid self-guided missiles.

The micro particle cannon can shoot for a long time, and after the acid homing missile is consumed, it needs to return to the flesh god to replenish it.

In other words, every time the miniature biological fighters are dispatched as a whole, they need to consume half of the self-guided missiles in the physical god's inventory, but in this way, the combat effectiveness of the miniature biological fighters can be seen.

And compared to the huge body of the flesh god, the microbiological fighter can better and more easily perform some tasks that the flesh god cannot perform.

For example, now that Wang Dashu wants to prevent the country of Sam from provoking a nuclear war, it is difficult for the flesh god to intercept all nuclear bombs.

After all, there are many nuclear missile submarines lurking in Blue Star's oceans in Sam's country. When they launch nuclear bombs together, it is hard to say that there will be some loopholes in the interception of the flesh god.

And as these miniature biological fighters rushed to the oceans of Blue Star, with the help of yuan energy detection fluctuations, after staring at the nuclear missile submarines lurking in the ocean, the boulder in Wang Dashu's heart finally fell, and then I called Mr. Yang and asked him to tell the country of Sam that if the country of Sam used the nuclear bomb, it would be at its own risk!

(End of this chapter)

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