
Chapter 272 Warcraft Blood

Chapter 272 Warcraft Blood

In the following time, Wang Dashu did not maintain the spiritual connection, but left an order to Olans.

Capture animals, transplant Yuan energy detectors into animals, and pass on the black sun demon scriptures to animals!
Of course, if this order is to be actually executed, it will be difficult, but it is not too great.

After all, the advantage of such an evil technique as the Black Sun Demon Sutra is that even if the opponent doesn't have much wisdom, he can still use his own evil energy to assist the opponent in their cultivation!

As long as the opponent's Black Sun Demon Sutra has been cultivated to a certain level, wisdom will naturally be opened, and the next thing will become much easier.

After disconnecting the spiritual connection with Olans, Wang Dashu raised his spirits immediately and held a welcome meeting to welcome the scientific researchers deployed from other places.

From this day on, these scientific researchers will assist themselves in their research on artificial intelligence and so on.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a certain intimacy.

After the grand welcome party, the entire institute began to enter normal operation.

Since Wang Dashu has not yet obtained what he wants from the world of the base series and the world of seizing the godhead, they can only import and upgrade equipment and formulate research plans according to Wang Dashu's requirements for the time being.

Undoubtedly, this makes most researchers feel a little dissatisfied.

You know, most of them stopped their previous research projects and rushed here after receiving the transfer order.

Originally thought that they would participate in a huge scientific research project, but what they never expected was that after they came here, they were almost doing nothing every day.

You must know that the introduction and upgrading of those equipment is not their main business, and it is very simple, but to make a research plan. Well, they can't make a plan without seeing the real thing.

In short, in the following time, Wang Dashu's favorability in the research institute dropped rapidly, and even at the end, some scientific researchers couldn't help but rush into his office, requesting to be transferred back to the original unit.

In addition, he is required to manage many affairs of the institute, ranging from the purchase of millions of equipment, to conflicts between two researchers and so on.

Well, at this time, he found that managing a group with more than a thousand people was more difficult than he could have imagined before.

Hmm, he doesn't seem very good at being a leader?
Anyway, half a month later, the extremely boring researchers in the institute finally had something to do.

Wang Dashu brought a test tube filled with red liquid and asked them to study the blood in the test tube.

At first, those researchers felt that Wang Dashu was making a fuss out of a molehill, so what is there to study with such a little blood?
Could it be the blood of prehistoric extinct creatures?
What a joke!
Of course, even if they had objections in their hearts, they had to start testing after Wang Dashu arranged the task.

But when the test results came out, all the biological genetic researchers who saw the test result report were a little dumbfounded.

What creature's blood is this? ! !
The oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells is more than [-] times that of human red blood cells, and the ability of white blood cells to kill germs is extremely terrifying. Even the super germs that have recently become popular in Blue Star are defeated by the white blood cells contained in this blood!

You know, this super germ claims that the biological immune system is completely unable to fight, and it is unknown how many people were lying on the hospital bed and unable to recover some time ago.

As for the platelets in this kind of blood, it is even more terrifying, its blood clotting ability is about a hundred times higher than that of humans.

Such various data make people suspect that this blood comes from an alien planet.

After all, where Wang Dashu's identity is placed, someone in the research institute should know.

However, before those biological genetic researchers could thoroughly study this blood, Wang Dashu brought several blood samples.

To put it simply, these blood samples were all obtained from the world of Seizing Godhead.

Doppelgänger Hull is 12 and a half years old.

Thanks to the blessing of the dragon blood in his body, Hull has the professional level of a tenth-level fighter just after turning 12 years old. Before he practiced the purple air traction technique, he initially activated the dragon blood in his body at the age of ten, becoming a A dragon vein sorcerer, with the blood of a giant dragon, switched to the Black Sun Demon Scripture. When he was 12 years old, his level of dragon vein sorcerer had been raised to level eight!

Not to mention how strong the tenth-level fighter is in the Kingdom of Ashishia, but the profession of Dragon Vessel Warlock can give him the right to freely enter and leave the palace.

As I said before, after the activation of any professional ability, the starting point is level four, regardless of swordsman, hunter, mage, etc.

The same is true for warlocks as legal professions.

But even if they are all fourth-level warlocks, there is still a big gap between the strength of warlocks and warlocks before.

For example, when a warlock with the blood of a monster meets a warlock with the dragon blood, due to the addition of the blood of the dragon to the warlock's attributes, other warlocks will be crushed!

What's more, dragon vein warlocks are born with a special ability, which can drive monsters with dragon blood in their bodies. It is said that some powerful dragon vein warlocks can even drive giant dragons for their own use.

This also makes Dragon Vein Warlock quite powerful in combat!
And Hull not only has the eighth-level dragon vein warlock profession, but also has the tenth-level warrior profession. The effect of adding the two is not as simple as the addition of ordinary professions.

At least the chief guard of the palace, who is a great swordsman, would have a hard time defeating Hull in a short period of time. If Hull hadn't stopped, the chief guard might even have lost danger!
After all, the bloodline of the giant dragon is too strong, and coupled with the enhanced strength of the Black Sun Demon Scripture, it will be able to drag it down after a long time!

After gaining the right to freely enter and leave the palace, Hull moved out of the palace immediately, joined the mercenary union, and became a free mercenary!
Seeing this, one should know that the kinds of blood that Wang Dashu brought out are exactly what Hall gained after becoming a free mercenary.

The first type of blood is the blood of the giant stone lizard, and the latter types are the blood of the inferior ground dragon, the alopecia areata bull, and the bear goblin.

Of course, the strength of the masters of these bloods is not high, the highest is the alopecia areata demon cow, the combat level is seven, the inferior ground dragon is six, the big stone lizard is four, and the bear goblin is three.

In the world of seizing the godhead, these creatures are inconspicuous, but on the blue star in the real universe, they are not comparable to those blue star creatures.

At least according to the test results, the recovery ability of these creatures after injury far exceeds that of all slightly higher animals on Blue Star.

Biological genetic researchers fell into the frenzy of research.

(End of this chapter)

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