
Chapter 273 The Initial Establishment of the Human Alliance

Chapter 273 The Initial Establishment of the Human Alliance
All the research plans were proposed by themselves, and Wang Dashu did not add his own content, because he knew that if he interfered too much, it would affect the research of those researchers.

Of course, if there is a chance, Wang Dashu will also give them more blood for research.

But there is naturally Wang Dashu's own selfishness in it.

Once the medicines for strengthening the body, prolonging life, etc. are researched through these blood, although Wang Dashu doesn't need them, his family members will be useful.

What's more, the first part is to improve the physical fitness of Huaxia humans, and then to improve the physical fitness of Blue Star humans. This is the plan that Wang Dashu is gradually perfecting.

Since then, the secret research institute has set off a boom in work, not to mention for the time being.

It’s just that in the one week in the real universe, Olans, the avatar in the world of the Base series, made a lot of effort after leaving the underground shelter and going to the surface, capturing more than 300 animals, including more than [-] animals that were planted. After entering the Yuanneng detector, he practiced the Black Sun Demon Scripture, initially opened up his wisdom, and became a monster.

Of course, this kind of wisdom can only be compared with children of a few years old, but it is enough for Olans.

This is a cyclical process.

Implant the Yuan Energy Detector and practice the Black Sun Demon Sutra with the assistance of Olans. When the wisdom is initially opened, they can be used as seeds to drive other animals to practice, thereby increasing the number of animals practicing the Black Sun Demon Sutra. If Olas is alone, even if he is exhausted, he may not be able to assist too many animals in their cultivation.

Another week passed, and in the world of the Base series, two years passed.

The number of Olansi's monsters has exceeded [-]!

During this period, Wang Dashu specially used the transport channel to send three bags of Yuan energy detectors to Olansi.

It has to be said that this kind of behavior is a bit extravagant in his own opinion.

Just using the transport channel has consumed 90 points of soul strength so far.

Well, considering that Wang Dashu still has 525 points of soul strength left, the consumption of 90 points of soul strength is nothing.

But for common missions in the usual sense, each soul reward is only 20-50 points.

In other words, Wang Dashu consumed at least two mission rewards for these Yuan energy detectors.

It's worth the price.

The number of monsters reaching [-] is still increasing. Once most of the monsters succeed in cultivating the Black Sun Demon Scripture, they will be sent by Olans to search for the ruins left by humans in the past in one direction, looking for various possible monsters. kinds of information.

So far, Olans has collected quite a lot of information, especially the records after the cataclysm that allowed him to determine the general direction of a robot production base.

But the first trouble is that even if the general direction of the robot production base is determined, many buildings and even landmarks in the past have disappeared after a thousand years have passed, so that the required search range is quite large.

Another trouble, the surface world is not as safe as imagined.

Due to the impact of nuclear radiation for hundreds of years, many animals and plants have mutated, some are extremely aggressive, and some have evolved beyond the conventional ability and so on.

For example, three months ago in the world of the base series, three monsters who went to the east to perform a search mission were attacked and killed by a mutated banyan tree.

That mutated big banyan tree is not considered tall, only more than 30 meters, but its branches are all alienated into tentacles, which has quite terrifying attack power. Any creature attacked by it will be injected with corrosive digestive juice, just like a spider. Turn corpses into gravy to absorb.

And creatures like this are not uncommon on the surface world.

The only good news is that the energy detectors in the corpse were not digested and absorbed, but were passively transplanted into the bodies of those mutated creatures.

Relying on the enslaving effect of the Black Sun Demon Scripture, many monsters in Olansi were subdued in this way.

But having said that, this kind of trouble will always delay the progress of the mission.

After all, even if it is to subdue a mutant creature like the big banyan tree, it will take time to adjust it to a usable state, which is far less useful than the original monsters.

Time passed bit by bit, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

In the three-month Blue Star Human Alliance Supreme Council election, Councilor Yang was directly elected with a high number of votes.

You must know that there are two types of members of this parliament. One is to divide the quota according to the proportion of each country's economy, technology, resources, and population. This kind of members is equivalent to the senators of some countries. About two-thirds of the MPs belong to this category.

The second type is elected councilors like Mr. Yang, with a total of [-] elected around the world!

Of course, in this way, the elected members have more rights in the parliament than the recommended members. When selecting the chairmen of various committees and other positions, the elected members will be given priority.

According to the calculation of various strengths, Huaxia originally had only 260 recommended seats.

This is also a helpless thing. Although China was barely considered one of the top two in the world before, due to the short development time, there are many aspects that are not developed enough and are weaker than other powerful countries.

For example, basic industries such as agricultural comprehensive technology and equipment, chip technology, cutting tools, engines, etc. are five to 15 years behind the world's top level.

But just after the Mars colonization incident, the number of recommended members of Huaxia immediately rose to more than 350, plus the number of elected members, a total of 480, accounting for the total number of members of the Human Alliance!

This is not a small amount.

We must know that there are more than 200 countries in the world, and more than 30 countries have been separated from the country of Sam alone. However, no matter how small a country is, it is necessary to start with a recommended member, which removes more than 260 members.

Excluding Sam's country, which has already perished, among several powerful countries, each country has more than 200 parliamentarians and less than 100 parliamentarians. Including China's 480, the total number of strong country parliamentarians is [-].

Of course, the increase in the number of members of Congress in Huaxia is basically the share of the country of Sam, otherwise, it will be more difficult to seize food from other countries.

As for some medium-sized developed countries, there are between [-] and [-] places.

To put it simply, China has already occupied the largest share in the Human Alliance Parliament, and together with a group of friendly brother countries, the number of members directly exceeds half!
That is to say, after the establishment of the Human Alliance, any proposals proposed by Chinese members, as long as they are not super-heavyweight proposals such as the draft constitution of the Human Alliance, the pass rate of other proposals will be very high!
(End of this chapter)

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