
Chapter 275 Definition of Wealth

Chapter 275 Definition of Wealth

Of course, before arriving at Neptune, the physical god needs to slow down the speed, so the maximum speed cannot reach 5000 kilometers per second, and on average, 3500 kilometers per second can still be achieved.

In this way, it will take a full fourteen days to reach Neptune!

Of course, Wang Dashu is not worried that the first fleet of the Tapura Civilization Expedition crossed Neptune and marched towards the interior of the solar system before the body god arrived.

The reason is very simple. After the wormhole accident, the First Expeditionary Fleet with only 20.00% of the ships left needs a lot of time to repair in the solar system.

At the same time, the place where it appears is outside the solar system!
According to Wang Dashu's understanding of the mission content, the current alien fleet should at least be outside the scope of the solar wind.

The range covered by the solar wind should be 95 astronomical units, or more than 140 billion kilometers.

As for the speed of the alien fleet, it is simply impossible to be faster than the flesh god.

In short, before the physical god arrives at Neptune, the alien fleet should not arrive in advance.

For the current Wang Dashu, the fourteen-day journey can be regarded as a long journey.

Of course, Wang Dashu can also connect his mind to the flesh-body god, let the flesh-body god fly directly there, and stay in Blue Star by himself.

But in that case, he would have an inexplicable sense of insecurity.

At least stay in the body of the flesh god, you can fight or escape, if you really can't resist the enemy, you can also escape back to the blue star, bring your family, and wander the stars!

Well, this choice is Wang Dashu's last choice, and under normal circumstances, he would not consider it.

After all, even if the flesh-body god can continue to evolve and expand a larger space in his body, Wang Dashu's family can't live in it as comfortably as they live on Blue Star.

During this long journey, Wang Dashu will connect with two clones in different worlds from time to time.

Compared with Olans, who has not yet found a robot production base in the world of the base series, Hull, who has captured the world of divinity, is making good progress.

So far, it has become a well-known monster killer in the mercenary union.

He only took the task of killing monsters, and the huge news network of the Mercenary Guild made it easy for the mercenaries who took the task to find the location of the monsters.

Hull is no longer fighting alone, but has formed a mercenary team of more than ten people, including thieves for scouting, long-range archers, warriors serving as meat shields, priests who assist in healing, and so on.

In this way, Hull's efficiency in killing monsters has been greatly improved, and it is not a big deal to intercept some blood from the mission.

As long as those mercenaries can get a satisfactory reward, they don't even care what Hull is doing with the blood.

If it wasn't for Wang Dashu's disgust that the level of monsters Hull is killing now is too low, the hundred kinds of blood needed for Jianmu's pregnant beast supernatural power would have been collected early.

Compared to the money earned by those mercenaries that were spent on eating, drinking and having fun, Hull’s money earned as a mercenary was all spent on reading books.

You must know that in the current main material plane, the knowledge of magic is still a very expensive knowledge.

There are libraries of different sizes in the mage association in any city for mages to read and study.

But the lowest borrowing fee for these libraries is 50 gold coins a day!
This price is nothing to most mages, but it is expensive for ordinary people, even professionals other than mages.

On the Prime Material Plane, under normal circumstances, 10 gold coins can buy a strong bull or a pound of spices.

At the same time, Hull's warrior level is eleventh level, and dragon vein warlock level nine!

But he risked his life to do a mission and share the bill with the members of the mercenary team, and he only got seventeen or eight gold coins at most.

In other words, Hull spent a month doing three or four missions, and could only enter the lowest-level mage library for one day.

But it's worth the expensive price.

Compared with mages and other professionals, warlocks are not too rare, but dragon vein warlocks are much rarer.

Wang Dashu also wanted Hull to learn from a great magician before, but after understanding, this is not reliable.

Compared with mages, most warlocks rely on the power of their own bloodline to upgrade their level, which makes their experience methods not applicable to other warlocks, at least not for warlocks of other bloodlines.

Of course, the situation might be better if one takes a great mage as their teacher, but the problem is that many mages are professionals who are close to fanatical scientific researchers on the blue star.

If Hull reveals his identity as a dragon vein warlock, maybe those mages will dismember him under the madness, and maybe turn him into a slice on the experimental table.

After all, most mages are very interested in the blood of dragons, and creatures like dragons are dangerous, so dragon warlocks with dragon blood in their bodies naturally become the best research materials.

Judging from the current situation, Hull's self-reliance is much better than apprenticeship.

The effect of the cultivation technique of the Black Sun Demon Sutra is very good. It comprehensively strengthens Hull's physical fitness and stimulates the evil spirit, which in turn can make the dragon blood in Hull's body grow continuously.

After all, the dragon blood in Hull's body is different from the ancient blood in Blue Star's human body. It is activated at birth and will continue to grow with age. The Black Sun Demon Scripture just shortens its growth time That's all.

It needs to be explained that Hull's studies in those mage libraries were not fruitless.

It only needs books related to the blood of the dragon in the library, which greatly saves time and money.

It can be said that the current Hull has basically collected the knowledge of magic rituals to fully activate the dragon's blood, and what is needed next is to gather the magic materials and magic props needed to perform the magic ritual.

It costs a lot of money!

To put it simply, setting up such a magic ceremony requires at least two kilograms of mithril, a general-purpose magic scroll to activate the magic ceremony, three kilograms of Xingbright Stone powder, and a lot of strange magic materials, etc.

Adding all these things together, Hull needs to pay at least [-] gold coins!
A fortune of five thousand steers!

And in order to be able to buy these things, the gold coins paid may be more, [-], [-], [-]?
After all, the prices of many magic materials and mithril are not constant. They follow the principle of changing as the market moves.

Of course, the overall price trend is upward.

It is conceivable how busy Hull needs to be in order to raise the money.

(End of this chapter)

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