
Chapter 276

Chapter 276
If Hull continued his mercenary career, it would take about a thousand months to raise funds. Of course, it does not rule out that he will make a fortune if he discovers some ruins during the mission.

But that chance is too small.

Therefore, the choice Wang Dashu made for Hull was to return to the Kingdom of Ashisha and ask his grandfather to borrow a fortune!
Of course, he also prepared a set of excuses for Hull, which is nothing more than waiting for a while. After Hull transforms into a dragon, the money will be returned to His Majesty the King with double or even triple the benefits.

But the rhetoric prepared by Wang Dashu failed when Hull met the king's grandfather.

That stubborn His Majesty the king didn't believe Hull's words at all. He regarded Hull's borrowing of money as a situation where the prodigal son couldn't go wandering outside and came back with a butt of debt.

The only good thing is that although the king didn't believe Hull's words, he still lent [-] gold coins to Hull.

After all, in the eyes of His Majesty the King, it would be a bit embarrassing to let others collect debts into the palace.

But His Majesty the King also had his own request, not allowing Hull to leave the palace, and also prepared a marriage for Hull.

It is said that she is the eldest daughter of a certain Earl. She doesn't look very good, but her father is a rich man who almost monopolizes the animal husbandry and monster breeding in several nearby kingdoms!

Think about it and know the plan of His Majesty the King.

Rather than letting Hull make trouble for him all day long and see his eyes swell, it would be better to marry him off, so that he can win over that incomparably rich earl without worrying about it.

Adding the two together, the benefits are great, so why not do it.

But Wang Dashu did not object to this.

Marriage or something is not a problem for him, he is happy to stay in the palace.

Compared with the outside, the palace is undoubtedly much safer.

As for the court baron who was sent by the king to supervise him, when they met on the first day, he was subdued by Hull. Material.

The court baron was also very helpless, although he had the king's decree, but the other party was the king's grandson, and his mother was the most beloved Princess Ellie, not to mention that the other party's fist was so hard and so ruthless!
Anyway, as long as the other party does not make any act of regretting the marriage, it is easy to say anything in front of His Majesty the King.

Even if Hull built an altar suspected of being an evil god in a secluded part of the palace, no one dared to report to His Majesty the King.

Overall, Hull's purchase of materials and magic scrolls went smoothly.

An altar dedicated to activating blood vessels was also set up.

And the next step is to hold a magic ceremony to completely activate and purify the dragon blood in Hull's body, so that it can transform into a dragon!

In the dead of night, when the moon was high, Hull came to the altar.

The court baron was also called over by him.

Well, the court baron was supposed to live with Hull so that he could monitor each other at any time.

But after being punched by Hull, he changed his mind and moved to another room more than 100 meters away from Hull.

Therefore, when Hull called him over, it was not too troublesome.

The sleepy-eyed baron didn't know what Hull wanted to do at all, but according to the request of the other party, he put the powdered mithril, gemstones and other magic materials into the grooves carved on the altar one by one.

Of course, Hull himself didn't let go completely, keeping an eye on the court baron at all times to prevent the other party from making mistakes.

After all the magic materials were placed, Hull took out the magic scroll from his arms, walked up to the altar, took out a sharp dagger with his right hand and cut it at the wrist of his left hand, blood gushed out and dripped on the scroll above.

In an instant, a blood-red light shone on the magic scroll.

The magic light quickly spread around the altar, igniting the magic materials in the groove one by one.

Magical flames of different colors spread rapidly along the grooves, making the altar shrouded in colorful flames.

Seeing this scene, the court baron was a little dumbfounded. He didn't know anything about magic, but seeing the abnormal state of the altar after it was activated, he felt a little scared in his heart, but he didn't dare to run away.

The magic ceremony has successfully started!

Wang Dashu didn't intervene in all of this, but let Hull act on his own, but he could feel the blood in Hull's body start to boil with the initiation of the magic ceremony.

But having said that, this also brought Hull and Wang Dashu great pain, a kind of pain that seemed to be tearing inside the body.

This magic ritual to activate the bloodline is not the most popular among warlocks, it is extremely ancient, and its success rate is only [-]%.

In other words, there is half the chance of failure, and the consequences of failure are not something ordinary people can bear.

If some rituals fail, they will turn into ugly monsters like half-dragon beasts, unable to change back into human form, or if they fail, they will die directly and so on.

It is also true that afterward warlocks continued to improve, making the success rate of new magic rituals higher and higher, and even the success rate of the current magic rituals reached 90.00%.

As long as it is not bad luck, it will generally succeed.

But the new magic ceremony is twice as expensive as this ancient ceremony, not to mention that it is said that there is no such magic ceremony in the library of the Wizards Association.

It was only spread among those ancient warlock families, and wild warlocks like Hull had no chance of contacting them at all.

But having said that, there is such a big price to pay, and the ancient magic ritual also has its benefits. Once it is successful, the warlock can completely activate the bloodline, truly transform the dragon, and maintain the dragon form for an unlimited time. Can change back to human form at will.

And the combat power after transforming the dragon is the same as that of the real dragon, it will not be a weakened version of the dragon like the one activated by the new ceremony, and the time for transforming the dragon is short.

The giant dragons transformed by many dragon vein warlocks are only juvenile at first, and after the warlock level continues to increase, the highest can only reach youth, which is rather tasteless.

As the blood continued to boil, it brought Hull not only pain, but also physical changes.

Its skin quickly turned into a crystal-transparent color, and the blood vessels, muscles, etc. underneath it were clearly visible. Afterwards, dense bumps appeared on the skin, like weird tumors, which looked extremely terrifying and hideous.

At this time, Hull's overall shape is like a mutated glass man.

But as time went by, the magical flames burning on the altar continued to converge towards Hel, causing Hel's body to change rapidly, turning into a half-human half-dragon form, and those transparent protrusions on his body It also quickly turned into pieces of crystal scales.

(End of this chapter)

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