
Chapter 379 The Queen Mother

Chapter 379 The Queen Mother
If the worms produced and bred by the empress have a rock-like defensive power, then the defense of the worms produced by these fighting insects is dozens or even a hundred times that of the worms produced by the empress.

Of course, no matter how powerful the tens of thousands of bugs are, it is impossible to directly change the situation of this battle. At most, it will allow the empress to take a few more breaths.

But then, as the absorbed substances and energy continued to increase, the body of the fighting insect also continued to grow, and its terrifying reproduction ability began to explode, causing more and more insects to join the battlefield.

The dawn of victory began to appear in the sight of the empress for the first time.

Regarding such a change in the situation, to be honest, the empress felt a little confused.

The main brain worms are their descendants, and the empress naturally knows where the abilities of these main brain worms are limited, but what she never expected was that when she was in danger, a main brain worm suddenly broke out and beat the silicon base. Even mechanical civilization can't stand the line of defense.

Although such a change is beneficial to the empress, based on the natural nature of the ruler, the empress still feels a little uneasy.

Of course, at this time, the Queen Mother was not so stupid, and went directly to investigate the problem of the mastermind's change, but summoned the Zerg army to counterattack.

When the number of offspring of fighting bugs exceeded 50 on the battlefield, the battle situation took a big turn.

Even though the silicon-based mechanical civilization is a level higher than the Zerg civilization, in the face of those new bugs with unreasonably hard shells, when their main guns, laser weapons and other weapons lose their due effect, the silicon-based mechanical civilization Crashing is a natural thing.

With the Zerg army of the fighting bugs as the backbone and the Queen's Zerg army as the wings, they surrounded the fourth planet densely, and rushed towards the planet like a flood.

At this time, even the strongest space base can't stop the Zerg army from advancing.

The whole process doesn't need much description at all.

When a group of bugs rushed to the main control brain of the planet's base and cut off its energy source, most of the various mechanical creations that were still resisting around the planet fell into a state of stagnation in an instant, although there were still very few high-level brains. The intelligent mechanical creations are resisting, but the overall situation has been settled, and no amount of resistance will help.

With the fall of the planetary base, Wang Dashu also received a systematic reminder to complete the task.

After the task is completed, 200 soul points and 10 attribute points will be rewarded, and the upper limit of the host's soul strength will be raised to 2000!

At this moment, he felt that some invisible thing that had been bound to his spirit had disappeared.

There is no doubt that this should be the effect of the increase in the upper limit of the soul strength.

Right now, his soul strength is 999 points, and the remaining soul points are 1542 points!
Not much to say, next, Wang Dashu directly consumed 1001 soul points, raising the strength of the soul to 2000 points.

The sharp increase in the strength of his soul gave him the illusion of controlling everything in the world for a moment.

After a long time, this illusion slowly faded away.

But although the increase in the strength of the soul will not allow Wang Dashu to really control everything in the world, it still gives him a lot of benefits.

The first point is that Wang Dashu's perception attribute has thus been greatly increased. Although the perception attribute is still 90 points, its actual effectiveness has increased by more than several times.

The surrounding environment and even the extremely small details can be directly reflected in the mind, and the extension range can even be extended to a radius of [-] to [-] kilometers!
Almost like a god-like perception!

Of course, compared with the spirit consciousness possessed by the flesh god, this kind of consciousness is still very low, but it is absolutely beyond what ordinary people can do.

At the same time, within this perception range, Wang Dashu's mind power has also been greatly improved, or it has been qualitatively improved, becoming an incredible power.

For example, at this time, with a thought in his mind, a flare storm that was about to explode tens of thousands of kilometers away from the physical god disappeared without a trace.

The flare storm was actually erased by Wang Dashu.

But having said that, how the flare storm was erased, Wang Dashu himself is not quite clear.

It's just that after he noticed the flare storm, he had an idea, and then the flare storm disappeared.

It is precisely because of this causal relationship that Wang Dashu thinks he erased it.

This operation can be described as quite terrifying, but he paid a big price for it.

It was as if his mind had been emptied by a powerful water pump, almost blank.

After checking Wang Dashu with the consciousness of the gods, he came to a conclusion.

Wang Dashu's previous operation is actually equivalent to erasing the existence of the flare storm in essence.

This kind of operation is not something that can be done simply by the power of mind, even if the power of mind is very strong.

Well, in fact, the consciousness of the gods does not understand this. What is the basic principle, whether it is the rules of the gods or the knowledge of science and technology, it is difficult to explain it.

But in his memory, in the world of seizing the godhead, there are a few super bosses who can barely do this.

For example, Rhys Ambowry who controls the law of truth, Anthony Denver who controls the law of time, and so on.

Of course, apart from His Majesty Lacey Umberley, the rest of the super bosses died early.

For this reason, after Wang Dashu recovered a little bit, he was still happy in his heart.

This can be regarded as mastering a big killer. Although the release distance is a bit short, compared to the previous abilities, this is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

Ability like a god on a god!

Not to mention the situation on Wang Dashu's side, just talking about the Fighting Bug's side, the Fighting Bug received the mental fluctuations of the empress within the first time the silicon-based mechanical civilization planetary base was declared to have fallen.

Seeing that the battle situation was locked, the Empress naturally had time to check on the situation of this strange descendant.

Heading to the queen's lair?

Fighting Bug felt a bit of fear in his heart about the meaning of this mental fluctuation.

This is not surprising. Although the fighting insect is now Wang Dashu's clone, its essence is still the descendant of the queen's descendant. From the deep genetic information carried, the fighting insect cannot resist when facing the queen.

This is also the key to the empress being able to control the entire Zerg race!
But having said that, this is just a trace of fear, and the fighting insects easily dispelled this fear with the blessing of Wang Dashu's comprehensive attributes.

You must know that as Wang Dashu's strength increases, so will the overall attribute blessing, and the mental fluctuations of the fighting insects at this time are actually almost the same as that of the empress, or even a little higher.


The fighting insects naturally did not obey the order of the empress.

(End of this chapter)

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