
Chapter 380 The Nausea of ​​Devouring

Chapter 380 The Nausea of ​​Devouring

The queen mother's lair is the third planet. On that planet, the queen mother's mental fluctuations will be raised to the peak, and the fighting insects don't have the guts to test their resistance.

After all, it's time to turn around, so let's start now.

As the mental fluctuations of the fighting bugs spread to the entire battlefield, the new bugs who were cleaning up the wreckage and the last bit of mechanical creation stopped in an instant, but they launched an attack on their former allies the next moment!

To say that the empress is a little vigilant, after all, the change of this mastermind is beyond its expectation, and this kind of accident is the thing it dislikes the most.

But it didn't expect that the mastermind would rebel as soon as it received its order!

Angry, furious!
The uncontrollable emotions poured into the minds of those Zerg through the radiating mental fluctuations.

All the old Zerg launched a counterattack immediately, and of course some of the bugs who didn't have enough brains were headshot by the mental wave in the first place.

The comrades who were close before became enemies in an instant!
This situation is probably difficult for most intelligent races to accept.

But for the Zerg, whether it is the new Zerg of the Fighting Bug or the old Zerg of the Empress, it is not uncomfortable at all. Under the mental fluctuations of the upper Zerg, they will not have too many thoughts of their own. It's just an instinctive reaction to attack the enemy!
A new war began in an instant.

The Fighting Bug has no idea of ​​beheading tactics at all. It is also a Zerg race, and it is very clear about everything from the Queen Mother to the Mastermind Bug.

Send a Zerg army to approach the Queen Mother before turning their faces, and then kill the Queen Mother in one fell swoop?

Hehe, this kind of tactic is useful in most intelligent civilizations, but for the empress who has extremely powerful mental fluctuations, it is basically a delivery of food.

It is not that silicon-based mechanical civilization has not adopted such tactics before.

A team of specially modified transport planes with optical and electromagnetic double stealth, carrying a full belly of super compound nuclear bombs, is going to approach the mother queen and give her a ruthless blow.

The Zergs all over the sky couldn't detect the approach of this team of invisible transport planes, and even the Queen Mother didn't notice at first, but when the transport plane was about to launch the nuclear bomb to die together, the Queen Mother realized something was wrong in an instant, and then the mental fluctuations unfolded , completely sealed off that piece of space, and even forcibly controlled the transport planes, sent these transport planes back, and brought a super explosion to the silicon-based mechanical civilization on the battlefield.

In this battle of sneak attack and anti-sneak attack, the queen mother was unscathed, and the silicon-based mechanical civilization not only lost a team of transport planes, but also lost hundreds of warships after the nuclear bomb exploded.

This is a typical case of stealing chickens but losing money.

It is conceivable that if the fighting insects play beheading tactics, even if Wang Dashu's comprehensive attribute blessing makes the fighting insects' mental fluctuations stronger than before, but at a place so close to the empress, the sent insects will definitely be controlled.

And the Zerg army of the Fighting Bugs is all special units with exotic material shells. If they are really controlled by a group, there will be more trouble.

After all, even the bugs born by the fighting bugs couldn't break through their strange material shell.

This will prolong the war, and there may even be a lot of variables.

Who knows if the empress will crack the mystery of the strange material after controlling those sneak attack bugs?
After all, this kind of thing is contained in the bug's gene.

Therefore, slowly besieging and consuming the Empress is the best tactic.

And the ensuing war is not much different from the idea of ​​fighting bugs.

The Zerg army under the empress's command crushed the fighting bugs in terms of numbers, but in terms of individual combat power and defense power, it was much worse.

As I said before, the shells of the new bugs can't even be broken by themselves, so one can imagine how aggrieved the mother emperor's Zerg army will be under such circumstances.

Every time the Zerg army of fighting bugs launches an attack, the queen's space-filled bugs will disappear.

At the beginning, the mother queen's continuous reproduction could offset the losses, allowing her Zerg army to continue to increase.

But as time passed, the fighting bugs who were also devoted to blasting soldiers quickly gained the upper hand.

And the mother emperor's Zerg army is like the white snow under the scorching sun, melting quickly.

In the end, when the empress was surrounded by countless bugs, her mental fluctuations were weakened to the extreme, and she was almost unable to interfere with external substances.

The fighting bug that captured the empress became the winner, but it still needs to go through one more step before it can become the real empress.

Swallow each other!

This seems to be a tradition of the Zerg.

When the empress, the main brain worm, dies in battle, the closest worm will eat the key brain core and become a new upper-ranked zerg.

Of course, the fighting bug is an exception, it is a successful rebel.

The specific process of eating the Empress is too disgusting, so there is no need to describe it in detail here. Even Wang Dashu simply cut off the spiritual connection and turned his attention back to the physical god.

After all, the empress has a huge body, and the fighting insects want to swallow the empress literally.

As a complete master brain worm, it is not possible to be promoted to the queen mother just by eating the brain nucleus of the queen mother.

Therefore, this process takes a lot of time.

Well, imagine a scene where a leech eats an earthworm, something like this.

Compared with fighting bugs eating their elders in order to be promoted to empress, a new star factory has been built on the side of the flesh god.

After the first experience, as long as the physical god is big enough, then building a new star factory is an extremely simple matter for the consciousness of the god.

After the stellar factory was successfully debugged and began to spit out warships, Wang Dashu's eyes had already turned to the farther stars.

The two closest stars have been transformed into star factories, and it is naturally impossible to transform the remaining sun.

Although the construction of the star factory will not have a great impact on the stars, and only a small amount of matter and energy will be extracted for production after completion, but for the blue star civilization with a relatively low level of technology, this will bring great benefits. big impact.

Just the sudden increase in electromagnetic wave interference in a short period of time will completely disable the communication equipment of the Blue Star Civilization.

As for the enhanced solar wind, the flow of high-energy particles, etc., the problems are even bigger.

Of course, as I said before, the Tapura civilization is located between the Niuslav civilization and the Blue Star civilization.

Then, it is also Wang Dashu's established strategy to develop in the direction of the Niuslavic civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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