
Chapter 387 Rebirth from a Drop of Blood

Chapter 387 Rebirth from a Drop of Blood
One must know that if information erasure is used once, Wang Dashu's mind will go blank and he will be extremely weak.

As for the second method of use, it is completely dead and reborn, and its success rate is probably very low.

The most critical problem is that even if the consulting obliteration is increased once, its radius of action will be doubled at most, [-] kilometers, which is still a very short distance in space combat.

As for other abilities, there are big and small problems.

After some weighing and deliberation, Wang Dashu finally chose to promote the ability of high-level rebirth of severed limbs!

On the surface, the ability to regenerate a high-level severed limb is very weak.

After all, Wang Dashu is under heavy protection, and it is very rare for him to be harmed.

But he always had a hunch that he needed this ability!
Of course, the most critical issue is that he is afraid of death to save his life!

As a man with a clone reincarnation system, even if Wang Dashu loses his body, god and other force, as long as he saves his life, it is not difficult to turn over.

With the use of mission rewards, Wang Dashu felt the vitality in his body erupting like a volcano as usual, and the blood became heavier, with a hint of gold in the silvery white color, and various organs and tissues that were slowly changing under the influence of blood before, now It's as if time is speeding up.

But having said that, this task rewards the improvement of ability, but there is a benefit that makes Wang Dashu quite gratified, there is no sequelae caused by attribute improvement!

Even some of the sequelae of improving his physique attributes completely dissipated at this time, making him feel extremely comfortable all over his body.

The whole process of change was very rapid, within less than half an hour, Wang Dashu felt as if his whole body had been changed all over again.

He can clearly see the situation in his own body.

The gold in the silver-white blood is constantly growing, the bones are completely silver-white from the inside to the outside, and the muscles and various internal organs reveal a trace of golden light, which looks extremely dazzling.

Wang Dashu's most direct feeling about this change is that his physical body has become stronger, whether it is strength, speed or various feelings, and even the speed of his brain has increased a lot.

But the most important thing is that the ability brought about by the physical attribute has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Advanced rebirth with severed limbs has been promoted to rebirth from a drop of blood!

The explanation of this ability is literal.

Even if it is crushed into powder, as long as a drop of blood survives, it will be able to recover!

To be honest, when Wang Dashu saw that he was promoted to this ability, he inexplicably felt a sense of security in his heart.

But having said that, there is another very important reason why he chose to improve this ability, that is, whether the attribute additional ability is permanent or temporary, it can be blessed to the clone through comprehensive attributes!

Think about it from this, and you can know where the power of this ability lies!

In the following time, he let the consciousness of the gods specially create a group of secondary physical gods.

The only mission of these secondary physical gods is to carry a drop of Wang Dashu's blood each, and move forward in all directions, never without a destination.

This is a retreat that Wang Dashu prepared for himself. Although it may not be useful, at least he will feel more at ease.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon another half a year passed.

In the past six months, there has been both good news and bad news for Wang Dashu.

Well, overall, there's more bad news than good.

For example, just three months ago, the clone Olans, who had fled for a long time in the base series world, unfortunately died in a supernova explosion disaster.

In this regard, Wang Dashu can only express helplessness and sympathy.

Well, to say that the avatar who has not had a spiritual connection for the longest time is Olans.

Under the pursuit of the Galactic Empire, it can survive for such a long time, which is considered very powerful.

But in the face of this sudden natural disaster, even if Wang Dashu gave Olans a comprehensive attribute blessing, allowing the ability of rebirth from a drop of blood to act on him, it would be of no use at all.

The second bad news is that Zhang Dafu, the avatar of Yangshen World, also died.

He practiced hard and finally became a human being, but he happened to meet the child of luck when he was out.

I don't know what's going on, but the son of luck is particularly displeased when he sees Zhang Dafu, as if seeing a sworn enemy.

Needless to say, Zhang Dafu was killed by the son of luck in the end!

Of course, there is also a slightly better news attached here.

That is, before Zhang Dafu was killed, he urgently connected with Wang Dashu, and transmitted all his memories including martial arts attainments and so on!

This gave Wang Dashu an extra human immortal power.

This so-called power of human immortality is actually to allow Wang Dashu to have some of the abilities that he had just entered human immortality, such as the extremely tough skin, the ability to smash hills with punches, and so on.

Well, in fact, in terms of Wang Dashu's current physical body, it is almost the same as that of the first-time immortal, and even stronger in some aspects, but the strength must be much weaker.

But after the blessing of this immortal power, Wang Dashu undoubtedly became stronger physically and stronger.

Anyway, that's one good thing about the bad news.

Well, there is another bad news that under the attention of the Niu Slavic civilization, although the avatar Daphne Niu tried his best, the development base was destroyed in the end, and he escaped to the Star Factory to confront the counter-insurgency fleet.

However, according to the current situation, even if Daphne Cow fled to the Star Factory, it probably wouldn't last long.

You must know that the counter-insurgency fleet at this time is no longer the size it was at the beginning. The support fleet sent by the nine pioneering bases plus the three fleets sent by the parent star, the total number of warships has exceeded one million!

And no matter how explosive the star factory where Daphne Cow is located, it is only a star factory. After frequent battles and consumption, there are only [-] warships left.

If it weren't for some scruples that the Daphne Cow would detonate the star factory, triggering a large-scale material ejection from the star, and then die together, millions of warships would have directly wiped out the Daphne Cow.

After all, once a large-scale ejection of stellar matter is triggered, the loss of the counter-insurgency fleet will not be too small.

But in any case, the Daphne cow is now considered to be at the end of its rope, and its survival time is just one day at a time.

As for the mission of the rebel forces, it was considered completed the moment the development base was blown up.

The task reward given to Wang Dashu is calculated based on the three-month survival time of the Daphne Bull Force, with a total reward of 1200 soul points, 60 attribute points, plus a random unlimited upgrade of a certain ability twice!

There is no doubt that the rewards of this task are extremely rich.

(End of this chapter)

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