
Chapter 388 Promotion of the Incomplete Blessed Land!

Chapter 388 Promotion of the Incomplete Blessed Land!
Especially those two random unlimited upgrades of a certain ability twice really gave Wang Dashu a surprise.

The incomplete blessed land has been promoted twice!
You must know that Wang Dashu will temper his mind power as long as he has free time, and tempering his mind power will make the disabled grow up blessedly!

The previous incomplete blessed land was about 300 meters long and 60 meters high, with a total volume of about 540 million square meters.

This is not surprising, the growth of the incomplete blessed land was originally very slow. If Wang Dashu hadn't tempered his mind every day and Jianmu branches were inserted in it, the total volume of this incomplete blessed land is estimated to be around one or two thousand cubic meters.

But this mission reward directly increased the length, width and height of the Incomplete Paradise by ten thousand times!
Its length and width are about 3000 kilometers, its height is about 60 kilometers, and its total volume is 5.4 million cubic kilometers!
This made the Incomplete Blessed Land extremely vast compared to before.

It can be said that the current Incomplete Blessed Land is almost equivalent to a relatively small planet.

However, it is not in the shape of a planet, but still in the shape of a continent.

But the changes caused by the two consecutive upgrades to the Incomplete Blessed Land are not just changes in length, width and height.

The feeling Wang Dashu gave to Wang Dashu before the incomplete blessing was that he was in a state of dying.

If I had to describe it, it would be a green onion with rotten, yellow, and rotten roots.

No matter how hard Wang Dashu tried to temper his mind power, it was the same.

Incomplete blessed land, the original source is incomplete, so it's not too strange.

But Wang Dashu's first impression of the current incomplete and blessed land is that it is full of new spring and full of vitality!

Among other things, a mountain of about 600 meters protruded from the center of the Incomplete Blessed Land. The original fountain was more than a thousand times thicker than before. It flowed down the mountain, forming more than ten small streams. These creeks flowed down in different directions along the shape of the mountain, running through the entire Incomplete Blessed Land.

On the banks of these creeks, a large number of green grasses and small trees grew on their own and spread farther away. Among these greens, animals such as rabbits, wild deer, etc. greedily gnawed on food.

In some low-lying places, the streams converge into lakes, and from time to time, fat and big fish will jump up and splash irregular waves when they fall.

At this time, Wang Dashu could easily feel that the aura spreading from the stream was filling this incomplete blessed place.

A faint skylight sprinkled from the incomplete blessed land, prompting the plants to grow continuously.

The light that day was the formation of some rules that revived the incomplete and blessed land. Although it failed to directly form the sun, in a sense, this incomplete and blessed land is transforming towards a complete small world.

In other words, this blissful land is recovering step by step, returning to its former glory.

Of course, such things as Fudidongtian in Journey to the West were originally a semi-independent small world attached to the main world.

It's like that in heaven, Lingshan, and even the oblique moon and three-star cave of Patriarch Bodhi.

It's just that this incomplete blessed land was too dilapidated before, and it didn't show what a small world should have at all.

At this time, this incomplete blessed land will naturally no longer appear tasteless.

As a small world with a length and width of more than 3000 kilometers and a height of 60 kilometers, its usefulness is too great.

Among other things, just as a way out, it is worth thousands of dollars.

Besides, just as storage space, its value is astonishingly high.

If you put a group of secondary flesh gods in and release them when you encounter an enemy, the enemy will probably be dumbfounded.

The only thing that makes Wang Dashu frown is that although some small animals have been born in this incomplete paradise, overall, it seems too open. There is too little green around the creek, and it spreads very slowly, so that the distant The land appeared extremely barren.

This made him a little uncomfortable.

Although he can let the flesh-body god use his good offices to create some creatures in the incomplete blessed land, the current flesh-body god is busy building more star factories, so there may be no time to do this.

Thinking of this, Wang Dashu immediately communicated with Jianmu.

Jianmu's root system is still stuck in Mars, but after learning what Wang Dashu meant, Jianmu happily pulled out the root system and plunged into the incomplete blessed land. As for Mars, Jianmu only needs to stay The root system produced by the next few branches is enough.

The overall settlement of Jianmu makes the vitality of the Incomplete Blessed Land more vigorous. Its branches spread out along the surface, continuously sprouting roots and sprouting new branches, forming forests.

In less than three hours, the Incomplete Blessed Land was covered with patches of green.

Jianmu's ability to transform the environment is extremely powerful.

It continuously extracts the aura in the air, and converts it into a more pure aura.

And if this kind of purer spiritual energy is placed in the world of Journey to the West, it is almost equivalent to the immortal energy in the heaven.

But having said that, this incomplete blessed land is indeed incomplete, and every once in a while, some black air will rise from its edge, and after these black air is combined with the soil and other things in the incomplete blessed land, it will transform into Some dark monsters wreak havoc on the incomplete and blessed land.

Such monsters are called monsters in Journey to the West.

At this time, the dragon heads bred on the branches of Jianmu will come in handy. They open their dragon mouths, spew out yellow-green wood gas, and turn those monsters into wood in amazement, and then take root to become strange-looking trees .

Wang Dashu was somewhat interested in the trees transformed by those monsters, but after careful inspection, he found that these trees were already plants in the true sense and had nothing to do with the monsters before.

As the incomplete and blessed land became more and more perfect, Wang Dashu even had the idea of ​​going back to Blue Star.

The reason is simple, he wants to put some humans in it.

Since it is the back road, then your own family members may enter in the future.

But in the completely natural form of the incomplete blessing, let alone his parents and family, even if Wang Dashu enters by himself, after the initial novelty, he will miss modern life.

Therefore, Wang Dashu wants to build a human gathering place in modern society in the incomplete paradise.

Of course, this is just a thought. Given his current situation, it would take too much time to go back to Blue Star before the Niuslavic civilization is wiped out.

In view of the precarious situation of the clone Dafenniu, Wang Dashu has also accelerated his support plan.

The warships produced by many star factories have gathered in the space near the Niuslavic civilization.

From the perspective of the Niuslavic civilization, the appearance of 30 warships on the edge of its own civilization circle is undoubtedly a threat to itself.

(End of this chapter)

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