
Chapter 399 The Battle to Destroy Civilization!

Chapter 399 The Battle to Destroy Civilization!
These are battleships urgently dispatched from the major development bases by the Niuslavic civilization, and there are also a group of warships that have just been transferred from the reserve.

Although in terms of technical level and combat power, this batch of support fleets is much worse than the previous main fleet, but their number is as high as 30, which also greatly boosts the morale of the fighting main fleet.

It can be said that in such a stalemate, with the current technological level of the Niuslavic civilization, it is impossible for the Zerg to compete with it.

No way, the civilization level of the two sides is indeed a bit high, and in such a fierce battle, even if the fighting insects want to start the full reproduction mode, the two planets can't provide much combat power.

But the fighting bugs are not without reinforcements!
When the number of insects dropped to half of the previous one, Wang Dashu's order was issued.

A series of space portals opened on the outskirts of the star system, and fleets of fleets entered through the space portals, rushing into the star system at high speed with murderous aura.

These warships are the output of the star factory built by the flesh god. They have a technological level similar to that of the cattle Slavic civilization, and at the same time, they are huge in number, exceeding 50!

This is already the limit output of those stellar factories that are overloaded.

Of course, if we wait for a while, the number of these warships may increase to 60, 70, or even more!

But it is impossible for Wang Dashu to wait that long. After all, Niuslavic civilization is a level 2-1 civilization that is developing at a high speed, especially during the war period. More advanced technology may erupt at any time.

In that case, even if Wang Dashu is reincarnated again, he may not be able to steal the relevant technological knowledge. The most terrible thing is that the transformation of technological knowledge takes time.

In that case, both the Zerg and the flesh god may suffer the disaster of destruction!
This is not surprising. Think about the wars that broke out on the Blue Star. Countries at the same level, just because of a small difference in war technology, will cause one side to end in a disastrous defeat.

The reason why the two sides are now in a stalemate is because the number of the two sides is large enough that they cannot consume their troops for a while, and there is no super weapon that can be finalized!

Well, one thing that needs to be explained is that after a month, Wang Dashu's avatar reincarnated in a low-level civilization died.

The reason is very simple, its entire civilization has died, and Wang Dashu's avatar didn't even know what happened, so it was completely destroyed.

There is no doubt that this civilization has been hit by the super weapons of other civilizations, otherwise, it would not be possible for the avatar to hang up without even collecting any information.

At the same time, war broke out in the moss civilization.

A level 2-2 liquid civilization six hundred light-years away from the home star of the moss civilization has invaded several star systems owned by the moss civilization.

Although the moss civilization is relatively gentle in terms of overall personality, it is not a civilization that can tolerate such behavior.

As for the level 2-2 liquid civilization, the main body is the silicone oil man. The body of this silicone oil man is composed of silicone oil and several other liquids, but their character is much more irritable than the moss man, and the overall civilization is also inclined to aggression. .

As a result, the war between the two sides broke out immediately.

The main armed forces of the moss civilization are naturally those white dwarfs and asteroids, while the armed forces of the silicone oil civilization are mainly composed of white dwarfs and liquid planetary war stars.

In terms of the level of civilization and technology, the civilization of the moss people is a little higher. Anyway, the neutron battle star of the moss people may be successfully built in a few decades.

The technology tree of the silicone oil civilization has not yet reached the neutron star.

The battle between the two sides is dominated by the duel between the white dwarf war stars. Today you smash one of my habitable planets, and tomorrow I smash your habitable planet, or I will pass by the star, triggering an explosion. Super flares are used to kill the opponent's intelligent creatures in the star system and so on.

As for the collision between the white dwarf battle stars, if the battle situation is not too intense, generally they will not do this. After all, in terms of the technological level of both of them, the collision of the white dwarf battle stars is mutual destruction.

In this way, this is a war of attrition, but it is not the white dwarf battle stars that really decide the war of attrition, but the next-level armed forces of both sides, the asteroid battle star and the liquid planet battle star.

The moss civilization has enough asteroid battle stars, up to tens of thousands, and its speed is so fast that it can quickly attack the rear of the silicone oil civilization. They can even rush into the stars continuously, causing even more terrifying events. Ultra-long prominences, to wipe out everything in the enemy star system.

The liquid planetary battle star of the silicone oil civilization is more like a self-destructing spacecraft. When this liquid planetary battle star reaches the rear of the moss civilization, it will start the nuclear fusion system and explode into a miniature star in just a few minutes. Then there will be an unconventional supernova explosion, destroying all living things in a star system!
It has to be said that the civilization level of the two sides has already mastered the space teleportation ability in place, at least within hundreds of light-years, they can still be relatively accurate. Even so, sometimes it is difficult to defend. In this way, the two sides are fighting back and forth.

But with the passage of time, the star systems turned into lifeless barren galaxies. Both the moss civilization and the silicone oil civilization felt a little unbearable for such battle damage.

But the problem is, in such a civilization war, only one civilization will survive, and the other civilization will end in extinction. It is impossible for anyone to stop and let the other side seize the opportunity to destroy themselves!
However, from the previous description, everyone can see how dangerous the environment that Wang Dashu's moss man clone is in now, and if he is not careful, he will be destroyed together with the planet he is on.

However, this moss man's clone was lucky. The planet it was on was located near the neutron star and had not been affected. Moreover, Wang Dashu had always controlled the clone, allowing it to suppress the orders from the moss man's elders and not become cannon fodder for the construction of the neutron star.

This is not surprising. The moss people's civilization is closer to group consciousness. Every moss people are almost equal in size. They can all sacrifice their lives for their own race. Those elders are just managing instead of group consciousness. .

Therefore, even if Wang Dashu's avatar is afraid of fighting and evading obligations, the moss man has no complaints, no negative emotions such as complaints at all.

For another civilization, let’s take the Niuslavic civilization as an example. In the face of the war of annihilating the country, the behavior of Wang Dashu’s avatar probably only has to be shot.

(End of this chapter)

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