
Chapter 400

Chapter 400
As far as it is concerned, the two civilizations have lost both sides, but they have invested huge manpower and material resources in the construction of neutron stars.

They are all racing against time, trying to build their own neutron battle star one step ahead of the other.

It should be said that this avatar has picked up a lot of bodies so far, and sent them back through the transmission channel. After the body god absorbed it, it obtained the moss people's talent for resisting harsh environments.

Although this kind of resistance talent needs time to continuously improve, in the following time, the newly created secondary flesh gods will all inherit the resistance talent of the flesh god.

This makes the newly created secondary physical gods have even stronger combat power.

In the all-out war with the Slavic civilization, the only one who can withstand the bombardment of the main artillery of the Slavic main battleship is the secondary flesh god.

And with the increase in the number of new types of secondary physical gods, the entire battle situation began to tilt slightly towards Wang Dashu's side.

The reason for this is very simple. In the situation of a stalemate between the two sides, when one side has weapons and equipment that are difficult to destroy by the other side, the turn of the battle can be imagined.

Of course, the most critical issue here is that all the secondary physical gods have brought small-scale fleets to constantly invade the major development bases of the Niuslavic civilization!
The secondary body god can open the space door at any time for space jumping, which is more flexible and maneuverable, while the space transmitter of the Niuslavic civilization can only be opened at a fixed location, and needs to be equipped with space transmission terminals at both ends, which is relatively rigid .

These two different space transmission methods also determine that the body god can continue to attack the logistics of the cattle Slavic civilization, and the cattle Slavic civilization cannot pose a threat to the Zerg and the star factory built by the flesh god.

The warships and space bases newly produced by the stellar factories of the Niu Slavic civilization can be concentrated towards the mother star and other development bases through the space transmitter of the development base, but in the process, they are often attacked by the fleet of the secondary flesh gods.

Although the results of each sneak attack are not too much, the accumulation of little things makes a lot, and the accumulation of this little bit makes the Niuslavic civilization a little overwhelmed.

After the Niuslavic civilization retreated several times strategically and lost most of its pioneering bases, the crisis of possible extinction immediately hung over the head of the Niuslavic civilization.

At this time, even the most belligerent high-level officials have to consider the issue of the continuation of civilization.

A large number of blank bio-optical brains were produced, and after they were filled with various knowledge, they were immediately loaded into the warehouse of the main battleship.

And these main warships then formed a lean small fleet, starting from the home planet, jumping to the development base that has not been affected by the war, and then parted ways, randomly choosing a direction to start a long escape.

Of course, there are not only bio-optical brains as knowledge reserves in these small fleets, but also the most outstanding scientific and technological talents in the Slavic civilization and the gene reserve for duplicating the population!

With these, these escaped small fleets were able to restore their civilization in the depths of the distant and strange starry sky.

Well, the only problem is that due to time constraints, those bio-optical brains can't take away all the knowledge of civilization, but even so, if they can find a safe place to stay and restore the cattle Slavic civilization to level 2-1 Civilization is not a problem either.

Regarding the civilization continuation plan of the Niuslavic civilization, the consciousness of the gods who can monitor the range of several light-years at the same time can be seen in the eyes, so Wang Dashu naturally knows it clearly.

However, he did not attack the fleeing small fleet.

The reason is simple, even if they took away all the knowledge of the Niuslavic civilization, it would take a long time to restore the civilization level!
The reason is very simple. They can’t move away those stellar factories that can manufacture various materials and warships. They can’t take away the industrial aircraft on the mother star. Even because the fleet is too small, the materials that can be taken away are very small. Less.

Restoring civilization on such a basis is tantamount to a group of people on Blue Star running to a wilderness area with a carriage of materials to restore modern industry, to build fighter jets, aircraft carriers, and it will take a long time to correct the basics. Industry, etc. are upgraded a little bit.

Of course, the only time they save is the research on technology, but here comes the problem, the growth potential of a recovered civilization like this is very low.

Wang Dashu is no longer able to take a fancy to the technology of this Niu Slavic civilization. After all, what the avatar of the moss civilization brings back is not only the talent of resistance, but also the civilization knowledge of the moss civilization, including asteroid transformation, white dwarf transformation, Neutron star terraforming and more.

Well, unlike the silicone oil civilization, the moss civilization will not transform those large planets. The main reason is that the transformation of the large planets requires too many mossmen, which are almost the same as transforming a white dwarf star, but the combat power is relatively small. White dwarfs are much lower.

Of course, the only problem is that the difficulty of transforming the knowledge of the moss civilization into the body god's knowledge system is no less difficult than transforming the knowledge of mechanical technology, so it requires a lot of hard work with the consciousness of the gods.

However, as some Niuslavs embarked on the road to escape, the morale of the Niuslav civilization was further hit. Some Niuslavs who had just finished training and went to the battlefield even set off a rebellion in the battleship, trying to control the warship to escape.

This is not surprising, although the Nitro-Slavic civilization tends to be militarized, its civilians are still very afraid of going to war.

After only a week of training, they were rushed to the battlefield. When they saw that the starry sky was covered by the endless sea of ​​insects, and there were intertwined light beams and artillery fire everywhere, the psychological impact on them was unimaginable. of.

Especially when warships were gnawed into star dust and disappeared under the cover of the sea of ​​insects, the psychological fear even made them go crazy.

The resulting rebellion should come as no surprise.

Of course, after such a rebellion is set off in an extremely advanced battleship, it will soon be cleaned up by the self-defense system in the battleship.

However, after this situation generally occurs, the impact on the Niuslavic civilization is still not small.

One month later, all the development bases of the Niuslavic civilization fell, densely packed with insects and warships, and under the leadership of the fleshy god, the secondary flesh god surrounded the mother planet of the Niuslavic civilization.

Although the Niuslavic civilization is still making its final resistance, anyone can see that the Niuslavic civilization has no power to recover.

If it was a war on the Blue Star, no matter ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, at this point, the capital is surrounded, and the only option is to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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