Chapter 239
After Su Liangqing was promoted to the third level, he took a look and went straight to the road.

At this time, catching the top lane is undoubtedly the best choice. The demon girl and Syndra played a [-]-[-] split in the lane, and the blood volume is very healthy, and her own demon girl is pressing the line. It is basically impossible to help the middle lane. People, but playing a enchantress can overwhelm Syndra's line, and it's not bad to play.

Looking down the road again, Su Liang's eyes flashed with surprise.

Sure enough, just as he thought, Cheng Chang's real strength is definitely not as simple as bronze. He used the combination of Kai'Sa and Thresh to suppress the line of Verus and Tamm on the opposite side.

Of the three lines on my own side, except for being suppressed on the top road, the other two lines have advantages.

Our top laner is Rui Wen, and Rui Wen plays the promise, which can be regarded as a classic top lane matchup. After all, these two heroes are very popular in the top lane, and they are also heroes who can see six or seven out of ten.

At this moment, Raven on his side was being chased by Nuoshou with the hammer, and Nuoshou had already started sprinting, and it seemed that he was about to kill Raven directly.

Rui Wen dodged, Nuo followed, Su Liang had already arrived on the battlefield, gave Rui Wen a W, and then Q went to Nuo's hand.

But Nuoshou ignored him, continued to tie down Raven, and then retreated.

At this time, he had already chased into the defense tower, and was injured by the defense tower. In addition to the fight with Rui Wen and the damage from the blind monk Q and E, he had become a residual blood, but at this moment, There was a voice in the canyon, it was the voice of the first drop of blood, Rui Wen had been killed.

It seems that the W that I just used didn't save him, but the damage calculation of this promised hand is really good. If there is no final make-up to tie A, Ruiwen is given a layer of shield by her W. , the blood should come back up by the blood bottle, and it shouldn't die.

Su Liang played the Conqueror, but the Nuo Shou who did not flash was killed by Su Liang.

Su Liang helped Ruiwen get off the line a little bit, and then went to fight crabs.

Su Liang turned his field of vision and saw the opposite jungler rushing to the bottom lane, catching Kai'Sa with a long distance.

Facing Kazik's gank, Cheng Chang did not show panic.

He flicked backwards for a while, and then flashed over, leveling A and then Q, Verus, who was left with blood, was shocked, and hurriedly flashed back, but Kai'Sa's Q skill had already been sent out, chasing him A, directly killed Verus.

After killing Verus, Kaisa clicked on the lantern Thresh gave him, and escaped directly to heaven.

"Show." Su Liang smiled.

Although Verus on the opposite side also made a big mistake, he even relied on his own jungler to chase forward when his HP was low, and when Kai'Sa flashed over to deal damage, he panicked He turned in flash first instead of healing, and finally died without even handing in healing.

But this is the impact of strength. When the strength of the opponent is much higher than yours, then as the side facing him, you will feel the oppressive force of the line, and you will make mistakes again and again.

He saw Kazik coming, and when he saw Kai'Sa using E to retreat, he wanted to chase after him, but he didn't think that Kai'Sa's retreat was fake, and it was true to flash forward to kill him, so he panicked for a while. , and directly pressed the flash of death.

However, Kai’Sa also has details. In the wave just now, if Kai’Sa did not flash to level A and then play Q, but to play Q first, then it is absolutely impossible to kill. Verus will definitely flash when he gets Q , In that way, it is impossible for Kai'Sa without Flash and E to make the last move to tie A.

Only tie A first, and then connect Q, so that even if the opponent flashes, the damage of Q skill will still follow.

Thresh, his assistant, did not hesitate to praise himself, and typed: "666666."

There was also a smile on Cheng Chang's face. After the laning just now and this wave of excellent one-kill retreats, his confidence was also revealed. He felt that he could play at this level. Verus was disabled, which had to make him burst with confidence.

At this time, Su Liang swiped the camera to the middle.

Syndra has residual blood, and the enchantress has half blood.

Syndra is under the tower, and the enchantress waits for the skill CD, ready to do it at any time.

If Syndra doesn't return home in this wave, Syndra may be solo killed by Enchantress.

Su Liang gave up the river crab and headed for the middle road, maybe the jungler on the opposite side was right next to him.

But at this moment, the enchantress made a move. He flashed over to WQ Syndra, trying to kill Syndra in seconds.

But Yao Ji's flash W was dodged by Syndra's flash. Not only that, but at the same time, Syndra quickly gave a QE second company, and Yao Ji was fainted under the tower. Two times, Syndra didn't even turn in the ignition, and the enchantress was single-killed by Syndra with the help of the defense tower.

At this time, Su Liang's blind monk rushed to the scene, touched his Q, Q went to Syndra, followed the second-stage Q, and then dodged to escape the attack range of the defense tower, and took the bloody Syndra .

"Trash, son." Sindra cursed on the opposite side.

Enchantress didn't talk to Syndra, but sprayed Su Liang.

"Can you fucking play?"

"I got into a fight with him in the middle, won't you come?"

"Still hunting crabs there?"

"I have such a big advantage in the middle lane, and all TMs are lost by you"

"Don't play jungle if you don't know how to gank."

"What rubbish, you can pick up people's heads."

This enchantress is crazily saying hello.

Su Liang was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the enchantress didn't continue to spar with Syndra, but she spat at herself first.

"Can you blame the jungler for your own problems?"

"I was shown and sprayed wild?"

"Flash to QE, awesome."

Before Su Liang could speak, Cheng Chang and other people in other positions helped Su Liang to rant.

Originally, the enchantress didn't care, but after the opponent moved Yasuo within the rules, this guy came up and yelled at the opponent.

Now being single-killed and blaming the jungler, this group of people can't stand it anymore.

Su Liang didn't speak, and continued to play.

To Su Liang, it's meaningless to fight against this kind of rubbish.

However, Su Liang felt that this guy should be very angry, because after Syndra scored the upper point, he didn't stop there.

"Trash, why don't you talk?"

"Speak up, SB Enchantress."

The enchantress who was single-killed naturally dared not speak.

In this kind of game, even if Su Liang's blind monk is not particularly strong, he can still C.

However, Su Liang didn't go down the lane once, he just wanted to see how Cheng Chang would deal with the gank in the down lane, and how his solo laning strength was.

In the 7-minute scene of Su Liang, he had already taken six kills in the upper middle, and the wild area opposite was rotten by him.

I successfully fattened up Ruiwen, and the opposite Noxus hand had already hit the public screen several times in a row, so don't come.


(End of this chapter)

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