League Champion Coach

Chapter 240 Encountered again

Chapter 240 Encountered again
But the demon girl on her own side completely collapsed after being solo killed by the first wave of mistakes.

He wanted revenge, he wanted to spray back, so he played very impatiently, so, at 4 minutes, he was solo killed by Syndra again because of the anti-tower, and at 6 minutes, because Syndra reached the sixth first, After a set of skills, the enchantress was instantly defeated. The enchantress was too brittle. Syndra saved a few balls for Dajia to ignite, and the enchantress was instantly killed.

And at 7 minutes, when Su Liang was on the road to help Ruiwen cross the tower to kill Noshou, the opposite Kazik caught the enchantress to death, Syndra QE hit, Kazik jumped up, and cooperated with Xinde Pull damage, instant kill directly.

"FW jungler, playing Nima." The enchantress started again.

"Tm knew to come here to pick up heads, and the jungler on the other side came over to grab them a few times, didn't you see it?"

"I didn't help you catch it?" Su Liang couldn't help it. In the past 7 minutes, he caught and killed the opposite Syndra three times.

"You caught Nima, when did you not come here after I was killed?"

Su Liang was not talking, and took advantage of the gap to go home to escape from the phone.

Then I took a photo of the entire chat record and uploaded it on Weibo.

Su Liang didn't say a word on Weibo, only this chat picture.

But the consequences of posting this picture on Weibo, you don't need to think about it.

Don't want this number anymore.

If you want to talk about the current LPL star, the current Su Liang can definitely be counted.

In just half a year, Su Liang's Weibo followers have exceeded one million.

And there are as many as five or six thousand comments on each Weibo, and this comment can be compared with some celebrities.

Once this picture is posted, the official account will definitely be blocked.

Originally, Su Liang didn't intend to do this, but this person couldn't help but keep talking there.

If it is said that Su Liang did not play well and was blamed, then forget it.

However, he has not been blamed for this fight until now. This guy has been blaming others because he was killed solo, so Su Liang couldn't help it.

Su Liang was already six at this time, and he was heading towards his red buff.

After taking the red, go directly to the opposite wild area.

Su Liang found that Lan on the opposite side was not being hit, so he inserted a real eye there, and then waited for someone to come.

Five or six seconds later, Kazik jumped in, and Su Liang saw Syndra at the same time.

This Kha'Zix is ​​helping Syndra get mana.

Su Liang shot directly at Kazik, Q touched R, followed by QE, and directly killed Kazik.

Su Liang went to chase Syndra again. After the QCD was ready, he put a QIU on Syndra, but this Q was dodged by Syndra, and he couldn't catch up. Su Liang turned his head and shot Syndra This blue BUFF was eaten.

At the same time, when Su Liang opposed Lan, his team once again completed a solo kill online.

This was Cheng Chang's third solo kill, and his current record was 7:0.

Su Liang used this one to stock the bottom lane, while Kazik on the opposite side frequently targeted the bottom lane. Five minutes ago, he caught it three or four times frequently, but he failed to catch each wave. Kai'Sa escaped, or was shown by Kai'Sa.

There were two of them, and it was two hits and three kills in the bottom lane.

The opponent's jungler is also very smart. When he knew that the bot lane was not at the same level, he went directly to help the middle lane. Since then, he has never been in the bot lane again.

At 9 minutes and 6 seconds, Kai'Sa and Thresh pushed down the opponent's bottom tower.

"Kasha, you guys go up, let Ruiwen go down, and you go to push the tower to eat the coating." Seeing that Kai'sa returned home, she had the intention of continuing to go down, Su Liang said hastily.

Cheng Chang's strength is indeed very strong, but he has no experience in playing high-end games.

At this time, after the lower road tower is pushed down, it should be turned up immediately.

He should have played a lot in low-end rounds, so he still wanted to play all the way to the end as before.

Cheng Chang nodded, said hello, and followed Thresh to the road.

After Su Liang reversed the wild on the opposite side, he went straight to the middle and instantly killed Syndra on the opposite side.

Su Liang's equipment at this time is already very luxurious, and it is difficult to leave when the blind monk has flashes and Syndra has not.

Moreover, Su Liang was very detailed. After Q reached him, he touched his eyes to the front left, and after cheating his QE, he followed up with a second-stage Q. In this way, Syndra without E is undoubtedly Mortal.

"The gap between the two junglers is a bit big." Syndra typed helplessly.

"No, it's because the blind monk is too strong. Neither the blind monk nor Kai'Sa is in this division." Kazik defended himself.

Playing Kha'Zix, this was the first time he encountered a situation where his family had no wilds to farm.

The blind monk on the opposite side treated his jungle as his home, and there was a bit of a difference in the last hits of the junglers on both sides.

Moreover, this person's awareness is really good. He squatted down when he was playing red or blue in front of him, and then directly killed himself in the wild. Kazik felt that this blind monk was definitely not from this division. , a bit showy.

And that Kai'Sa is definitely not in this tier. He is in a duo with the bottom lane AD. He is still very clear about the strength of his friend, but who knows that playing Kai'Sa with Verus will be defeated by Kai'Sa. Destroyed a tower in lane 10 minutes ago.

And this is still under the circumstances of his crazy help, the blind monk and Kai'Sa should be power leveling.

"Well, I'm not." Cheng Chang simply admitted that he is not in this division.

But he didn't say that he was actually a bronze, because not only would they not believe him if he said it at this time, they would probably think that Cheng Chang was mocking them, so it's best to just say something simple.

This game is over here, because the opponent has already played 15 shots.

At 3 minutes, Su Liang showed a wave of R flashes at an oblique angle. After the three people on the opposite side collided together like arhats, the following is Kai'Sa's harvest time. Kai'Sa directly harvested a quadruple kill in this wave of team battles. , and with the end of this wave of team battles, the opponent also surrendered the game at 15 points.

The gap between the economy and the headcount of the two sides is too great. If they don't surrender, they will have to wait, and there is no way to fight.

After the first fight, Su Liang fought Cheng Chang again.

In the second place, Su Liang was placed in the middle unit, and Cheng Chang was still AD.

Su Liang chose Akali, while Cheng Chang chose Ezreal.

The lineup of both sides is as follows.

On the road, Yasuo hits Daomei.

In the middle, Akali hits Nicole.

Hit the wild, fight the blind monk with the barrel.

AD, Ezreal hits the ice.

Auxiliary, Morgana fights robots.

Our own Ueno is in duo, and when we first came in, we said we wanted to play Yasuo and Barrel.

There was no one on Su Liang's side to ban, and no one on the other side was going to move this hero.

But just as Su Liang entered the loading page, he ran into an acquaintance. The mid laner opposite him turned out to be his own mid laner enchantress.

Ha ha.

Su Liang smiled, this is interesting.


(End of this chapter)

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