Douluo's Demon Seed Invasion

Chapter 114 Nothing is more embarrassing than this!

Chapter 114 Nothing is more embarrassing than this!

"I'm cheering for you, but you still fight for so long. You guys let me down!"

"Damn you!" Zhou Yu and Beibei really wanted to beat Kai to death. This guy said to cheer for them, but he called for his Fengtang combination.

The mouth says no, but the body is very honest! !
But well!I met two rookies in the battle, so I let Kai go this time.

"Hey, that little girl is looking at you with bright eyes again, as if she wants to eat you up, is that interesting?" Waiting for Zhou Yu to sit in Kai and tease him in front of everyone.

And Arthur is also booing, Beibei is drinking tea quietly to minimize her sense of presence, but Han Ruoruo's situation is a bit awkward, a group of boys are discussing about picking up girls, why is she joining in the fun?
"Don't mess around!"

Zhou Yu didn't respond to Kai and Arthur, who knew that these two bastards wanted to go over there to "chat", Zhou Yu thought about it with his fart and knew what they were going to talk about, so he hurriedly shouted at Kai and Arthur's back.

Originally, Zhou Yu was just putting on a show to tell Kai and Arthur not to go too far, but who knew that the two really turned around, and thought that the two had changed their sex, but unexpectedly, they just came back and borrowed a bracelet from Han Ruoruo.

No, based on the pissing nature of these two, it is estimated that Han Ruoruo's bracelet will not come back.

"You two don't mess around, are you ashamed to give Senior Sister Han's bracelet to other girls?" Zhou Yu tightly grabbed Kai's wrist to prevent him from leaving. Kai struggled to break free and hummed:

"Isn't this for you? You still blame me? And I will pay it back."

"I'm sorry, I don't know you yet? Will you return it? The gold coins that have been in the luggage bag for a long time will disappear inexplicably and have not been found yet."

"..." Kai and Arthur, damn it, do you want to know us so well?
"Ahem, let's take a step first and let me show you how to find a wife in the future. Otherwise, with your personality, especially Beibei's attitude of being a bachelor in the future, I will worry you, Arthur, let's go!"

"..." Han Ruoruo looked at Kai and Arthur's high-spirited backs in the turbulent wind.

Can you please stop revealing the truth in front of me?And can I get this bracelet back?
Kai took a fancy to the bracelet on her wrist. She thought Kai was planning to show it to see the style, but who knew that she would just take it away...

In other words, her relationship with him is not to this extent, is it?

However, if a bracelet can enhance the friendship between the two, she is still very happy! ! !

Just pick up girls with her bracelet, okay?

When Kai and Arthur swaggered towards the girls of Tianshui College, Dugu Yan snorted, making Yu Tianheng, who was watching secretly, feel a little embarrassed.

Aren't you just curious about how people pick up girls?And it's a cold, sexually indifferent girl like Shui Bing'er, this is a difficult act, if you miss this opportunity, no one will give him a live performance in the future.

Didn't you see the two brothers Oslo and Shimamo?Like a "curious baby", looking over there with big watery eyes showing "longing".

"Oh, then I'll take a look too!" Dugu Yan actually wanted to see the usual cold Shui Bing'er's reaction to being teased today!
Ye Lingling, who was behind the five of them, suddenly realized that her teammates were actually quite boring...

"Uncle Jian, are you still interested in this?" Ning Fengzhi smiled wryly, not wanting to look at Chen Xin, and shifted from the duel stage to the front auditorium.

But it doesn't hurt to have a look, who hasn't been young and frivolous?But it is said that the boys of this generation can dare to love and hate.

At the same time, Tai Long, Huang Yuan, Jiang Zhu and others were watching.


"There are two people coming over there! Sister, look, Xuewu, look!" On the side that was secretly watched, Shui Yue'er looked at Kai and Arthur who were walking towards this side with sparkling eyes.

It seemed that something happy was about to happen, and this omen made her so excited that she could speak incoherently.

Shui Binger at the outermost place naturally also saw Kai and Arthur who were clearly walking towards them. She glanced at the excited younger sister and frowned. The two sides had no intersection. She didn't understand what the purpose of Kai and Arthur was.

Under Shui Bing'er's indifferent eyes, Shui Yue'er and other girls from Tianshui College watched with interest, Kai and Arthur naturally sat across from them, and skillfully poured tea for them respectively.

It's just that after pouring the tea, the atmosphere was extremely awkward. Kai didn't know how to start, so he could only smile bitterly: "Hello!"

"Hi!" Arthur said with a rigid expression on the surface, but in his heart he said he was a mother, he regretted coming with Kay, and he usually listened to him bragging about how good he was at picking up girls, but he didn't know how to behave in front of so many girls so unbearable.

Pretending to be drinking tea, Arthur kicked Kay's leg under the table, suggesting that he hurry up and continue talking, people are waiting for your next words?
I know, I know!Kai kicked Arthur's foot away, and quickly took out the bracelet that Han Ruoruo got from somewhere. After seeing the bracelet, Shui Yueer said cracklingly:

"I remember this bracelet, but we bought it at the booth with Ruo Ruo when we were partying, and Ruo Ruo was very happy to break through level [-] that day... She has been wearing this bracelet on her wrist ever since. "

"Why did you bring this bracelet out? You don't want to pick on us, do you? Then this bracelet? You can get it? And we are not blind, just now I saw you grab this bracelet from Ruoruo here."

After Shui Yue'er finished speaking, she stared at the embarrassed Kai with bright eyes again, grandma, why did you say it?How did you embarrass everyone?

"Also, which of us do you think is the prettiest? Who do you want to date? Then you hand the necklace to her!" Shui Yue'er rolled her eyes and asked slyly.

"..." Shui Bing'er looked sullenly at the sister who was winking at Kai and making trouble, and then looked at Shui Yue'er's words "who is the most beautiful", and the few companions who behaved obviously ladylike were a little speechless .

But in the next second, Shui Binger stared at the bracelet that Kai handed her in front of her in astonishment. She remembered what Yue'er said to Kai just now, whoever is the most beautiful and who is interested can hand the bracelet to her...

"Hey, sister, wake up." Shui Yue'er smiled and woke up her sister, Shui Bing'er, who was looking straight at Kai.

The first time the wife confessed she felt inexplicably panicked. After Shui Binger realized it, she moved her head to the other side with a blank expression and said nothing, letting Kai hold the bracelet in front of her.

At this time, Kai became the "most beautiful boy" on the scene...

"... You may have misunderstood something. I just think she is the most beautiful, but I don't like her!" Kai explained awkwardly, he really didn't mean anything.

But the girls from Tianshui Academy nodded in understanding, looked at him sympathetically, and said in unison, "Yes, we understand."

"You guys understand shit, fuck!" Kai stroked his hair with a troubled expression on his face. He had a feeling that he couldn't wash it off even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

But, it was really embarrassing just now, woo woo... Kai finally covered his face and walked away in embarrassment.

"..." Tai Long, Huang Yuan, and Jiang Zhu looked at Kai covering their faces with black lines all over their heads, and ran past them like a little girl shyly.

Well, it's really embarrassing!

Especially when he blew up the cowhide so much before!
"..." Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan, Oslo, Graphite Stone Mill, Ye Lingling.

"..." Xu Jiujiu, Ning Rongrong.

"..." Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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