Douluo's Demon Seed Invasion

Chapter 115 Kai Ruo VS Ice Dance

Chapter 115 Kai Ruo VS Ice Dance
"Kai is back, everyone don't laugh at him!" Zhou Yu advised everyone with a suppressed smile.

Beibei snorted, took a sip of water to hide her smile, but couldn't hold it back, with a "poof", the water she drank almost didn't spit out, and she collapsed on the sofa laughing, twitching uncontrollably!
"..." Beside Han Ruoruo, seeing Zhou Yu and Beibei making fun of Kai, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, but seeing Beibei lying on the sofa laughing, and thinking about Kai's embarrassment just now, Han Ruoruo's beautiful eyes were also infected Yes, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a beautiful smile.

But it wasn’t as exaggerated as Beibei and Zhou Yu threw themselves on the sofa and laughed wildly. Although she knew it was wrong, she couldn’t control it, puff, haha...

"Ahh...Zhou Yu, Beibei, I'm dead!" Kai pulled Zhou Yu and Beibei up when he came back, blocking everyone's sneering eyes, and now he felt that the air was filled with embarrassment.

"..." Zhou Yu, Beibei looked at Kai who was looking for a crack in the ground speechlessly, they had no way to comfort Kai, but they saw Han Ruoruo beside them, there is it! !
Zhou Yu and Beibei looked at each other and smiled, and they set up Kai who "wanted to be a pangolin", held his mouth to Han Ruoruo and said:
"Awkward, isn't it? Kiss senior sister Han and you'll be fine!"

"Hmm..." His arms were twisted and he couldn't use his strength, Kai stared at Zhou Yu and Beibei who were smiling wickedly, the two bastards didn't play with you.

Seeing Zhou Yu and Bei Bei grabbing Kai and approaching her, Han Ruoruo still wondered what they were doing, who would have known that the two of them were planning to force Kai to kiss her.

Han Ruoruo instinctively panicked a little at first, and when he realized it, he gave the three of them a blank look, raised his small hands to block in front, and said with wide eyes, "Begging to be beaten, stop making trouble!"

"Okay, let's stop making trouble!" Zhou Yu and Beibei were just playing around, they couldn't be serious, seeing Han Ruoruo's angry expression, they also let go of Kai.

The locked joints were released again, and he returned to the control of his body with all his strength. Kai was so angry that he picked up Zhou Yu and Beibei with one hand and threw them onto the sofa.

The two knew they were wrong, and they didn't continue to play around with Kai. After coaxing each other, Arthur also ran back in despair.

When Kay was there, Arthur was restless, not to mention that after Kay left, Arthur, who was "straight from the outside but in the middle", couldn't put it on, so he could only rush back "covering his face" like Kay.

"Hehe!" Shuiyue'er over there giggled non-stop, laughing until she had a stomach ache lying on Shuibing'er and couldn't get up.

"Those two people are not here to be funny, are they? Are they students of Lanba Academy? Let's visit Lanba Academy more often in the future, shall we?" After speaking, he continued to laugh.

"..." Shui Bing'er lifted her sister who was lying on her lap to the side, and looked at Kai who was starting to brag again.

After a pause, she regained her senses and continued to close her eyes to meditate. It has been several games since just now, and it is almost her turn.

Kicked away by her sister who has no interest at all, Shui Yue'er has no interest, so she can only talk to Shui Bing'er's partner Xue Wu about visiting Lanba Academy with great interest.

Shui Yue'er even planned to persuade their dean to invite Kai and others to their Tianshui College as exchange students. If successful, this must be a happy process, but Xue Wu mercilessly denied her delusion.

It is impossible for them Tianshui Academy to invite men to exchange and study! !
"Have you three laughed enough?"

After Ye Lingling recovered some soul power and healed Yufeng, Yu Tianheng checked that Yufeng was fine, then turned his head and looked at Oslo, Moshishishimo and the others speechlessly.

Ever since seeing Kay "failed to confess his confession" and ran away in tears, the three guys laughed endlessly, and Oslo was the most exaggerated, laughing so much that he slapped the stool "bang bang" to add to the fun and show his inner excitement.

"I'm not smiling! I'm just happy!"

"Stop laughing, it's his turn to compete, that guy is not easy to mess with, don't laugh like this in front of him!"

"What are you afraid of? The little girl is just talking about it, do you believe it?" Oslo said indifferently, obviously a long time ago, he said here that Kai is very powerful, even Zhou Yubeibei and the others can't beat him, Oslo Luo disagrees.

Zhou Yu and Beibei admitted that they are very strong, but they are not as high as their Huangdou team, so they may not be able to beat them, and even if Kai is stronger, can they be guaranteed to beat them?

how is this possible?And what little girl might be talking nonsense?Oslo will not forget that when talking about Kai and others for a long time, she is obviously closer to Kai emotionally. This also caused her to make mistakes in judging the strength of everyone, maybe it is not necessarily true?


"Next, please invite Kai Ruo to form..."

After waiting for several games, it was finally Kai and Han Ruoruo's turn. Kai got up and stretched himself to play with Han Ruoruo. He even looked around to see who his next opponent would be.

"Ruoruo, let's go!" It seemed that Kai and Han Ruoruo's opponents had to give up the game because of something, and were planning to arrange for the next combination to face off against their Kairuo combination.

So Kai greeted Han Ruoruo and walked towards the battle stage, and Han Ruoruo who followed behind rolled his eyes at Kai's address of "Ruoruo".

No matter what, she is also three years older than Kai. Compared with "Ruoruo", she prefers Kai to call her "Sister Ruoruo" or "Sister Ruoru", otherwise it always feels weird.

On the contrary, Zhou Yu, Arthur and Beibei called her like this, she was quite normal, after all, she was the same age, if Kai called her like that, it seemed that something went wrong.

However, Kai called Han Ruoruo and followed him, but on the way to the battle stage, he heard the host announce the next two opponents, which made Han Ruoruo look at Kai's back a little more strangely.

"After adjustments, the Kairuo team VS the ice dance team, I look forward to a wonderful match between the two sides!"

"Huh!!" The audience, especially some younger audiences, burst into enthusiastic cheers immediately after the host announced the match information. It seemed that the match was quite popular.

Kai naturally couldn't think that the applause was for him, and it was for another group. What group is so popular?

It's just why when he (she) passed Yu Tianheng's team, they were all staring at him in deathly silence?Is the other team really good?Kai was curious to see what kind of combination his opponent was able to arouse such a big reaction from everyone.

However, the audience was extremely excited. Many people stood up excitedly, and the empty viewing area became like a sea of ​​people. The surging heads seriously obstructed Kai's line of sight, and he couldn't find another combination at all.

So he had no choice but to give up, and He Han Ruoruo took the lead to step onto the duel platform. The diameter of the duel platform was more than [-] meters, and the only impression he had on it was that it was "wide".

Even Kai jumped up and stomped on the floor, only to find that the round battle platform was still made of metal!It's just that Kai's leisurely action made Han Ruoruo's eyes even weirder, didn't he know that the situation would be abnormal later...

(End of this chapter)

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