Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1001 New Missions

Chapter 1001 New Missions
Zhang Kun raised his head lightly, looking at the towering Mount Sumeru, his eyes flickered a little.

Just as the realm oscillated into ripples, guarding Zhang Kun's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, an indifferent voice sounded.

"The assessment of the Dao Temple is opened, and Mount Sumeru will be moved into the territory."

Zhang Kun couldn't help being taken aback, how high and how big Mount Sumeru is, it's really surprising that Jingyu wanted to include Mount Sumeru in the realm, but Zhang Kun smiled faintly, and his eyes suddenly turned towards Mount Sumeru changed.

Zhang Kun rubbed his hands excitedly. Originally, he was somewhat in awe and shock when he saw the majestic and towering Mount Sumeru, but at this time Zhang Kun no longer thought so. Smiling, as if looking at his own things.

Since Jingyu issued this task to himself, it is obvious that Zhang Kun is sure to complete it!

Lin Yuxi shyly let go of her white and jade-like hand, and the soft and boneless delicate hand was pulled away from Zhang Kun's hand, which immediately made Zhang Kun feel a little bit regretful.

Seeing that Zhang Kun quickly opened his eyes and recovered, Lin Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief, but she still looked at Zhang Kun with deep worry in her eyes.

"Zhang Kun, are you okay?" Lin Yuxi looked worried, and her white and delicate hands held Zhang Kun's hand tightly, and Zhang Kun could feel the warmth from her palm.

Zhang Kun smiled helplessly, held up a smile, nodded to Lin Yuxi and said, "No problem."

"All dharmas are the birth and death of karma, and the donor has no karma with the Buddha. Please go back." A magnificent voice emerged in Zhang Kun's mind.

Hearing this sentence, the corners of Zhang Kun's mouth curled up.

"Refused me to enter Mount Sumeru?"

"Then I'm going to climb to the top!"

"Boom boom boom!" The booming sound of the avenue resounded impressively, just like the sound of Huang Zhong Dalu, it resounded leisurely, deafening!

The vast aura suddenly rose from Zhang Kun's body, and the ancient and mysterious brilliance fell on him in an instant. It was the power of the mirror field. In order to take Mount Sumeru into his pocket, the mirror field needed Zhang Kun's power, And it will not let Zhang Kun do the hard work for nothing, it will naturally give some benefits, at least it must help Zhang Kun climb to the top of Mount Sumeru!
In an instant, Zhang Kun's body shone with bright flames and divine brilliance. His body was as colorful as glass, dreamy and bright like stars, and a little bit of dao rhyme appeared on his clean and flawless body. At this moment, Zhang Kun felt as if he was in control with everything!
Mount Sumeru instantly became small in his eyes, and he raised his eyes slightly, his fighting spirit was high. The more Mount Sumeru was unwilling to let Zhang Kun enter here, Zhang Kun decided to do the opposite!
Boom boom boom!
Zhang Kun got up, took Lin Yuxi's hand, and walked towards Mount Sumeru. When he stepped into the mountain boundary, a huge sound suddenly sounded, as if a Buddha was making a move, making a huge handprint to blast Zhang Kun out of the mountain boundary, but Zhang Kun's body was constantly glowing with miraculous light. He was covered in golden light, and the power of Mount Sumeru could not impress him at all.

Lin Yuxi was very surprised. This time it turned out that Zhang Kun was the one who walked ahead. He was not a candidate for a disciple of the Buddha, and was rejected by Mount Sumeru. However, at this moment, he was striding forward, as if completely ignoring the rules of Mount Sumeru, and went up the mountain extremely fast!
"What, what?"

The smiles of Fang Shou and the people of the Twelve Sects instantly froze on their faces, and a look of surprise flashed in their eyes. One moment Zhang Kun was rejected by the Buddha and was not allowed to enter the sacred Mount Sumeru, and the next moment he had already jumped to the top. Thousands of meters away!
"What the hell happened? If things go on like this, Zhang Kun will probably arrive at the summit of Mount Sumeru one step ahead of Son Xuanren!"

The monks in the Bodhi Court were stunned for a moment, completely confused about what was going on. The Lingfo's oracle had confirmed that Xuanren would be the final winner. He would become a disciple of the Buddha and spread the light of the Buddha to the Dayan Realm. Every corner, but now, Zhang Kun's accident suddenly appeared!
Fang Shou regretted it infinitely at this moment. If he had known that Zhang Kun would bring so much trouble to Xuanren, he should not have had any scruples that night, and should have directly killed Zhang Kun!

"Damn things are not going well, it seems that I have to make preparations early!" Fang Shou's eyes flashed a bit of sternness, he stepped into the thatched cottage again, closed the door of the thatched cottage, thinking about the old The melodious Buddhist scriptures appeared one after another in large golden characters, surrounding him, forming a Buddha realm that circulated the mysterious Buddha nature.

"I hope that existence still exists in the world!" Fang Shou meditated in his heart, and took another look at the situation in the light curtain, and then he completely turned into a state of mind and soul, penetrated the thatched cottage, and walked towards the Bodhi Courtyard. For a moment, his spirit seemed to be unsheathed, and he drifted leisurely towards a secret place.

Zhang Kun is in a wonderful state at the moment. He looked up to Gao Tian faintly, as if he had a sense, and realized that someone seemed to be watching them.

"I said, if I really put Mount Sumeru into the Mirror Domain, what would those guys look like?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He seemed to be impatient to see the people in the Bodhi Court The wonderful expression on the monk's face.

Mount Sumeru is extremely revered in the eyes of Buddhist believers. It is the highest sacred mountain. They will never allow anyone to desecrate it. Come up and fight Zhang Kun!

Zhang Kun also knew that if he did this, he would definitely incur the hatred and pursuit of the entire Bodhi Courtyard and even the entire Dayan Realm Buddhist cultivators, but he didn't hesitate or flinch at all, instead, he sped up his speed a bit!

Lin Yuxi followed behind Zhang Kun, and before she had time to kowtow and salute, she was directly taken into the sky by Zhang Kun!

"Mr. Zhang, stop quickly. If you want to get the inheritance, you must be sincere and righteous. Use your own feet to measure the entire Mount Sumeru to show your respect for the Buddha." Lin Yuxi frowned slightly, and took Zhang Kun's hand, her teeth Biting her red lips lightly, she said softly.

There was no sense of blame in her tone, she just reminded Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun laughed after hearing this: "It's okay, soon the entire Mount Sumeru will be ours. I'll find out what inheritance you want and give it to you!"

Zhang Kun is extremely generous, and has completely regarded Mount Sumeru as his own!
As soon as this remark came out, the entire Bodhi Courtyard fell silent!
What kind of absurdity is this, Mount Sumeru is the Buddha’s dojo, the whole mountain seems to be alive, every inch of land on the mountain is full of Buddha nature, how can this mountain of the Holy Spirit allow Zhang Kun to be so defiled, even he wants to put Take it for yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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