Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1000 Rejected by Buddha

Chapter 1000 Rejected by Buddha
It was prepared for the buddhist candidates who participated in the Bodhi test. At most, seven buddhist candidates would climb Mount Sumeru with their guardians!

Every time Xuanren took a step on the Seven Treasures Stairway, Mount Sumeru cast a ray of light. This mountain seemed to be alive, and it was also looking forward to Xuanren's arrival. At this moment, it seemed to be encouraging and leading Xuanren!

It was a piece of pure land. Every inch of Mount Sumeru was blooming with brilliance. Beside the seven-treasure steps, there were seven layers of precious walls, seven layers of railings, seven layers of nets, and seven layers of trees, all made of fairy gold, star silver, and dragon crystals. The composition of colored glaze is bright and gorgeous, and no emperor in the world is qualified to enjoy such a luxurious material. They are one with Mount Sumeru, and they are immortal-level materials. They are extremely precious and rare in the world!
Those monks from the outside world saw these materials blooming with brilliance and wanted to pull out their eyes. Their eyes were straightened, and they were extremely thirsty for those fairy-level materials. Doping with very small particles of fairy gold in the process is enough to forge a peerless magic weapon!
Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi originally flew hand in hand through the glazed realm to the deepest part of Bodhi's secret realm. After Lin Yuxi was fully awakened, she possessed a certain perception ability, and her bright eyes seemed to be able to see the future.

Lin Yuxi's eyes traveled through the endless space, and saw what Xuanren was going through, and felt that Zhang Kun was about to go to the foot of Mount Sumeru. Suddenly, the entire Bodhi Secret Realm shook and trembled, and the endless space was like a roll of paper. Roll towards Mount Sumeru!
The speed of the collapse was horribly fast, as if exceeding the speed of light, as if it was so close to the sky, hundreds of millions of miles were only a moment!
In just a split second, Lin Yuxi and Zhang Kun were dragged by the collapse of the space to the foot of Mount Sumeru!
The collapse of the space stopped, and the entire Bodhi Secret Realm disappeared. Zhang Kun watched the huge world turned into light and poured into the mountain in front of him. The mountain became more majestic and mysterious!

"This is?" Zhang Kun's voice was slightly surprised.

He saw a high mountain at the same level as the sky. Mount Sumeru in the Buddha's light was extremely holy. It was the residence and ashram of the Buddha, and the Buddha nature spread everywhere.

"This is Mount Sumeru. It is composed of light. It is also known as Miaoguang Mountain. It is the center of the world." Lin Yuxi stretched out her crystal-like jade hand and gently brushed the broken hair beside her ear, explaining to Zhang Kun road.

Zhang Kun's eyes could not help becoming slightly dignified. The Mount Sumeru in front of him is majestic and majestic. Even Zhang Kun, who has seen the Immortal Palace in the Mirror Realm, couldn't help admiring a few words. This is simply a mythical existence.

"That's it?" Zhang Kun raised his head and looked towards the extremely high place. Mount Sumeru was too tall. Zhang Kun could only see a figure moving slowly on the mountainside, walking unswervingly towards the top of Mount Sumeru. .

Lin Yuxi parted her vermilion lips lightly, her bright eyes looked kindly, and she said lightly, "That's Xuanren, he is climbing Mount Sumeru, and the ultimate inheritance is on the top of the mountain. Only by measuring the entire Mount Sumeru with your feet can you be eligible to obtain it."

She has the ability to see through the illusory, and Lin Yuxi can clearly understand the cause and effect of all the mysterious and obscure things, so she knows everything just by looking at Mount Sumeru and Xuanren.

"Mr. Zhang, please protect me again, and I will also climb this mountain to compete with Xuanren for inheritance."

Lin Yuxi's long black hair fell down like a waterfall, her quiet and perfect face was pure and perfect, her temperament was outstanding, pure and moving, and it was unforgettable. At this moment, she took off her feet like Xuanren, revealing a pair of delicate and white Yuzu.

Zhang Kun's eyes could not help but be attracted by the pair of crystal and exquisite feet. After realizing that Lin Yuxi's delicate face was slightly reddened by his gaze, Zhang Kun smiled awkwardly and nodded: "Okay, you Just take it easy and climb the mountain."

The land stepped on by the Buddha's candidate will bloom with splendor and brilliance, and it will become different from before. Following Lin Yuxi, Zhang Kun can climb the mountain as long as he steps on her footsteps. The way of Mount Mishan was allowed to pass.

However, the moment Zhang Kun stepped into Mount Sumeru, Mount Sumeru suddenly burst into a blazing light, descending directly from the sky to Zhang Kun's head, and he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Everything becomes blank!
His body collapsed straight, as if he had been hit hard, and he lost consciousness directly!

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang!" Lin Yuxi had just taken ten steps forward when she suddenly sensed the birth of Zhang Kun behind her. She couldn't help but exclaimed and turned around, stepping on eager steps towards Zhang Kun , the exquisite pretty face was full of worry.

Lin Yuxi patted Zhang Kun's cheek anxiously, sensing the condition in Zhang Kun's body, feeling anxious.

In the Bodhi Courtyard, Fang Zhengfang heard that the two masters couldn't help frowning.

"It seems that what Junior Brother Fang Shou said is correct, we shouldn't be kind to Zhang Kun!"

"My Buddha is merciful and merciful to all living beings. However, Zhang Kun was rejected by Mount Sumeru, which proves that he has committed a heinous crime and is not worthy of setting foot here. He is the incarnation of a devil!" Get rid of demons and defend the way, eradicate Zhang Kun!
Seeing this scene, Fang Shou in the simple thatched hut in the far distance couldn't help but twitched a playful smile.

"Zhang Kun, Zhang Kun, it's not that we are guarding against you. I didn't expect that you are the person rejected by the Buddha. You are the great demon in the world and the object that the Buddha hates the most. How could he allow you to come to the beard?" Where's Mishan?" Fang Shou couldn't help laughing.

The moment Zhang Kun just appeared, his heart seemed to fall into an icehouse. Zhang Kun is still alive, which proves that all the strongmen from the twelve factions who entered the Bodhi Secret Realm have failed. Although I don’t know how Zhang Kun did it, but The fact is that Zhang Kun is still alive!

Fang Shou's goal was not achieved, and he was annoyed when he saw the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being elated. Zhang Kun was rejected by Mount Sumeru, and Lin Yuxi lost the protection of the guardian, so how could he be Xuan Ren's opponent?
The son of Xuanren will become the son of Buddha!

Fang Shou laughed loudly, and the whole thatched cottage echoed his laughter. He was already sure of victory. Xuanren climbed Mount Sumeru very fast, and victory was in sight. I can't help the look of excitement on my face!
Zhang Kun felt that his head had been smashed, and he was in severe pain. His soul was almost shattered. Fortunately, Jing Yu guarded his spiritual knowledge ocean and resisted the terrifying spiritual impact of Mount Xumi. come down!

(End of this chapter)

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