Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 999 The Mystery of the Bodhi Secret Realm

Chapter 999 The Mystery of the Bodhi Secret Realm

The Jialan Realm under the management of Bodhiyuan is a land full of Buddha nature. Buddha, they have turned the entire realm into a Buddha realm. No other sects are allowed in this secret land, and the entire Garan realm is dedicated to Buddha Dharma!
The four courtyards under the Bodhi Court have built 480 temples in the Jialan environment. Each temple is a node that accumulates Buddhism. They are shrouded in the light of Buddha, and they show miracles to hundreds of millions of living beings from time to time.
Pursuing sentient beings, spreading Buddha's light and Dharma to every piece of land, this is the purpose and ambition of Bodhiyuan, but at the same time it is also a big picture. Be the executor of this plan!
This is a mystery, even Shengzi Xuanren himself doesn't know what kind of secret situation he is in. He doesn't know that from the moment he was born, there is a big hand that has been invisible, in the dark He dominated everything and pushed him here step by step!

This is the arrangement of fate, and it is also the yearning place of Xuanren's heart. The oracle of the Spirit Buddha not only manifested the names of the seven candidates for the Buddha, but also secretly conveyed a message to the Bodhi Court.

Mount Sumeru will be the place where Xuanren will prove his way!
Only Fang Wen, Fang Zheng, and Fang Shou, the three masters of the Void Refining Realm, know about this matter, and no one else can touch this level of great secret!

At this moment, the Bodhi Courtyard also lit up with a thousand dazzles of brilliance, and the giant light curtain opened again in the sky, as if a grand drama was about to be staged, countless people below could not help but kneel down, Facing Mount Sumeru manifested from the light curtain, he knelt down and kowtowed devoutly!
Mount Sumeru is still growing bigger and higher, piercing the sky, and going deep into the bottom of the wind wheel, water wheel, and golden wheel. It penetrates everything like the divine pillar supporting the heaven and earth. Xuanren raised his head, and in his eyes A ray of golden light flashed across, looking far away, but couldn't see the end of Mount Sumeru!
The fragrant trees in the mountains are luxuriant and shrouded in bright light. There are countless Buddhist holy beasts and gods guarding the mountains.
The atmosphere here is magnificent and majestic. There is absolutely no place in the world that can compare with it. The whole mountain is like the embodiment of the Dao.
Suddenly a gust of fragrant wind blew up, countless strange birds and auspicious beasts flew up in the haze, reaching the sky, as if it was a fairyland on earth, it was extremely shocking!

Mount Sumeru is [-] yojanas higher than the wind wheel, water wheel, and golden wheel. It is not enough to describe its majesty and loftiness even if it goes straight up to the sky. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is [-] yojanas. It is said that it is the most colossal thing in the world, and nothing can exceed its size!
That majestic spiritual peak seems to have an indescribable attraction, which affects everyone's mind. When Mount Sumeru completely emerges from the golden light curtain, the entire Bodhi Secret Realm begins to change. The endless space began to collapse towards it, as if it had been folded, inch after inch of space collapsed, turned into golden holy brilliance and gathered in Mount Sumeru!

"It's time, Zhu Shen, follow me up the mountain." Xuanren took a deep breath, took off the cloth shoes under his feet, and started to climb Mount Sumeru barefoot. He kowtowed step by step and was extremely devout. Every time he took a step, the brilliance of his body became brighter. Bright and bright!
Zhu Shen nodded silently, and he followed Xuanren slowly. Although Xuanren didn't need it, he still silently defended Xuanren. Earlier, Fang Shou sent the twelve factions of powerful men to encircle and suppress him through the cracks in the boundary. Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi didn't know what would happen in the end, but no matter what, the first thing he needed to guarantee was Xuanren's safety!
At this moment, Xuanren's whole body was shining with a holy light that was as bright as a scorching sun, just like a Buddha alive, his black eyes became deeper and deeper, as if all the gods and Buddhas of the heavens had evolved in them, at this moment he was extremely holy, giving people a very special feeling.

In the Bodhi Courtyard, countless people knelt down to Xuanren in the light curtain and shouted his name in unison. There is only one Buddha in everyone's mind, and that is Xuanren. He is not just a destined Buddha. , and even more support from everyone!
"In Mount Sumeru, it is very difficult to take a step forward. It is impossible to climb this spiritual peak without strong Buddhist attainments and connections. Once you get close to this place, you will be burned to ashes by the flames of Mount Sumeru, and you will die forever." No more!"

Fang Wen first opened his mouth and saw Xuanren finally arrived at the foot of Mount Sumeru. He couldn't help showing a bit of relief on his face. It can be said that cultivating a Xuanren saint son has consumed a lot of resources of the Bodhi Academy. A super-powerful sect that can be compared with the Sixth Palace, but what they do is to promote Buddhism and bring the Buddha's light to every corner of the world. Just a super genius beyond people's imagination!

On the one hand, it is because of Xuanren's extraordinary talent, on the other hand, Buddhism pays attention to reincarnation, and Xuanren is regarded as the reincarnation of the true Buddha. In the name of benevolence, saving suffering and adversity creates merit, so the people of the entire Jialan realm are chanting Xuanren's name, and countless pilgrims are kneeling at the door of the Bodhi Court at this moment, sincerely bowing down!

Streams of clear power of faith floated up from the pilgrims, traveled through endless time and space, turned into bright lights and penetrated into the light curtain, and turned into a light force, pushing Xuanren in the beard. Continue on Mishan.

"Every step of the trip to Mount Sumeru requires a firm and unique heart. This has nothing to do with the realm of vitality. According to legend, a prince of the human race once came to the foot of Mount Sumeru and climbed Mount Sumeru as a mortal. In the end, he relied on his firm belief , and finally climbed to the top of Mount Sumeru, and directly transformed into a Buddha!"

Master Fangzheng seemed to recall some past events, and said leisurely.

Xuanren's steps were fast and firm. He kowtowed step by step, but he soon climbed to the mountainside of Mount Sumeru, where countless palaces of heavenly kings were built to guard Mount Sumeru. There are no twists and turns on the top of the mountain, and it leads straight to the light top of Mount Sumeru.

(End of this chapter)

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