Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 998 Mt. Sumeru

Chapter 998 Mt. Sumeru

Shengzi Xuanren looked up, and saw the miraculous scene slowly revealed in the misty golden light. First, there was a layer of howling wind, which revolved around the eye of the wind and turned into a wild storm. The huge wind Above the wheel is a huge surging sea, surging and leaping into golden waves, and above that seemingly endless ocean is a layer of broken gold floating!
Fragmented gold shines with dazzling light, illuminating the whole world as the light source of the entire space, surrounded by fragmented gold, floating and sinking in the space like a dream, releasing bright light, and among the floating fragments of gold Above is a huge land!

Xuan Ren stood in the distance and looked at the miraculous scene in front of him. He saw a vast land slowly appearing from the golden light and the void, and the space suddenly became violently distorted. It was difficult to judge the size of the land with the naked eye. For a moment, Xuanren had an illusion that the area of ​​the continent even surpassed the entire Dayan Realm!

Standing behind Xuanren, Zhu Shen couldn't help but gasp when he saw this scene. The continent is too mysterious and mysterious, as if the Buddha world has descended. It ignores the existence of space and has a higher dimension. , what you see in front of you is neither real nor false, but something in between.

That continent was constructed with a total of three thousand worlds, reaching infinitely upwards and endlessly downwards, extremely huge and vast!
"It is said that only eminent monks or those who have a predestined relationship with the Buddha can arrive here and meet the true Buddha." Xuanren's eyes were extremely deep, and looking into the distance, there seemed to be a golden glow in his eyes!
After Zhu Shen stared at the continent for a while, his eyes felt extremely dry, his consciousness faltered, and his spirit could hardly resist the influence of that continent.

"My lord, what is that?" Zhu Shen asked.

Xuanren pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "The wind wheel, the water wheel, and the golden wheel gather together, and the continent cast on the three wheels is the Buddha Kingdom, and the center of the Buddha Kingdom is Mount Sumeru!"

When Zhu Shen heard what he said, his heart skipped a beat and he almost suffocated!

As a Buddhist, the greatest wish in life is to be able to see the true Buddha one day, besides saving all sentient beings, and Mount Sumeru is the realm of Buddha!

"Boom boom boom!"

Loud noises were heard throughout the day, the space shook violently, and all three thousand worlds shook, vibrating at a mysterious frequency, giving birth to thousands of brilliance, forming an incomprehensible general trend of heaven and earth, and miraculous Sanskrit symbols emerged one after another Coming out represents the truth between heaven and earth, bright and gorgeous!
The three thousand worlds turned into three thousand misty light spots, driving those Sanskrit symbols to surge and dance, and turning them into startling words. Xuanren couldn't help being surprised at this moment, he opened his eyes wide and cast his eyes on those pictures. Looking at it, the pictures are all Buddhist legends, telling the past of the true Buddha!

Floating life is like a dream. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appeared one after another in the picture. They manifested their miraculous bodies in the world to show miracles, spread Taoism, and condensed into a powerful force of faith. All of them appeared in the three thousand worlds at this moment. The azure blue light spot is extremely pure spiritual energy, representing the devotion of the believers to the true Buddha!
All the azure blue light spots are flying towards the high sky, the bright light is shining all the time, as if it exists forever, countless light spots merge into the center of the void, there is a rumbling sound from the sky, and in an instant, Zhu Shen and Xuan Ren both It feels like my soul is about to be pulled over!
The two looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes.

There are amazing secrets hidden in the Bodhi Secret Realm. It seems that this place is not only the burial place of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, but also the place of Nirvana. Perhaps it will also be the place of their rebirth and return!

A huge bell rang throughout the Maitreya Realm. The sound of the bell was leisurely, like a Buddha chanting scriptures. It was deafening. Xuanren felt as if his spiritual consciousness had been penetrated. The vast Buddhist essence in his mind was connected in series at this moment. come together!

There was a hint of enlightenment in his heart, his eyes were extremely clear, like stars, at this moment Xuanren raised his hands and feet, and saw that there seemed to be a Buddha's rhyme flowing, and the Buddha's light gathered into a bright seal to surround him, and the sky-shattering brilliance flew shot out, the dim golden light in front of him seemed to have some kind of reaction with him!
Countless spots of spiritual power converged, and the vast aura immediately spread to every corner of the three thousand worlds. There was a rumbling sound in the void again, as if some great and eternal existence was about to descend. Hold your breath!
Zhu Shen couldn't help but knelt down, Xuanren raised his eyes slightly to withstand the sudden Buddha power in front of him, he opened his eyes wide to see clearly what happened in front of him!
This is related to the huge mystery of the entire Bodhi Secret Realm, and it is also related to why the Jialan Realm and the Bodhi Courtyard exist. There are many involved in this, and even Xuanren himself does not know it. Maybe he will find the answer here, and what he is after The ultimate Buddha Dharma may be revealed at this moment, thinking of this, Xuanren can hardly restrain the excitement in his heart!
A huge golden mountain passes through the golden light curtain and is slowly appearing. The golden light shines throughout the whole world, and the bright light shines like a big sun. Appeared again!
That is Mount Sumeru, the whole mountain seems to be alive!


The blazing light was extremely bright, and the brilliance flowed on the mountain, like huge vitality waterfalls hanging down. The scene was extremely shocking and shocking. Xuanren's eyes were full of excitement, and he Tears filled my eyes!

Chao Wendao, Xi can die!

Accompanied by the distant Sanskrit chanting, Mount Sumeru exudes immeasurable brilliance and begins to evolve the entire world. Four continents were born from the wind wheel, water wheel, and golden wheel. Dongshengshenzhou, Nanfangbuzhou, and Xiniuhezhou , Beiju and Luzhou all appeared, protecting Mount Sumeru in the center!

At the same time, the nine mountains and the eight seas also manifested, like the stones pierced into the void, stabilizing the surrounding space, and the infinite light diffused, and the vitality of the entire world was contaminated. A wisp of Buddha-nature fluctuates, that is the breath of a true Buddha!
When Xuanren saw this scene, his body could not help trembling. Legend has it that when the whole world is filled with the Buddha's light, if you believe in the true Buddha, that great existence will return from Nirvana and come to this world again!

It is an alternative path to enlightenment. As long as there is enough faith to support it, the Buddha can be said to be eternal and immortal. He can live in the hearts of every believer and return at a certain predetermined moment!

(End of this chapter)

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