Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 997 Awakening Ability

Chapter 997 Awakening Ability
Lin Yuxi's delicate and perfect face had a slight smile on her face, and the corners of her mouth could not help but rise in that elegant smile. At this moment, her slender and thick eyelashes were slightly curled, and she looked lazy and charming under the sunlight. Zhang Kun felt in a trance for a while, and suddenly he remembered the charming things of that night, and embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yuxi's brows moved slightly, and she quickly pursed her lips into a smile.

Zhang Kun shook his head. It seems that she really cut off a part of herself as Jing Yu said, and Lin Yuxi that night was just an accident. It was Lin Yuxi's character and possibility that should not exist. The current Lin Yuxi has long forgotten what happened before, but fortunately, Lin Yuxi still remembers herself, the cooperative relationship between them, and they are now undergoing a Bodhi test.

And this long trial is finally coming to an end!
"You recovered?" Zhang Kun seemed a little afraid to look into Lin Yuxi's eyes. He took a deep breath and told himself that Lin Yuxi was the same as the Lin Yuxi he saw for the first time. There was no special relationship between them. , but just cooperation.


Lin Yuxi brushed the broken hair around her ears, her cherry lips squirmed slightly, and her eyes seemed to be shining with crystal brilliance.

"I feel like I had a long, long dream. I have already forgotten everything that happened in the dream, but I seem to remember that Mr. Zhang has always been by my side and accompanied me. Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Kun smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "It should be, I am your guardian."

Lin Yuxi smiled slightly: "Mr. Zhang, I think I should be able to help you this time."

Zhang Kun couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, his eyes flashed a little bit of astonishment, and he couldn't help but said: "Are you fully awakened?"

Lin Yuxi blushed slightly, and nodded slightly: "Yes."

She stretched out her white arms like snow lotus root, and slowly outlined a divine seal, and the bodhi seed phantom appeared from behind her, and quickly grew from a small seed to a towering tree with branches and leaves Dao rhyme and brilliance circulate on the luxuriant bodhi tree, which seems to have a different kind of spirituality.


Zhang Kun's voice was a little surprised. You must know that Lin Yuxi was only able to stimulate a few small buds from the bodhi seeds before, but now the phantom of the bodhi tree behind Lin Yuxi has grown to the same level as Xuanren!

Even Zhang Kun couldn't help but admire the speed of this growth!
"I have mastered all the abilities that Baili Qiwen obtained from the Liuli Supreme Dao Seed before." Lin Yuxi said with a light smile, a look of pride flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being a little surprised. When Baili Qiwen performed the secret technique of Liuli Medicine Buddha, Zhang Kun was very envious. A total of 49 bright lights came out, shining on the blue sky, as bright as day!
"Bai Liqiwen doesn't have enough talent to comprehend the Dao Seed. He only realized some extremely superficial Dharma, so he was easily defeated by us. But this time, when I comprehended the Dao Seed, I felt a sense. If I display that The technique of lighting the lamp must far surpass Baili Qiwen!" Lin Yuxi said.

Zhang Kun couldn't help taking a deep breath. Although he could see that Baili Qiwen was too reluctant to use the lighting technique, it also gave Yuanwei several times the increase and 49 life souls, but Lin Yuxi said The power of the technique of lighting the lamp that I cast far exceeds that of Baili Qiwen, so how powerful should it be?

"With this technique, are you sure you can defeat Xuanren?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking.

Xuanren is too powerful, he seems to be perfect in all aspects, he has reached the middle stage of integration early, that is the mainstay strength level of the twelve factions, and if he breaks through the Internet, he may touch the realm of refining the virtual threshold!
Moreover, Xuan Ren has been born for less than 50 years. He is undoubtedly a peerless genius. What is even more frightening is that his cultivation base of Buddhism is unpredictable. !
Facing such a monstrous existence, even Zhang Kun couldn't leapfrog to fight!

Fortunately, he is not fighting alone, he also has Lin Yuxi!

Before Lin Yuxi awakened, she had the ability to see through falsehoods. This ability is very precious and rare. She can see through the opponent's details at a glance. This is not the most powerful. Today, Lin Yuxi can see the enemy's weaknesses and vital points, as long as Lin Yuxi sees it With just one glance, she can point out the countermeasures of the opponent's skills!
Maybe her own fighting power is not strong, but as a supporter, she is definitely extremely powerful. This is the case with the skylight she cast on Zhang Kun earlier. At that moment, Zhang Kun felt an unprecedented force penetrated into his body, and his strength suddenly soared several times!
With insight into weaknesses, knowing oneself and the enemy, coupled with enhanced abilities, the combination of Lin Yuxi and Zhang Kun is not as simple as one plus one equals two!
Not to mention that now that Lin Yuxi has obtained the inheritance of Liuli Medicine Buddha, and possesses stronger auxiliary abilities, the efficacy of those 49 bright lamps is invincible!

Lin Yuxi looked at the young man in front of him who was full of vigor and enthusiasm, and there was a softness between his brows.

"Well, the cooperation between Mr. Zhang and I will surely defeat Xuan Ren."

At this moment, there are only four testers left in the Bodhi Secret Realm. Xuanren and Zhu Shen have already ascended into the depths of the Maitreya Realm, looking for the last Supreme Dao Seed, while Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi respectively obtained With Liuli Pharmacist Buddha's alchemy and Dharma inheritance, their strength instantly skyrocketed!

Although it is not directly reflected in the realm of vitality, the strengthening of combat power is more direct and terrifying. It is hard to believe that Zhang Kun is so powerful after breaking through to the realm of integration!
"In this case, let's start looking for Xuanren's trace!" Zhang Kun clenched his fist and said, the last time he and Xuanren fought each other was just a test, but now Zhang Kun is eager to fight Xuanren again!
In the center of the distant Maitreya realm, the entire space is shining with golden brilliance. The whole world is bathed in the holy light. Layers of ripples rise from the center of the space. The brilliance is like water, clear and clear. It seems that there is something hidden in the brilliance. Extremely mysterious stuff!

Xuanren was dressed in white, his eyes were as pure as autumn water, and the crystal clear skin under the spotless clothes was shining. He has been cultivating here for many days, and today he felt a slight sensation in his heart, and suddenly opened his eyes. The eyes looked at a point in the center of the realm, which was the source of the ripples, and it seemed that some extremely powerful existence was about to manifest from it!

"Is it finally coming?" Xuan Ren said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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