Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 996 Glazed Pharmacist Buddha

Chapter 996 Glazed Pharmacist Buddha

"I am the pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata, the leader of the Eastern Pure Liuli World."

Liuli Pharmacist Buddha opened his mouth slowly, his voice contained Dao rhyme, stirring in the entire alchemy hall, like a god, when he opened his mouth, the entire Dao hall trembled, as if resonating with it, golden radiance sprinkled Filling the entire space, the void is illuminated.

Liuli Pharmacist Buddha didn't open his eyes, and Zhang Kun felt that he had seen through him, as if everything about him was transparent in front of this great enlightened being. If it wasn't for the protection of the mirror field, Zhang Kun would even Can't get close to him!
Zhang Kun couldn't help being surprised, this is the first fairy-level existence to descend into the Mirror Realm!
It is also the second fairy-level existence he has ever seen. The first one is the wolfish ambition and painstaking efforts to invade the Nameless Continent. Realm, he had the power of the immortal level but couldn't use it because of the poor quality of vitality, and was finally beheaded by Zhang Kun!

The Liuli Pharmacist Buddha is different. He is a true Taoist, the supreme Buddha of Buddhism, and the existence of Buddhahood. If the figure of Liuli Pharmacist Buddha appears in the Dayan Realm at this moment, it will not only be in the Jialan Realm, but the entire There are countless people in Dayan Realm wanting to kneel down and kowtow to him piously!

And he actually appeared in front of Zhang Kun alive, how can this not be surprising, Zhang Kun couldn't help squinting his eyes, raised his head to look at the figure surrounded by countless mysterious light wheels, and saw him The head is full of snail hair that symbolizes wisdom. On the left hand side is a blue jade medicine pot floating slightly, while the right hand is stretched down naturally, with the fingertips drooping and forming the wish seal. The treasure is solemn, holy and subtle.

Liuli Pharmacist Buddha faced Zhang Kun, smiled slightly, and whispered the ancient Buddhist scriptures.

"All diseases are cured, and there is no suffering."

This is the ancient "Pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata Original Vow Merit Sutra", it seems to have magical powers, every word uttered, the surroundings will light up with a brilliant color of brilliance.

Zhang Kun watched quietly from the side, but his heart was beating wildly. This is the existence of the same level of immortal-level alchemy method as the Calamity and Poison Sutra, which is obviously compared to the Calamity and Poison Sutra that specializes in refining poison , the inheritance of Liuli Pharmacist Buddha is more fundamental and stronger. If Zhang Kun can accept this inheritance, then soon, he will surely have a breakthrough in the way of alchemy!

The fairy-level alchemy secret technique seems to have never been born in the Dayan world. It is simply the most precious thing. Once it appears, it will inevitably cause competition among major forces. Even the superpowers at the level of the three sects and six palaces will I couldn't help but fight, fighting for this fairy scripture!
Zhang Kun couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring at everything in front of him, for fear of missing any details.

"Do not let the precepts be lacking, and quickly realize Bodhi."

Every word Liuli Pharmacist Buddha uttered contains the Dao, the Dao is as simple as it is, these simple words are explaining the Dao to the truth, Zhang Kun tried to understand the meaning of the words of the Liuli Pharmacist Buddha, and instantly felt himself immersed in Entering it, Liuli Medicine Buddha's alchemy method is too vast!

Zhang Kun, who had mastered hundreds of millions of plants and trees, was also stunned at the moment. The essence of plants and trees kept flooding in his mind. In just that moment, Zhang Kun felt that his plants and trees had grown a lot. It seems that there are tens of millions of attainments!
"Pull out karma, release fear."

Glazed Medicine Buddha finally finished reciting the ancient scriptures, waves of ripples swept away like ripples, and the brilliance of colorful colored glazes all lit up. The strange scene was shocking, and Zhang Kun was immersed in it all at once. I can no longer feel the passage of time.

The extremely gorgeous glazed brilliance floated in the air like colored light bands. Zhang Kun felt bursts of Sanskrit chants coming from his ears, and the whole world resonated with it. At this moment, he felt that he had realized countless things in an instant. With the knowledge of alchemy, a cyan light lit up between his brows, as if there were countless phantoms of vegetation flickering up and down. At this moment, Zhang Kun seemed to be integrated with the nature of heaven and earth, and there was an indescribable harmony in him.

I don't know how long it took before Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes.

Liuli Pharmacist Buddha's alchemy inheritance is too huge. He has realized less than one ten-thousandth of it now, but this insight is enough to make his alchemy realm advance by leaps and bounds!

Although Zhang Kun hasn't actually operated it yet, he knows that his alchemy technique must have made great progress!

You must know that before entering the Bodhi Secret Realm, he just broke through to the third level of the great alchemist, and now it seems that he has made a breakthrough again!

"It's a pity, I'm still in the assessment, and I have more important things to do, otherwise, I must study the inheritance of Liuli Medicine Buddha!" ​​Zhang Kun muttered to himself, he had no delusions To become a fat man with one bite, the way of alchemy is broad and profound, how can it be learned overnight?

The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual. Zhang Kun understands this truth very well, not to mention that the alchemy technique is extremely particular and practical. Investigating the alchemists' attainments in plants and trees, they have to compete in mental strength and actual alchemy operations.

Zhang Kun bowed to the glass medicine master Buddha, and left the mirror field.

This colored glaze pharmacist Buddha is different from the alchemists who were summoned to the alchemy hall by Jingyu before. Both Gongsun Yangyan and Luo Quan are living people, they have their own emotions and personalities, and this colored glaze pharmacist Buddha is the supreme Strictly speaking, the transformation of the elixir inheritance information in the Dao Seed is not the arrival of the deity, but the realization of the inheritance.

Therefore, this glazed pharmacist Buddha is like a machine, it is only born for preaching, although it can talk, but the content of the conversation is only limited to the way of alchemy.

After leaving the Mirror Realm, Zhang Kun reappeared in the Glazed Realm. It was a wilderness. The previous mountains and caves were destroyed by the battle between Zhang Kun and the powerhouses of the Twelve Factions, but Zhang Kun was surprised. What's more, he clearly remembered that he once split the ground with a sword, forming an abyss of hundreds of feet, but when he looked at it now, he unexpectedly found that the abyss was almost closed!
"As expected of a complete small world, the Bodhi Secret Realm is really magical." Zhang Kun muttered to himself involuntarily. The aura here is so abundant that it is outrageous. At the same time, there are countless inexplicable mysteries in the Bodhi Secret Realm .

"you're awake?"

At this moment, Lin Yuxi's melodious voice sounded like wind passing through broken jade.

(End of this chapter)

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