Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 995 The Buddha

Chapter 995 The Buddha
Looking at Lin Yuxi's appearance at this moment, Zhang Kun couldn't help frowning. Her current state is unknown, but what Zhang Kun can foresee is that Lin Yuxi should have forgotten some of the previous things.

Zhang Kun once thought about one thing. If a person loses all his memories and is forcibly injected with new memories, is this person still the same person?
This may be the reason why Zhang Kun is unwilling to practice Buddhism. Although this so-called reduction and emptiness can make the practitioner more pure, it is helpful for the breakthrough of the realm, and removes the part of the state of mind that does not need to exist. Zhang Kun is still a little scared about this, but what if Lin Yuxi doesn't recognize him at all after waking up, or becomes another person?
For the time being, Zhang Kun couldn't think too much. He took a deep breath, stayed beside Lin Yuxi, and quietly waited for her to complete her awakening.

At the same time, Zhang Kun continued to take pills for recovery. His total amount of vitality was huge, but he recovered quickly. The vitality between heaven and earth seemed to have found its source, and it kept pouring into his body. He closed his eyes. The eyes sense slightly, and with his current mental strength, he can clearly distinguish every ray of vitality energy in the air. This is the meticulous ability to control vitality. In an instant, Zhang Kun's spiritual consciousness split into several Wan Dao, every ray of mental power is slowly controlling the vitality, and the vitality around him surges up crazily. With a thought, Zhang Kun did not absorb the vitality into his body for cultivation as before, but a sudden whim Earth manipulates the vitality to circulate between the outer world.

"Well, this feeling is really wonderful!" An unprecedented feeling surged in Zhang Kun's body, as if he was wrapped in something soft. There is some kind of strange energy attached to it.

The human body is the inner world, while the outside of the human body is the whole world. The vitality exists between the outer world and surges in a disordered state. However, under the guidance of Zhang Kun at this moment, the vitality begins to intertwine into a Another piece of golden brilliance, as if it has evolved into Tao and reason, it is incomparably wonderful!

It was as if a silkworm cocoon had appeared around his body, and the condensed vitality was pulled into crystal clear white silk, which wrapped Zhang Kun tightly, and the white silk cocoon became thicker and thicker, enough to There are hundreds of layers.

"Huh!" Zhang Kun took a deep breath, and immediately swallowed all the vitality contained in Baisi's disability into his body. In an instant, he felt a warm current flowing into his whole body. , that substantial power filled his limbs and bones!
"It seems that my realm has improved a lot." Zhang Kun couldn't help but exclaimed, and then nodded suddenly. He had just experienced a big battle. During the battle, he constantly used his own power and observed the opponent's actions. Cultivators bring opportunities for breakthroughs, which is why many Qi trainers pursue continuous fighting, and only in continuous fighting can they constantly break through their limits and reach the peak.

Looking at the vitality gradually filling up in his body, a smile flashed across Zhang Kun's mouth. The sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana is constantly recovering, and the tide of vitality is rising and falling in his body. enough to fill it up.

But what Zhang Kun didn't know was that what he did was inadvertently aroused the vitality of the entire Bodhi Secret Realm. He seemed to have touched some kind of strange Dao rhyme, and the whole world was responding to it, and it was unspeakable The fluctuations are washed away!
Opening his eyes, he saw that Lin Yuxi, who had an elegant and peaceful face, still closed his eyes tightly, and Zhang Kun couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Forget it, let's take a look in the mirror field, I don't know what happened in the previous scene." Zhang Kun thought to himself.

He disappeared in place with a thought, a white light flashed in the mirror field, and Zhang Kun appeared directly in the alchemy hall of the mirror field according to his thoughts.


As soon as Zhang Kun appeared in the Alchemy Hall, he found that the Alchemy Hall at this moment was obviously different from the past. The magnificent hall seemed to be shining brightly, reflecting the entire building brilliantly.

But when he walked to the depths of the hall, Dang Lian froze there, only to see a bright light in the center of the hall that was continuously ups and downs.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but exclaimed: "Shouldn't this be the position of Master Dandian? Why is it occupied by a ball of bright light at this moment?"

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he slapped himself on the head violently!

At that time, he was about to fuse the nine-fold ice veins to condense the ice core. At that critical moment, he suddenly used the alchemy inheritance of Liuli Medicine Buddha in his mind. Kun was very surprised, caught off guard, and his brain fell into a short period of sluggishness. Fortunately, Gu Jing was sitting in the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness, and suddenly appeared, sucking the surging inheritance information into the mirror domain. That ray of light is the alchemy inheritance of Liuli Pharmacist Buddha!

"Wow!" Zhang Kun was still worried before, whether the inheritance of Liuli Medicine Buddha would disappear directly, but what Zhang Kun didn't expect was that it actually lived in the Dan Palace. Judging from its location , it seems to have replaced a strong man as Zhang Kun's alchemy master?
As if to confirm what Zhang Kun thought, Jing Yu's indifferent voice sounded leisurely.

"Because Zhang Kun broke through to the third level of the great alchemist on his own, and obtained the inheritance of alchemy, the operation rules of the alchemy hall have been slightly changed from assessment to acceptance of inheritance, and rewards will be given for completion."

Zhang Kun couldn't help but smile in surprise after hearing this, is there such a good thing?

Mirror Domain is really a magical existence. Not only has the inheritance of Liuli Medicine Buddha been preserved, but there are also additional rewards. This is undoubtedly a surprise for Zhang Kun!

Zhang Kun found out a subtle ray of spiritual power on the bright light. In an instant, thousands of roads roared like Huang Zhong Dalu. Soaring up, in a golden mist, Zhang Kun was surprised to find a Buddha sitting cross-legged in the void, with a benevolent smile on his face, eyes closed tightly, and a calm expression on his face.

"Buddha?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but exclaimed. This was the first time he had seen a real Buddha with his own eyes, and it was a fairy-level existence!
The Buddha, which was transformed into bright light, slowly opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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