Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 994

Chapter 994
The sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana is a powerful vision that has never been seen in ancient times. Countless monks have never seen such a vast and majestic ocean of vitality. It is even more unbelievable that it is actually hidden in Zhang Kun's body. No wonder he can so easily leapfrog and fight!

Zhang Kun's vitality is fundamentally different from that of other ordinary monks, and the two are completely different things!

His vitality is usually golden in color, but it will turn into a dreamy blue-gold color the moment Bing Xin Jue is activated, and when he activates the power of the Five Elements Spirit Foundation, his vitality can follow The psionic power activated in the spirit base to change attributes!
It can be said that Zhang Kun's vitality contains countless profound Taoism and divine rules, which are the embodiment of his comprehension of the way of heaven, while the vitality of other ordinary monks is just ordinary energy, at most because of natural spiritual species or exercises. The classics are special with some attributes!
The moment the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana appeared, the entire Sichen painting world was occupied by the mighty ocean. The Sichen painting world was a quasi-domain existence, and the moment the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana appeared, it directly seized the right space control, the four stars were sucked into the ocean, and the golden waves seemed to be able to swallow everything!
The journey of the sun and the moon, if it comes out of it, the stars are brilliant, if it goes out of it!
And at the moment when the power of the name Can Xue burst out, the entire sea of ​​the infinite Mahayana turned into an endless ocean of ice, and all the vitality was transformed into the power of frost at that moment, and suddenly a wave seemed to come from before the ages. The Xuanbing Qi machine roared in, freezing all the masters of the twelve sects in an instant, turning them into ice scum!

Not only the four people including Zuoman, but even the Yinwu, Shangque, and Zilong faction powerhouses who were shot down by Zhang Kun and fell to the ground just now were all frozen. Thousands of miles were frozen by thousands of ice crystals. battlefield!
At this moment, the seven well-fitting experts from the twelve sects were all frozen, and all the vitality in their bodies was frozen. Zhang Kun turned into a streamer and shuttled among the seven people. The slag shattered, and those strong men also fell with it!
The battle was going on very fast, Zhang Kun didn't hold back too much, he used all the methods he could use under normal circumstances, it took less than a quarter of an hour for the seven strong men to fall, and after a while Ming Canxue turned into a ray of snow and disappeared, returning to the Mirror Realm.

Zhang Kun was suspended in mid-air, looking at the vast and endless ice ocean below calmly, releasing the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana can suppress the space, and he can release his moves through this entire ocean, making it even more powerful Powerful, the scope of influence is also wider.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. This time, he had just broken through to the second level of Bing Xin Jue, and the power of the ice core was really extraordinary, which made Zhang Kun speechless. He didn't use Lin Yuxi's power in the battle just now, so It is enough to fight against the strong in the fit state!
"It's not in vain for me to cultivate so hard." Zhang Kun smiled faintly, and a little bit of relief flashed in his eyes.

If you want to gain strength, you must pay a sufficient price. The reason why Zhang Kun is so powerful now is precisely because he has cultivated to perfection in every realm in the past, but the process of cultivation is very dangerous. If you are a little bit careless, you will fall!
But the rewards are worth it. He finally completely relied on his own strength to overwhelm the strong fit man. You must know that he is only in the middle stage of Mahayana.
At the same time, Zhang Kun also smiled wryly. It is indeed extremely powerful to release the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana, but at the same time he also exhausted the vitality in the entire ocean. With half a wisp of vitality, it would be terrible if Zhang Kun was in any danger now!

Vitality is the resource that monks rely on to fight. If they lose their vitality, the combat effectiveness of monks will be greatly reduced, unless they are those who specialize in the physical body, and their spiritual strength has been polished to an unimaginable level. Without the help of the increase of vitality, it is enough to explode with terrifying power!

And Zhang Kun's body at this moment is also extremely powerful. He has experienced countless calamities and tempered, and previously used the solips crystal to absorb Yuanwei's seven-fold blazing fire. Now Zhang Kun's body hardness can be said to be comparable to that of a spiritual weapon. !

Immediately Zhang Kun took out a elixir, took it, and adjusted his breath a little. There was chaos in the sea of ​​​​qi. With the power of the elixir, it seemed that a spring had been opened, and the surging vitality flowed from it. The spring surged out, filling the sea of ​​Qi in an instant, and then the surging vitality rolled into Zhang Kun's limbs and bones like a torrent.

"By the way, I don't know if Lin Yuxi is awake." With a thought in his mind, Zhang Kun flickered to look for Lin Yuxi.

When the battle started just now, Zhang Kun immediately activated the previously arranged formation to isolate Lin Yuxi from this space, so as to prevent her from being disturbed by the battle. As a result, the energy dissipated in the subsequent battle was too strong. Zhang Kun The level of the formation method has not yet reached the level of the great formation master, so the formation method has already failed.

Zhang Kun's powerful spiritual sense swept the surroundings, and immediately found her. At this moment, Lin Yuxi was still immersed in her cultivation.

Lin Yuxi seemed to be ignorant of everything that happened around her. Once she entered the awakened state, nothing would disturb her. Zhang Kun looked at his beautiful face like a lotus dew, and couldn't help but sighed slightly.

I don't know if Lin Yuxi still remembers what happened last night. If she does, Zhang Kun doesn't know how to face her.

"Ming Yu, you said before that Lin Yuxi was doing subtraction and seeking space, what exactly is that?" Zhang Kun's spiritual consciousness communicated with Jing Yu instantly, and asked.

Jing Yu replied: "People have the seven emotions and six desires. Cut off the unnecessary parts and leave the pure true self. This is a stage that a very gifted person will go through in Buddhist practice. After doing the subtraction and emptiness, she will True awakening, at that time, her talent will truly surpass Xuanren."

This time, Jing Yu seemed to be in a good mood, and even said a lot more.

"Cut off the parts you don't need. Isn't it because there are many sides that people are called people?" Zhang Kun asked suspiciously.

Jing Yu remained silent, but Zhang Kun continued to mutter to himself: "If I need to cut off a part of me in exchange for power, I would rather not have such power!"

 Unconsciously, 1000 chapters, I feel a little excited, want to say something, thank you for something, think about it, let's continue to code, only a good code, is the real return to the judges!

(End of this chapter)

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