Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 993

Chapter 993
"Pfft!" The two men spit out blood suddenly, and they all fell to the ground. The heinously powerful frost energy exploded in an instant, and their internal organs were blown to pieces at this moment. , the body has gradually broken away from the scope of the mortal body, even if all the important organs are exhausted, it can still survive, unless the dantian spirit core is crushed and the soul is wiped out, it is truly dead!
All the people present gasped. There are only four people who can still stand in the sky with Zhang Kun. A woman in a black veil, and a monk in a luxurious cassock!

These four people dared not despise Zhang Kun any more. The middle-aged Confucian scholars came from Yong Academy, which is a very special sect among the twelve sects. The disciples trained by them are not top-notch in combat effectiveness, but they are proficient in ancient and modern poetry and books. Qimen Dunjia, divination and fortune-telling, etc. have been dabbled in all kinds of arts and skills, such enemies do not have any obvious weaknesses!

"Go!" At this time, the middle-aged Confucian scholar has already made a move, and he has been watching the battle by the side, not for paddling, but for the exercises he practiced that require a long time to arrange, and suddenly appeared in mid-air There are countless crystal light spots, like bright stars spread all over the entire airspace, and the light spots emit dazzling bright light, illuminating the entire battlefield!
"Sichen Painting Realm?" Zuo Man's voice was a little surprised, he recognized the name of this strange skill move, it is a kind of ability similar to the field formation that Yu Yong Academy is good at, it requires a lot of time It took a long time to arrange and pave the way, but if the entire painting world is formed, the power will be extremely powerful!
The enchanting woman and the cassock monk glanced at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes. They had heard the ancient legend of the Yong Academy, and once a great sage master in the Yong Academy used this method. Light spots were set up on the battlefield, and finally hundreds of strong men with similar strength to him were besieged in it for a hundred years, and they were slowly killed one by one!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Kun couldn't help but raise his lips. He observed that the surrounding environment seemed to have undergone subtle changes, and the entire space seemed to be locked. The speed under the situation slowed down by half!
"It's interesting." However, Zhang Kun just commented leisurely, as if he didn't pay much attention to it!
Seeing Zhang Kun's indifferent expression, the middle-aged Confucian scholar couldn't help but contemptuously curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"Those who dare to belittle me in the Sichen painting circle of Yong Academy will end up in a terrible end!" The middle-aged Confucian scholar sneered again and again.

Regarding this, Zhang Kun just smiled faintly, raised his eyes slightly, and looked around.

The mountains and rivers in the original Bodhi Secret Realm were all crushed and turned into debris, replaced by four rising stars. This may be the reason why the four-layer painting world got its name. The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth couldn't help but curl up There was a little smile.

The Four Stars painting world is so famous, which also led Zhang Kun to see at a glance that its base is hidden among the four stars!
The four stars are flame stars, ice stars, thunder and lightning stars, and dark stars. The four stars exude four different colors and suppress the entire battlefield. They seem to have some kind of connection or magnetic field between them. Attracted, slowly spinning around Zhang Kun, Zhang Kun only felt the world spinning for a while, as if the surrounding space had been disturbed!

"He's trapped, come on, it's the end of him!" Zuo Man yelled loudly, his whole body roaring with vigor, and the bright red flames lit up on his body, making him look like a huge fireball!
"Boom boom boom!"

The enchanting woman also made a move at the same time, her fingertips flashed a purple light, and instantly turned into Shura's sharp claws, extremely ferocious and frightening, the strange purple light flashed again, and the staggered shadows of the claws rushed towards Zhang Kun Come kill!

The eminent monk in cassock over there also made a move. He was chanting ancient and mysterious scriptures, his whole body was bathed in golden clouds and mists, and large golden characters appeared one after another in mid-air. The words he chanted The mantra culture made Tianwei, suppressed it, and wanted to crush Zhang Kun into pieces!
Zhang Kun's gaze became slightly dignified. Facing the joint attack of the four masters, he did not dare to push himself too hard. He raised his right hand lightly, Ming Canxue turned into a crystal snow light, and the blade of the sword slammed The ground trembled!
Space tremor!


Suddenly Zhang Kun's body was full of golden light, and the extremely surging vitality in his body boiled up, turning into a surging tide of anger. At this moment, Zhang Kun's eyes were extremely deep, as if a starry sky was hidden inside, and he was burning with golden holy flames , The vast aura suddenly spread!
"what is this?"

The four people were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but gasped!
They saw a golden sea lying in front of their eyes, and the golden sea came out of Zhang Kun's body. At this moment, his golden blood was soaring into the sky, and Zhang Kun was sitting cross-legged in the void, with his eyes tightly closed, There was a bit of holiness on his face, his body was crystal clear, and every inch of his skin seemed to be shining with brilliance!

The entire sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana was released by Zhang Kun, covering the entire battlefield, and this endless sea was still expanding, and the sound of the rushing tide gradually sounded!

The attacks of the four were submerged in the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana, and they didn't even stir up any splashes!
"No! Impossible, how is it possible?" They were already stunned, and the next moment they made a frantic move, using all the lifelong knowledge of their sect, and suddenly the battlefield turned into a sea of ​​energy explosion , Their powerful attacks submerge everything, enough to destroy everything!

"Boom boom boom!"

Their attacks never stopped, and countless flames, claw marks, and golden lights flashed and blasted into the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana, but Zhang Kun still sat there with a calm expression on his face, as if he hadn't been affected at all!
"What are you kidding?"

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
"Enough, it's time to end this game!" Zhang Kun said with a faint smile.


The next moment, Ming Canxue who had disappeared just now reappeared and crashed into the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana. The power of frost exploded instantly, thousands of ice crystals fell in the ocean like a shower, and the entire water body was frozen. In an instant, a vast ice field appeared in front of everyone, and at the same time, the four strong men were instantly frozen into ice sculptures!
(End of this chapter)

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