Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 992 Unmatched

Chapter 992 Unmatched
Can Xue pierced into the cultivator's divine body, and the terrifying and tyrannical spiritual energy exploded in an instant. The extremely manic frost spiritual energy was like a life-swallowing god of death, trying to freeze his whole body into ice slag, but the next moment The powerful vitality in the monk's body surged in an instant, trying to shake Zhang Kun away!

Zhang Kun smiled slightly, ignoring him at all, his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared again in a flash!

Shadow Passing Twice is the top assassination technique. When Zhang Kun was in Jitian City, Zhang Kun was in danger and raised the realm of this movement technique to the second level. Like a ghost, nine shadows of Zhang Kun appeared on the field in an instant. They looked exactly the same as Zhang Kun, and there was no difference at all!

Moreover, Zhang Kun's speed has skyrocketed to ten times that of monks of the same rank. Even the fitters can't keep up with his speed!
What's even more frightening is that Zhang Kun can be said to be elusive, just a blink of an eye, and he disappeared in place again!

Previously, Zhang Kun didn't use this kind of agility at all, and the masters of the twelve sects only thought that he would just stand in place and use swordsmanship and Taoism to fight against them. How could they have thought that Zhang Kunsu's sudden rise would flash to them Beside him, he was directly stabbed to the point of chills!
The vitality of the fit strong man is already very strong. Unless he hits a vital point, he will not die immediately because his body is cut. The fit strong man whose chest was cut by Zhang Kun just spit out a mouthful of blood. His face became a little pale, but the wound on his body healed immediately, as if nothing happened at all, but everyone understood that his aura was suddenly weakened!
"All get together, don't give this little cub an opportunity!" Zuo Man said with a stiff face.

The masters of the Twelve Factions were too confident, and felt that it didn't take them much effort to deal with Zhang Kun, so they stood very casually when they came up, and didn't take Zhang Kun seriously at all. One shot hurt one of them!

Zhang Kun smiled slightly and said: "No matter what you do, you can't beat me. I said you should go back and tell their leaders, and ask them to come here in person, lest I go find them one by one!"

The expressions on everyone's faces suddenly became extraordinarily exciting!

Suddenly there was a deafening explosion, Zhang Kun couldn't help but raised his head, looked at the high sky, but saw that the void suddenly cracked, and there was a loud noise, and a pair of huge hands came out of it, like a blue dragon. Like claws, the whole space seemed to be trembling, as if it couldn't bear the terrifying power attached to that giant hand!
"My God!" Even Yin Wu couldn't help but exclaimed. This is the top secret technique of the Purple Dragon Sect. It requires a huge price to release, and the conditions for comprehension are extremely harsh. In the entire Purple Dragon Sect, Those who can comprehend this supreme secret technique don't know that there are only five fingers. They didn't expect to see it at this moment!

Just now, the monk who was injured by Zhang Kun made a move in shock. He was bathed in the purple light all over his body, surrounded by a terrifying killing intent. The giant palm seemed to be able to cover the sky, which was extremely terrifying. This is a blow that is enough to kill the mid-stage powerhouse!
A look of astonishment flashed in Zhang Kun's eyes, but he was not timid either. Facing this enormous force, he just raised his hand and waved his sword, and cut through the sky with an extremely bright sword. The sword glow is as high as a thousand feet, and the clearest snow light shines on Mingcanxue!
Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, staring at everything in front of them, for fear of missing any details.

The sword light collided with the giant purple palm in an instant, as if a claw of a giant dragon fell, and the whole battlefield trembled!

"Ahem!" Zhang Kun couldn't help but took a few steps back, his face paled slightly!
However, at this time, the strong man of the Purple Dragon faction spurted out a mouthful of blood. The giant purple palm froze in mid-air, and the peerless sword light stood on it. In just an instant, the entire huge palm turned into a Countless fragments fell down one after another, turning into nothing!

And the strong man of the Zilong faction obviously has a certain kind of spiritual connection with the giant palm. When the giant palm burst open, he was also having a hard time. His body trembled, and Zhang Kun had already cut him with a sword. His body shook suddenly, like a kite that lost its string, crashing to the ground!

Yin Wu and Shang Que looked at each other, they could see the horror in each other's eyes!
What a joke, one is in the middle stage of Fusion, and the other is in the middle stage of Mahayana. The collision between the two turned out to be a master of the Purple Dragon School who was severely injured. This is simply unbelievable!

Everyone present gasped, and the way they looked at Zhang Kun changed again.

However, Zhang Kun still looked indifferent, as if this shocking thing was not done by him at all!
The Bing Xin Jue of the second stage, coupled with the name Canxue of Zhun Lingbao Nengwei, and the almost infinite vitality in the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana, coupled with Zhang Kun's kendo that has been honed so far, it is no wonder that he still cannot defeat the masters of the Zilong School!

"Should die!" Zhang Kun's figure flashed and turned into a dark golden streamer again. He wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill the masters of the Zilong faction. Unexpectedly, Yinwu and Shangque reacted instantly, and their speed soared. Attacking Zhang Kun from different directions, suddenly the energy of heaven and earth rushed rapidly, Zhang Kun sneered.

"It's just in time, let's die together!"

He lifted Ming Canxue lightly, struck out in an instant, slashing out a piece of snow light, and the moment he struck out with a sword, he possessed a thousand-thousand divine might. All the ice crystals contained white traces of the three realms of frost, a white light flashed in Zhang Kun's eyes, and his mental power surged out at this moment, controlling each ice crystal to explode in different directions!

"Boom boom boom!"

A few huge cracks appeared on the ground instantly, like a hideous giant mouth, as if it was crushed by the snow light, the surrounding environment couldn't bear such a terrifying attack!

"No! Impossible, how is it possible!" Yinwu and Shangque screamed loudly. They only felt that their bodies were frozen in an instant, and the countless ice crystals turned into frost under Zhang Kun's control. The cage directly trapped the two of them in the ice and snow, the sharp ice thorns broke through everything, instantly shattered their protective energy, and mercilessly pierced into their bodies!

(End of this chapter)

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