Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 991

Chapter 991
The attacks of the seven fit powerhouses crashed down, and before they touched Zhang Kun's body, they were already killed by countless frosts!
Zhang Kun secretly smiled in his heart and said, "If you had come here earlier, if my Bing Xin Jue hadn't broken through, it would not be so easy to crack your offensive, but now, the Ninefold Ice Vein has been completely fused and upgraded to an ice core. With Can Xue's blessing, why would I be afraid of you guys who are in the middle and early stages of the contract?"

"What, what?"

"No! Impossible, how is it possible!"

The faces of the seven masters suddenly turned cold. Even though their attack just now was nothing more than a test, they are all well-fitting experts, and they have practiced for a long time. They have studied their Tao to the extreme. If so, how could he lose to those geniuses who just grew up?

But at this moment, their attack was ruthlessly frozen, which is indeed worthy of it, a trace of solemnity flashed in Zuo Man's eyes, perhaps at this moment he finally understood why Qi Yangzheng and the others would attach so much importance to this matter. Young people, they did not hesitate to send so many vital forces from the Twelve Sects to encircle and suppress Zhang Kun!
Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
Yin Wu and Shang Que focused their gazes, and the vitality in their bodies roared up, and the momentum was raised to the highest in an instant!
Zhang Kun turned his eyes coldly, and there seemed to be a cold light shooting out. He raised his eyes and sneered: "Get away now, and I may be lenient, otherwise don't blame me for stepping on your door in the future and slaughtering your entire teacher." Door!"

"Arrogant and conceited!" Zuo Man's expression changed almost instantly, and when he held his big hand, he immediately lifted up a huge fireball, and drew it in front of him, and the fire rained down from the sky!

It was the Zhengyang sect's secret attack technique, and Zuoman also used a powerful magic weapon at this moment, the eyes of the other six people couldn't help being attracted by that magic weapon, and a trace of horror flashed in their eyes.

"Phoenix Feather Blazing Fan?" Yin Wu couldn't help exclaiming at this moment, and the expression on his face obviously flashed a bit of astonishment!
The power of this Phoenix Feather Blazing Fan is not a joke. It is said that this magic weapon contains the true blood of the Phoenix. Even if there is only one drop, it is powerful enough. Zuo Man has such a magic weapon. No wonder the Zhengyang faction is faintly becoming the head of the twelve factions !

"This son must not be left behind! Comrades, let's fight together to kill this evil!"

"Okay!" The seven people responded in unison, and the surrounding vitality roared wildly, as if a war drum was beating, the whole world fell into a chilling atmosphere, the entire battlefield was constantly stirring, and the energy exploded. Scatter and turn into Shura Hell!

"Hmph, overreaching." Zhang Kun stood proudly in the space with his hands behind his back, and the ice flowers swirled under his feet, forming a towering ice peak. He stood on the top of this ice peak, looking down upon the crowd!
As soon as Zhang Kun's words fell, the ice peak under his feet exploded, turning into thousands of ice blades, and falling like a violent shower. The sky was instantly covered by countless frosts, and the temperature of the entire battlefield dropped to freezing point!

Zuo Man's strength is unquestionable. Apart from the head teacher of the Zhengyang Sect and Qi Yangzheng, he is also the most powerful among the elders of the Zhengyang Sect. After several years, he has cultivated the body of flames, and now he is using all his strength to activate the incomparably powerful phoenix feather fan. It is so powerful that the sky will be burned up!
Ice and fire collide again!
"Boom boom boom!"

The sky-shattering explosion came instantly, and the deafening thunderstorm echoed throughout the world. At this moment, everyone felt that thousands of big bells were ringing at the same time, and the scattered sound waves Enough to destroy a hill!
The even more frightening overflowing burst of vitality exploded, and a cloud ring suddenly rose in the flat ground!
The flames were cut apart, and the frost spread everywhere!

"What, what?" Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "I've said it all, you are not my opponent, let the strongest of your twelve factions come!"

Everyone present was incredulous, Zuo Man's eyes seemed to be able to spew out fire, his eyes were fixed, and he looked at the crystal clear ice blade in Zhang Kun's hand.

"That's a quasi-spiritual treasure!" Zuo Man shouted coldly.

Seeing the quasi-lingbao is like seeing the leader of Lianxu!
This is a consensus among the monks of the twelve sects. The power contained in the quasi-spiritual treasure is too powerful, and even the great monks in the fit state are unwilling to be affected by that power!

"No wonder this kid is so strong, so he borrowed the power of the quasi-lingbao!"

A bit of relief flashed across the eyes of the crowd, but at the same time they became serious. They have all experienced the power of the quasi-lingual treasure. Even if the user is only in the realm of Mahayana, the power of the quasi-lingual treasure is not It can be easily resisted!

"Again!" Zuo Man roared angrily, with high fighting spirit and killing intent!
Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "Please use your strength, in fact, I just want to test my current strength, but if you are too weak, you will not be able to test it!"

"Arrogance! Presumptuousness!" Yin Wu and Shang Que's complexions suddenly became very ugly, and they also made a move. Thousands of ice streams and lightsabers bursting at Zhang Kun in an instant with a cold air. The firepower of the attack is extremely strong, there is no dead angle at all, the cooperation between the two is very good, the criss-cross attack makes Zhang Kun have nowhere to escape!
The bright brilliance lit up, illuminating the entire battlefield!


Faced with such a terrifying attack, Zhang Kun just spit out a word lightly!

In an instant, all the snow-colored sword lights on Ming Canxue surged, and the ice flower, which was so huge that it could not be seen, was outlined at this moment. The whole ice flower was like a peerless work of art, magnificent and beautiful. Extreme!
And every petal and leaf is lifelike, as if carrying Dao rhyme, swaying in the mid-air, the blue ice crystal looks extremely weak, flying lightly towards Yinwu and Shangque's attack!

The moment the ice flower touched Yinwu and Shangque's offensive, it exploded, as if possessing shocking lethality, which formed a huge contrast with its soft and beautiful appearance!

Bingliu and Jianguang were easily crushed at this moment, disappearing in an instant, and the eyes of Yin Wu and Shangque suddenly opened wide!

"Why is he so powerful?"

A trace of horror flashed in the hearts of everyone, and before they could react, a huge explosion came again!

I saw Zhang Kun's figure turned into a dark golden streamer, as if he had escaped into the space. When he paid again, his ice blade had already pierced into the chest of a strong fit man!

(End of this chapter)

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