Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 990

Chapter 990
"what happened?"

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
The people in the Bodhi Court just saw the majestic scene. It seemed that countless people rushed towards Zhang Kun and the others. Powerful auras rose one after another, but before everyone could see clearly what happened, The light curtain of Bodhi Courtyard shook and dissipated.

It is an exception to reveal it for Zhang Kun's cultivation breakthrough. Now that Zhang Kun's breakthrough is over, the light curtain will naturally dissipate. It only records the battle between the Buddha's candidates. Not in this list!
"What happened?" Everyone looked puzzled, but there was nothing they could do. The light curtain had completely disappeared, and they could no longer observe the situation in the Bodhi Secret Realm. Only the two masters, Fang Wen and Fang Zheng, frowned slightly. Frowning, looking far away, looking suspiciously in the direction of the thatched cottage.

The expressions on the faces of the two became more and more miserable. They saw some clues, and they already had guesses in their hearts, but they had no choice. He had already made up his mind to sacrifice Zhang Kun, so he simply let them go.

On the other side, Qi Yangzheng had a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, so that the outside world would not know who intervened in the Buddha's trial and killed Zhang Kun!
At this moment, in the Bodhi Secret Realm and the Glazed Realm, the chilling aura is spreading throughout the audience!

"Zhang Kun! Today is your doomsday. We want to avenge the son of Qi Lao, all the members of the twelve factions who died on Hongze Lake, and the eminent monks of Kasyapa Temple!"

There was a loud noise with chills, and a figure shining with blood came crashing down in front of Zhang Kun. Among the blood shadows was a tall and unusually tall, yellow-haired middle-aged strong man with cold eyes, looking down at Zhang Kun from high in the sky.

Zhang Kun raised his eyes slightly, and a slight smile involuntarily crossed the corner of his mouth.

"Oh? I didn't expect to meet other monks in the Bodhi Secret Realm."

The strong man with yellow hair sneered, his eyes were cold.

"Of course you didn't think of it, otherwise you would have escaped long ago!" said the strong man with yellow hair.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "Run away? Why should I run away? It's you who should run away."

"Hmph, what a joke!" The face of the strong man with yellow hair turned cold in an instant. He and Master Qi Yang came from the same sect, both from the Zhengyang sect. What he is good at is head-to-head confrontation, and the monks of the Zhengyang sect are almost all hot-tempered. How can the strong man with yellow hair tolerate Zhang Kun's words to humiliate him?
"Oh, Zuoman, you are looked down upon by this junior." Suddenly there was another mocking laugh from the wilderness, and a soft-looking monk covered his mouth and laughed, looking very relaxed.

After all, the target they hunted was only a small Mahayana monk, and none of them had a state lower than the third level of fit. The comparison of strength is obvious. They can tear Zhang Kun apart casually, which is why, they Reasons for all to stop and chat here.

"Hehe Yinwu, how do you think we will kill him in the future?" Zuo Man looked at Zhang Kun and laughed, his eyes were full of sympathy and pity. In his eyes, Zhang Kun was not much different from a dead person.

"Of course I'm going to freeze to death with my Xuanbing True Qi!" Yin Wu let out an ugly laugh, which made people's teeth ache.

"Heh, this kid has done a lot of evil. We can't let him go easily. We should use my Tibetan Sword Sect's ten thousand swords to stab the heart and execute him Ling Chi!" Another monk interrupted. With a sword overflowing with cold light!

"Are you from the Hidden Sword Sect?"

Zhang Kun also watched them chatting with a smile, without any panic, and asked casually.

Shang Que glanced at Zhang Kun and said with a sneer, "How about it, kid, are you scared after hearing my name of the Tibetan Sword Sect?"

"Hahaha, your Hidden Sword Sect is really powerful!" Zhang Kunlang laughed loudly.

Shang Que's eyes were cold, he looked down at Zhang Kun, and sneered meaningfully at the corner of his mouth.

"Huh, of course!" Shang Que said proudly. This Zhang Kun ignored Yin Wu and Zuo Man but praised the strength of the Tibetan Sword School. It's all about cooperating in chasing and killing Zhang Kun, the usual twelve factions are fighting and attacking each other, and they also have a lot of hatred between them!
This time they were able to gather together to besiege Qionghua Palace, and there was a stronger force behind it!
The corner of Zhang Kun's mouth carelessly traced a trace of joking.

"Liu Yong and Liu Chuanzhi belong to your Hidden Sword Sect, right? They are really too funny. They were cut off by me. There is only something left in the fierce sword in Liu Chuanzhi's hand. The rest are all garbage among the garbage. , I really don’t know what kind of Twelve Schools you have the face to call together, I think it’s better to call it Twelve Vegetables.” Zhang Kun smiled.

Only then did Shang Que realize that he was being played by Zhang Kun, and his eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames!
"Damn! Damn! Damn!" Shang Que was so angry that he wanted to kill Zhang Kun now!

Zhang Kun's words just now humiliated the entire Twelve Sects, and those monks changed color almost instantly!
Turning the dark and cold eyes, there seemed to be a cold light shot out, Zuo Man also snorted coldly at the same time: "Boy, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy when you are not dying?"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, hey, why did seven of the twelve factions come? Could it be that you underestimated my ability, Zhang Kun?" Zhang Kun stretched out his hand and counted the number of strong men who came to besiege, and found that five were missing. Don't look puzzled after taking the seat.

Everyone's faces were a little stiff, and Zhang Kun hit their sore spot. The twelve masters sent by the Twelve Sect were chased and killed by various structures, war machines, and combat puppets in the Bodhi Secret Realm. When Kun was here, there were only seven people left!

"Don't use your tongue, kid!"

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

"Kill kill kill!"

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and the terrifying aura of the seven fit monks came out instantly, and the surrounding vitality roared wildly, and the wild vitality turned into infinite killing, and bombarded Zhang Kun!

"Like an ant." Zhang Kun said indifferently. It has been a long time since Ming Canxue came out to help Zhang Kun break through. In the state of cultivation and did not wake up, I must protect her!

Countless frost and ice flakes condensed at a high speed at this moment, covering Zhang Kun's face, forming a solid ice wall!

(End of this chapter)

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