Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1003

Chapter 1003 The Four Heavenly Kings
Four figures manifested one after another, and the powerful aura formed a huge coercion, making people frightened!

The mist cleared, and Zhang Kun finally saw the faces of the visitors clearly, but he saw that one of them had a green face, like a living crab, holding an extremely sharp dharma-protecting sword in his hand, called Qingyun Sword, engraved with With the four-element seal of "Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind", once the seal comes out, there will be no living people within ten thousand miles, and the sharp sword light is extremely overbearing, and any trace of contamination is enough to crush him into powder!
Beside him, there was another person with a red face and a terrifying face, holding a treasured umbrella in his hand, which was an innate spiritual object, the Hunyuan Umbrella, and the whole umbrella was full of jewels, composed of countless precious stones and pearls. Each gemstone is extremely precious and contains endless power. According to legend, the Hunyuan Umbrella has the ability to stir the Hunyuan. Once the Hunyuan Umbrella is opened, it can cover the sky and cover all the brilliance of the sun and the moon. Then the heaven and the earth will rotate, and the universe will be reversed!

Another figure stared angrily at Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi. On his back was a jasper pipa with four strings made of dragon tendons, representing the four phenomena of "earth, water, fire, and wind". , When the pipa is played, the magic sound pierces the ears, and the wind and fire come together, destroying everything!
The last figure is even more powerful and terrifying to the extreme. He does not carry a powerful weapon, but holds a strange beast in his arms, as nimble as a white mouse. , It opened its mouth wide like a basin of blood, and its sharp blade-like teeth once devoured the lives of hundreds of millions of creatures!

"Four heavenly kings?!" Lin Yuxi couldn't help exclaiming when she saw this scene. What the two of them faced in front of them was actually the heavenly kings guarding the heavens in the Buddhist scriptures. They were all extremely powerful, and they were the guardian gods of Buddhism. They are respectively called the Heavenly King of the Country, the Heavenly King of Growth, the Heavenly King of Guangmu, and the Heavenly King of Duowen!
Zhang Kun couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring. Mount Sumeru is located on the continent above the wind wheel, the golden wheel, and the water wheel, and that continent is divided into four parts: Dongshengshenzhou, Nanfangbuzhou, Xiniuhezhou, and Beijulu. Continent, and each of the four heavenly kings protects a continent!
The vastness of a Buzhou is far beyond the imagination of the people in the Jialan Realm. Perhaps only a Jialan Realm can be compared to a Buzhou under Mount Sumeru, and the strongest in the Jialan Realm are the abbot of the Bodhi Temple and the first two alchemists. False powers, and the four continents are wider than the Garan Realm, and the four powerhouses guarding the continents are obviously stronger than Fang Zheng and Fang Wen!

In the Bodhi Courtyard, everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
The Four Heavenly Kings, the existences that only appear in myths and legends, have come here at this moment, it is unbelievable!
Fangzheng and Fangwen were also stunned, and couldn't help but sit up straight, even after endless time and space, they could feel the powerful aura emanating from the four heavenly kings!
"Hey boy, are you going up the mountain?"

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly King holding the sword squatted down without any image, stuck the Qingyun Sword on the ground, raised his eyebrows at Zhang Kun and laughed.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being stunned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He was already ready to fight just now, but he didn't expect that the sword-wielding king greeted him with a smile on his face.

Zhang Kun was about to reply, but Lin Yuxi held him back. Zhang Kun turned around suspiciously and gave her a questioning look, but Lin Yuxi said softly, "Mr. Zhang, let me handle this."

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "Okay."

Lin Yuxi walked forward barefoot and saluted the four heavenly kings generously.

"Four heavenly kings, we are the testers who have come to participate in the Bodhi test, and want to climb Mount Sumeru to receive the final inheritance." Lin Yuxi smiled, her eyes were bright and friendly, and she was very friendly.

After the four heavenly kings heard this, they were all smiles, and their hideous and terrifying faces looked a little happy.

"I seem to like this girl very much." The heavenly king holding a pipa stroked his long beard and laughed.

"Hahaha, isn't that kid on the Seven Treasures Stairway over there also good?" The Heavenly King holding the umbrella said with a smile, "He seems to be very destined to be with Mount Sumeru, as soon as he enters this place, he will be enveloped by the glory of Mount Sumeru."

"Hmph, I don't like this feeling of imperial appointment. Compared with that serious kid, I like this girl doll more!"

"Yes, that's right. That kid Xuanren is good, but he's too good. It's a bit boring. Getting along with him in the future will definitely be boring. If you stay with this little girl, you don't do anything. Just watch Looking at her, I feel very happy." Soon the heavenly king holding the beast also betrayed, looking at Lin Yuxi with tenderness.

Lin Yuxi's words were gentle and soft, with a clever smile and hope, which made people feel happy. She smiled and begged to the four heavenly kings: "Please, all the heavenly kings, be accommodating and let us pass."

The girl smiled lightly, her eyes full of expectations.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Lin Fuzi can go there!"

The four heavenly kings seemed to be very grateful for this, and they all showed gratified smiles on their dark, red or blue faces. The more they looked at Lin Yuxi, the more they liked it, and their eyes were full of smiles.

"Thank you heavenly kings."

Lin Yuxi smiled, as beautiful as a begonia in spring sleep, the hearts of the four heavenly kings seemed to be melted away.

Standing behind Lin Yuxi, Zhang Kun couldn't help laughing. The hardships and dangers he experienced before were finally overcome by his own strength, but it made him forget that under certain circumstances, relying on outsmarting is also an excellent way to develop method.

The four heavenly kings are huge, like giants. At this moment, they parted ways to make way for Lin Yuxi.

Lin Yuxi pulled Zhang Kun to go forward, but a cold snort came over immediately!


Lin Yuxi's brows moved slightly, and she quickly pursed her lips into a smile: "Didn't the four heavenly kings promise me to let us go on?"

"Lin Fozi can, of course, but the boy next to you can't." The heavenly king holding the umbrella looked at Lin Yuxi with a little apology, but turned his head to look at Zhang Kun, but his eyes were not at all emotional.

Zhang Kun couldn't help staring slightly, the corners of his mouth hooked up, and the vitality in his body was stirring secretly, and it might burst out at any time!
"Boy, don't try to be violent. The strength of our four heavenly kings is definitely not something you can defeat!" The heavenly king holding a pipa has very sensitive senses, and he can detect the change of vitality in Zhang Kun's body just by hearing. .

Lin Yuxi's heart trembled, and she even stretched out her hand to grab Zhang Kun, wanting to step forward to intercede, but the Four Heavenly Kings shook their heads as if they knew what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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