Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1004 Conditions of the Heavenly Kings

Chapter 1004 Conditions of the Heavenly Kings
Looking at Zhang Kun, he muttered to himself.

"This kid is extraordinary, I'm afraid it won't work to put him in like this." The Heavenly King holding the umbrella showed embarrassment.

The Heavenly King holding the beast gently patted the little beast in his hand, stroking its soft hair, and nodded at the same time: "That's right, and he asked us to block him, and let him go up without doing anything." Some can’t justify it.”

Zhang Kun shook his head with a wry smile, dumbfounded.

"But it's not impossible. After all, we're a little tired of staying here. It's really boring to guard Mount Sumeru for him all the time." The king of heaven who played the pipa lightly touched the piano and played a song: " I can only play the piano every day to relieve my boredom."

The Heavenly King holding the Qingyun Sword had a solemn expression on his face. He was the first among the four Heavenly Kings. He glanced at the other three Heavenly Kings, and finally nodded with a sigh.

"Okay, kid, come here, I have something to discuss with you." Said the sword-wielding king.

There was a flash of astonishment in Zhang Kun's eyes. For a moment, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourds of these heavenly kings. It seemed that they were sent by Mount Xumi to prevent Zhang Kun from going up the mountain, but it seemed that they Now I have my own ideas, and I don't intend to implement the order of Mount Sumeru.

Zhang Kun pondered for a moment, then suddenly his heart moved, he nodded to Lin Yuxi and walked towards the four heavenly kings.

After all, they are much stronger than Zhang Kun. If they really want to play some dirty tricks, it seems more straightforward to kill Zhang Kun directly!

The four heavenly kings sacrificed their spiritual treasures at the same time, propping up a misty sky, isolating all energy mechanisms, Zhang Kun saw their solemn expressions, and guessed what they wanted to say.

"Boy, I heard that you have a baby." The Heavenly King who held the umbrella asked directly.

A look of surprise flashed across Zhang Kun's eyes, and he couldn't help taking a step back instinctively.

"Hey, you scared him!" The Heavenly King holding the sword frowned and glared at the Heavenly King Holding the Umbrella, coughed a few times, bent down and said to Zhang Kun in a soft voice as much as possible: "Boy, it's okay for us to let you go there!" Nothing, but you have to promise us some conditions."

"Okay, I can promise you." After hearing this, Zhang Kun thought for a moment, then nodded, and agreed to the conditions of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The Four Heavenly Kings laughed loudly and said, "Okay!"

After all, the four heavenly kings suddenly hit Zhang Kun. None of the four used the magic weapon they were famous for, but punched Zhang Kun straightly. However, even so, the punch was like a dragon, and the momentum was extraordinary Incomparable!

"Mr. Zhang, be careful!" Lin Yuxi exclaimed.

"Om!" The void trembled, and the mighty fist light came towards Zhang Kun's bedding. The power was terrifying and shocking!

However, standing there, Zhang Kun couldn't panic at all. He took a deep breath, squeezed the formula, and suddenly an ice-white radiance appeared in his palm, and Zhang Kun slowly recited the words of the Bingxin formula. Really, in an instant, the ice core formed by the condensation of nine ice veins burst out of the air, turned into four snow lights, and blasted towards the four heavenly kings!

"Ah!" the Heavenly King holding the sword howled, and his body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string. The Heavenly King holding the umbrella simply fell to the ground, while the Heavenly King playing the pipa and holding the beast suddenly fell to the ground. With a shock, he collapsed directly.

Everyone in the Bodhi Courtyard stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
The four heavenly kings guarding Mount Sumeru let Zhang Kun pass the test just like this. Are you kidding me?
The corner of Zhang Kun's mouth couldn't help but twitched into a smile, and pulled up Lin Yuxi, who was still in a state of surprise, to continue climbing the Qibao Stairway.

The four heavenly kings watched Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi's receding backs from behind, stood up again, and began to discuss in a hurry.

"I said it doesn't matter if I just let them go like this. It seems that the acting was too exaggerated just now?" The king of heaven holding the umbrella touched his unshaven chin and frowned.

The Heavenly King holding the sword had a serious face, and he couldn't help but smile and said: "Your performance was the most exaggerated just now, how dare you say it?"

"Forget it, forget it, let's help here, anyway, if he really wants to stop that kid, there are plenty of ways to deal with him!" said the Heavenly King holding the umbrella.

Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi continued to climb Mount Sumeru. On both sides of the Seven Treasures Steps, there are seven-fold treasure walls, seven-fold railings, and seven-fold nets made of glazed gold. Mount Sumeru is a treasure mountain, and there are precious treasures everywhere in the mountain. It is a fairy-level material that makes countless people envious.

At this moment, Zhang Kun's eyes also flashed a bit of splendor. If he can really bring Mount Sumeru into the mirror domain, doesn't it mean that he can use these fairy-level materials, not only the precious wall and net, but also the Every plant and tree in Mishan is a treasure!
Mount Sumeru is regarded as a holy mountain by the believers, and any desecration of the holy mountain is not allowed, but in Zhang Kun's eyes, this is completely reckless!

It is a pity that so many precious materials are used to decorate Mount Sumeru without being used for alchemy and refining. If these materials fall into the hands of Zhang Kun, he is confident that they can definitely make them shine!

After a while, Xuanren slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, his temperament has changed, and the incomparably pure Buddha light is flowing all over his body.

"Everything in the world is empty. Only its emptiness can contain all things." Xuanren said lightly, as if he had already penetrated the ultimate Dharma. At this moment, he showed a certain charm in every gesture, just like the legendary Buddha!
He has transformed!
Although the former Holy Son Xuanren was powerful, invincible at the same level, and his Buddhist attainments were comparable to that of an old monk who had practiced all his life, he still lacked a certain kind of Buddha nature, but at this moment, the enlightenment in Mount Sumeru made him understand everything. , look down.

"Zhang Kun, Lin Yuxi?" Xuan Ren said lightly.

If it is said that he regarded these two people as threats and challenges before, Xuanren has not taken them seriously at this moment, and now Xuanren only has the belief of becoming a disciple of Buddha in his heart!
Xuanren flicked his fingers lightly, and waved a light wheel in the air. For a moment, a vast aura spread, and a light wheel condensed behind Xuanren, and everything within a hundred feet around him was shrouded in golden Buddha light. among!

All the Bodhi Courts took a deep breath, the light wheel behind the head can be said to be a symbol of great wisdom and great magic power, all gods and Buddhas in the gods have such a light wheel behind them, and Xuanren has not become a real Buddha at this moment, it has already appeared With a halo, it's simply stunning!

(End of this chapter)

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