Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1005 The Four-Word Mantra

Chapter 1005 Six Character Mantra
The phantom of the bodhi tree behind Xuanren is already perfect, and the verdant branches are full of vitality, and will soon form bodhi seeds!
From the beginning of the bodhi child to the formation of the bodhi child again, this is a kind of reincarnation, which represents the completion of practice.

Only in this way can it be regarded as being recognized by the entire Bodhi Secret Realm and becoming a true Buddha child!
Seeing this scene behind Xuanren, Zhu Shen couldn't help but burst into tears. What he has been pursuing is exactly this. As long as the extremely powerful Xuanren can finally become a disciple of Buddha, save all sentient beings, and solve the threat of barbarians at the border, So no matter how much you paid before, Zhu Shen felt it was worth it!
Xuanren stepped on the Seven Treasures step by step, extremely firm, the road ahead seemed to have no obstacles at this moment, Xuanren went forward without hesitation, and went straight to the top of the mountain!

On Xuanren's side, the road was smooth, and he was advancing with great success, and the aura around him seemed to be escorting him, but Zhang Kun's side was not so lucky. Xumishan obviously did not intend to let Zhang Kun go so easily!
"Boom boom boom!"

All of a sudden, the peak of Mount Xumi was shaking with bright light, and the suddenly rising Buddha's light surged up like a divine punishment. The Buddha's light was as high as ten thousand feet, like a divine waterfall, and rushed towards Zhang Kun again!

First of all, there is a white circle of light, which can only be recognized by looking closely. A huge "Om" word suddenly appeared in the void, as if the gate of the heavens had been opened, and another three thousand worlds came to suppress Zhang Kun!

"Oh no, that's the six-character mantra!" Lin Yuxi frowned slightly, biting her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Six words can empty the six realms, trap the five elements, close all the six gates, and suppress everything. Once the six characters of Dao Wanwu come together, it will be difficult for gods and Buddhas to escape the power of suppression!"

In an instant, Zhang Kun felt great pressure. Even with the power of the mirror domain to help him relieve the pressure brought by the mantra, he still felt a chill all over his body, and the surrounding space seemed to be suppressed. Zhang Kun's actions Can't help but slow down.


Zhang Kun let out a low cry, and at some point in his hand, a heavy sword like a blue mountain appeared. It was the Dongyue heavy sword. On Dongyue was a dark green light, gathering terrifying power. Slam it forward!

There was a loud noise, the white mantra was shattered, and the gate of the heavens he represented was also shattered, turning into thousands of fragments and dissipating completely, and Zhang Kun also retreated hundreds of steps suddenly before stopping Come down, the corner of the mouth can't help overflowing a few strands of blood!

The power of that mantra is really too terrifying, this is already the result of the protection of the mirror field, if there is no mirror field to dissolve most of the power, Zhang Kun at this moment is obviously a cold corpse!
Lin Yuxi's eye circles turned red slightly, and she said delicately, "Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly, gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay, it's still far away!"

Boom boom boom!
It was as if someone beat the earth-shattering divine drum in the sky, the heavy sound was deafening, and the next moment a huge "Well" mantra slammed down on Zhang Kun's head and face like a big seal. Without the slightest mercy, the space around Zhang Kun's body has been completely shattered. This kind of terrifying power, even a strong person in the Void Refining Realm will die here in an instant, and there is no possibility of surviving at all!
The mantra is extremely scary, it represents the gate of Shura, Zhang Kun felt as if the whole hell of Shura was rushing towards him when the blow was blasted out, the dense aura was terrifying!

Facing the attack from the blanket, Zhang Kun held Dongyue tightly in his hand, and gave a low drink. The majestic vitality in the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana roared out at once, turning into billowing raging waves and pouring into the blade of Dongyue. Suddenly stab at Gao Tian!
"Boom boom boom!"

A terrifying pitch-black giant claw suddenly protruded from the cyan Shura Gate, and it grabbed Zhang Kun suddenly, with the power to tear everything attached to it, but Zhang Kun was not afraid at all, the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana Consuming more than half of it in an instant, the transformed offensive possesses tens of thousands of supernatural powers!

There was another tremor in the void, and the needlepoints of the two forces pointed at the wheat awns, and they directly slammed into each other. The overflowing and bursting vitality exploded, and a cloud ring suddenly rose in the flat ground. Under the protection of the power of the mirror field, Zhang Kun was already able to fight head-on with the Buddha Light in Mount Sumeru, but he was still very reluctant. His body was thrown out again, and his face became extremely ugly!

However, Mount Sumeru obviously did not give Zhang Kun any chance to react. The yellow mantra of "呀" and the green mantra of "Ba" were blasted at Zhang Kun at the same time, and two extremely heavy Buddha lights came from two directions. , turned into endless karma, trying to trap Zhang Kun in it, and let him suffer from the fire of karma in the world!

The word "呀" and the word "ba" represent the human world and the animal world, where the karma is the strongest, and it is always difficult for an eminent monk who has attained the Tao to resist such terrifying karma, let alone no one at all. Zhang Kun of any Buddhist practice!
Seeing this scene, Lin Yuxi was extremely worried, but she couldn't help. The six-character mantra was aimed at Zhang Kun, and it had no effect on Lin Yuxi at all. That is to say, no matter what Lin Yuxi did, it would not affect the six-character mantra. the power of!
If she makes a move to increase Zhang Kun, I am afraid it will be just a drop in the bucket, and it will also cause hostility and attacks from Mount Xumi!
Zhang Kun nodded to her, saying that he didn't need it!
Facing the two burning terrifying karmic fires, he couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring. Zhang Kun couldn't find a good way to deal with them for a moment. After the power of the mirror field, although the energy of the two mantras has been much smaller, they still penetrated into Zhang Kun's body. At this moment, all kinds of karma and karma entangled Zhang Kun in an instant, dragging him into the mortal world , experience reincarnation!
Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them. The power of Mount Sumeru was too palpitating. Zhang Kun was able to block the attacks of two mantras one after another. This alone was enough for Zhang Kun to brag about for a lifetime No, because if anyone present was here, I'm afraid they would have been turned into ashes long ago, not even the Void Refiner!

The expressions on the faces of the powerhouses of the twelve sects in the Bodhi Temple suddenly became extraordinarily exciting. There was a sneer on the corners of their mouths, and they were looking at Zhang Kun gloatingly, especially the eminent monks of the Kasyapa Temple. It is full of the pleasure of vengeance, the mantra of "呀" and the mantra of "Ba" are not offensive at all, but they come with endless karma!

(End of this chapter)

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