Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1007 The Real Hell

Chapter 1007 The Real Hell

Thousands of ghosts were howling and roaring, the scene was too terrifying, just the terrifying scene was enough to shock people's spirits, and some people with weak spirits might even be frightened when they saw such a scene Turned pale, lost his soul, and directly lost his mind!

However, Zhang Kun faced this catastrophe calmly, his eyes were cold, even though he was falling into the abyss of hell, he still maintained that calmness and indifference.

The dark shadows are constantly approaching Zhang Kun, and the blood-red hell scene seems real. Once the deep black light engulfs Zhang Kun, he will surely die. No one has ever been able to walk out of hell!
"Hell?" Zhang Kun closed his eyes, shook his head and chuckled, with a contemptuous sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Just you, is it considered hell?"

Zhang Kun raised his head abruptly, and opened his left pupil. His left pupil turned into an incomparably deep and dark color at this moment. The palpitating black light was pure and supreme, as if carrying the majesty of a demon king. , It makes people have to bow their heads!
Suddenly, like a thunderbolt flashing, the black tide surged in the pupils, and in an instant, a wave of demonic energy that was more terrifying than the hell scene created by the mantra of the word "Mi" and the mantra of the word "Hum" suddenly appeared, as if there was a statue The extremely terrifying demon came here in an instant!

A terrifying phantom suddenly appeared behind Zhang Kun, as if a demon king had descended into the world. The pitch-black light, sharp black feathers, and ferocious fangs showed his nobility and arrogance incomparably, the world of demons Different from the Buddha's world, it is the realm of iron, blood and slaughter, with extremely strict levels, and the high-level demons can lead tens of thousands of little demons, not to mention these ugly hungry ghosts who are not even demons!
The hell created by the mantra of "Mi" and the mantra of "Hum" was instantly suppressed. The demons imprisoned in the Infernal Hell of Buddhism are the evil spirits suppressed by the true Buddha during his lifetime, and the demons that rushed out of Zhang Kun's eyes The hell scene evolved from Qi comes from the hell world at the same level as the fairy world!

It was an extremely terrifying place, where ferocious and terrifying demons ran rampant in the world, and every ray of air contained demon energy. It was a world respecting the will of destruction, and endless killing and blood were the main theme of the hell world. , In the hell world, there is even a demon king who surpasses the Buddha himself!
The Lord of the Black Moon, who once caused great trouble to Zhang Kun, is from hell!
The phantom behind Zhang Kun was burning with anger. With a thought in Zhang Kun's mind, the phantom made a move. He squeezed the air tightly, and crushed hundreds of millions of little devils in an instant. Contempt flashed across his eyes. With a sneer, he immediately put away all the endless devilish energy around him with a wave of his hand!
Clouds were overcast, and there was a faint sound of thunder from high above the sky, and there was a loud noise. The demon god thrust his hands into the sky and tore it violently, tearing out a huge mouth like an abyss!
As if there was a huge black hole swallowing everything, thousands of ghosts howled, thousands of demons danced, and the almost endless black light that engulfed Zhang Kun disappeared in an instant. The mantra of "Mi" and the word "Hum" The hell scene created by the mantra was broken in just an instant and ceased to exist!
The phantom looked at the bright and holy Mount Sumeru with a bit of contempt and sneer, and then drilled back into Zhang Kun's left pupil, forming a dark and dull regular crystal, which was deep and far away, containing an extremely powerful energy.

Zhang Kun nodded involuntarily, and more than half of the magic energy reserve in his left pupil had recovered again, enough for him to explode once with all his strength!
Zhang Kun, who was only in the Nascent Soul Realm in the Nakasyapa Temple before, relied on the super power endowed by the devil energy from the hell world to defeat the combined strong one after another!
But now, Zhang Kun has already stood on the edge of the middle stage of the Mahayana, and is about to enter the late stage of the Mahayana. Once he arouses the magic energy, his strength is bound to rise sharply. At that time, I am afraid that the strong will have to weigh their own weight !
"This..." Lin Yuxi was worried behind Zhang Kun just now. Unexpectedly, Zhang Kun broke two mantras one after another in a flash!

Om, Well, Nee, Ba, Mi, and Hum used all the six-character mantras, but Zhang Kunzhen was still not killed. Xumi Mountain seemed a little annoyed, and it kept gushing and shaking golden brilliance, and the brilliance was like a shower When it fell, thousands of rays of Buddha's light flowed down like a stream, trying to engulf Zhang Kun!
"Hmph, then don't blame me." Zhang Kun couldn't help but sneered, and actually activated the Bing Xin Jue directly, and the Buddha's light shone down everywhere. If he changed to another Buddhist believer, he would be ecstatic, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed, hugging that The warm Buddha's light, but for those who don't believe in Buddhism, that Buddha's light is the most blazing poisonous fire, even if it is contaminated with a trace, it will be lost forever!
However, Zhang Kun is boldly absorbing the Buddha's light at this moment!

"Mr. Zhang, who are you?" Lin Yuxi was astonished. Zhang Kun's actions were definitely risky. He was not a Buddhist, and he was committing suicide if he dared to introduce a large amount of Buddha's light into his body!

However, she suddenly thought of something. At that time, Zhang Kun had absorbed a ray of Buddha's breath, and transformed that pure power into his own vitality without any side effects at all!

"Could it be that Mr. Zhang is not afraid of these things by nature?" Lin Yuxi blinked her big smart eyes, her slender and thick eyelashes curved, and the way she looked at Zhang Kun changed slightly.

Zhang Kun is sitting cross-legged on Mount Sumeru at the moment, surrounded by endless Buddha light. Lin Yuxi also sat down with her, closed her eyes, and absorbed the Buddha light. Her understanding of Buddhism has deepened a lot.

After fully awakening, Lin Yuxi practiced so fast that it was outrageous. During her first coma, she had already broken through to the Golden Core Realm. After accepting the inheritance of Liuli Pharmacist Buddha, she had even formed a Nascent Soul. It was completed in just one month, and Zhang Kun was amazed at this terrifying speed of cultivation.

After all, he has the mirror field acceleration, which saves ten times the time to accumulate vitality.

At this moment, Zhang Kun's body was full of golden light, and the scorching Buddha's light fell on him, trying to erase him, but the power of the mirror field flowed in his body. When the Buddha's light flowed into Zhang Kun's meridians, the Buddha's breath contained in it It was directly erased, and what was left was the extremely pure energy, which could be absorbed directly!
This kind of opportunity is not easy to come by. Jingyu wanted to bring Mount Sumeru under his jurisdiction, so he gave Zhang Kun a special power. This kind of power is not permanent. When Zhang Kun completes this task, Jingyu will naturally Will take back this power!

(End of this chapter)

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