Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1008 Reaching the Top at the Same Time

Chapter 1008 Reaching the Top at the Same Time
Naturally, Zhang Kun should cherish this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and take the opportunity to make a fortune!
He has already operated the Bing Xin Jue to the extreme. At this moment, his body seems to be covered with a layer of frost. The crystal snow is shining, and the pure energy surrounds Zhang Kun's body, and the brilliance is everywhere. The Buddha's light is cut off by the mirror field. After attaining Buddha nature, it is just pure energy, which is not fundamentally different from the vitality that exists everywhere in the universe!

Of course, the Buddha's light from Mount Sumeru is extremely pure, and a very small drop of water-like Buddha's light contains great energy. Ye Yirulai, the vitality in the body of a Buddhist cultivator seems to be small, but it is ten thousand times more concentrated than other cultivators, and a drop of it at random is enough to crush Mount Tai!

At this moment, Zhang Kun took a deep breath, and sucked in the majestic Buddha light into his body like a whale swallowing a cow's drink. Zhang Kun's body also shone brightly in the golden light, resplendent and crystal clear. It is very difficult to find so much Buddha light outside , but in Mount Sumeru, it seems that money is not required!
If the monks in the Bodhi Court saw Zhang Kun’s extravagant scene, they would definitely go crazy with envy. The Buddha’s light on Mount Sumeru is a treasure to them, which can help them transcend reincarnation and achieve positive results!
And Zhang Kun didn't bother to cultivate any positive results at all. For him, there was no bottleneck all the way until he reached the state of integration. It was enough to continuously fill and infuse vitality into the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana!

If another person was sitting here, I am afraid that he could only absorb a little bit of Buddha's light and his body would be saturated, but Zhang Kun is different. His body can hold a huge amount of vitality, and the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana seems to have infinite energy. As if it will dry up, it will not refuse all the influx of Buddha light, and put it away together!
Zhang Kun smiled slightly. At this moment, the vast sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana is constantly surging, rising and falling like tides.

"Thank you very much! We will be a family from now on, so don't be so polite." Zhang Kun laughed loudly, attracting the boundless Buddha light to drill into his body. , instantly illuminated many secret treasures in Zhang Kun's body. The Nine-turn Golden Wheel Nascent Soul was crystal clear, as if it had aura. Ten thousand zhang, the flames of the red clouds, the hurricane of the sky, the waves of the world, the original thunder, the five elements of the extreme sky and the pure land, all greedily absorb the power of the Buddha's light, and are about to return to their full glory!
Zhang Kun's state was unprecedentedly perfect, a powerful feeling surged in his body, and the substantial power filled his limbs and bones!
Mount Sumeru seemed to be alive, as if it had its own intelligence, it realized that Zhang Kun had completely ignored the Buddha's light, and even used the Buddha's light to enrich itself, so it stopped immediately, but it was too late, Zhang Kun gathered endless The Buddha's light obliterated both him and Lin Yuxi in the brilliance!

Here Xuanren and Zhu Shen couldn't help being a little dazed when they saw the scene on Lingyi Qibao Stairway, but they were puzzled in their hearts, why Mount Xumi favored Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi so much, and even bestowed them with such Buddha light!

Xuanren clenched his fists involuntarily, a bit of puzzlement and unwillingness flashed in his eyes, obviously he was the man called the holy son, obviously he was the one who had a destiny with the Buddha, and was accepted by the Bodhi Court and the gods and Buddhas. He is blessed, obviously he should become a disciple of Buddha, why is it that Mount Xumi only favors Zhang Kun now?
"Master Shengzi, look quickly, the Buddha's light shines everywhere!"

Just when Xuanren felt unwilling, Zhu Shen repeatedly called out.

Only then did Xuanren come to his senses, and raised his head abruptly, only to see the roaring sound of the avenue on the top of Mount Sumeru resounding again, just like a yellow bell, resounding long and deafeningly, and an incomparably pure golden brilliance descended, enveloping Xuanren up!
Xuanren returned to his calm and calm appearance, closed his eyes, and quietly absorbed the blessings of the Buddha's light. He believed that this was the will of the heavens, and it was the arrangement of the gods and Buddhas to make him a disciple of the Buddha!
The halo on Mount Sumeru shook violently, and now it could not stop Zhang Kun, and all kinds of methods were used. As a result, the four heavenly kings turned against each other, and the six-character mantra happened to be blocked by Zhang Kun's own ability. The restraint, not only did not get rid of Zhang Kun, but also helped him to fill up the demonic energy, and the most powerful method of Mount Sumeru, the Buddha Light, was ineffective for Zhang Kun. The power of the mirror field protected him, but Zhang Kun suddenly absorbed it. A big wave of vitality!

Therefore, Mount Sumeru can only check and balance Zhang Kun by supporting Xuanren. It can push the legendary holy mountain to this point. The ground strengthened, and the Buddha's light turned into floating clouds, lifted the two of them up into the sky, and slowly rose towards the peak of Mount Sumeru!
At the highest point of Mount Sumeru, it is a piece of pure land, the place closest to God, where the immeasurable brilliance condenses, manifesting a lifelike Buddha, with a solemn treasure appearance, with one hand making a votive seal, a solemn body, covered in gold The color, the kind smile on his face, make people want to kneel down, kowtow piously, and convert to Buddhism.

Zhang Kun, Lin Yuxi, Xuanren and Zhu Shen reached the highest point of Mount Sumeru almost at the same time!

The golden glow gradually dissipated, and Lin Yuxi and Xuan Ren woke up at the same time. At this moment, the bodhi seed phantoms behind them all turned into Bodhi trees. The two towering trees were full of luxuriant branches. Shenghui, there is a faint golden glow flowing in the branches and veins, which is extremely beautiful and shocking.

"Lin Yuxi, as predicted in the prophecy, you are my biggest enemy. I never thought that the seven Buddhist disciples would end up standing here with you and me." Xuanren opened his eyes, said with a smile, he I have already sensed it, but I am still a little surprised.

After all, when they first entered the Bodhi Secret Realm, both Lin Yuxi and Zhang Kun were too weak and inconspicuous, but they did not expect that they would grow to such a level in just a few dozen days in the secret realm, and even be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with themselves , Standing on the peak of Mount Sumeru to compete.

However, Xuanren's eyes are still a little proud, because he still has a Supreme Dao Seed in his hand that has not been absorbed, and Lin Yuxi has already completed the absorption of the Liuli Pharmacist Buddha Dao Seed, but he just barely caught up with him It's just the progress of the two, you can tell the difference between the two at a glance!
Lin Yuxi brushed the broken hair next to her ear, and said with a light smile: "Son of Xuanren, this is the last battle. The outcome of this battle will determine who is the Buddha's disciple, not just how does the Son of God plan to compare?"

(End of this chapter)

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