Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009
The top of Mount Sumeru is surrounded by fairy mist.

It is a pure land, the closest to the place where the Buddha's light shines in the sky, and there are auspicious and fairy clouds everywhere. People who bathe in it can feel that their souls have been redeemed. There is a shimmer of light on it, crystal clear, as if it also contains Buddha nature.

Mount Sumeru is full of the breath of Buddha, filled with the glory of Buddha.

"Buddha debate!"

The Son of Xuanren was bathed in the holy radiance, stretched out his hands, and sprinkled a piece of golden radiance.

On his back was a holy artifact, called the Buddha's Mantra, which was an open-close sword case. The relief outside the sword case was burnt with red gold wax to burn the Holy Mantra of the Great Ming Dynasty. The head of the sword case was engraved with a statue of Buddha, The outside of the sword box is covered with golden rings, rippling with incomparably strong and pure Buddha power. The holy sword of Buddhism is protected in the pagoda. There are countless patterns of Buddha nature engraved on it, the sword body is extremely slender, overflowing with golden light, it can cut off the sins of the heavens!

Lin Yuxi immediately understood, nodded towards Xuanren, and sat cross-legged to discuss.

"Excuse me, Holy Son Xuanren, what is the way to protect life?" Lin Yuxi asked lightly.

Without hesitation, Xuanren responded fluently: "Give grace widely, donate fearlessly, protect living beings, and eradicate evil thoughts."

"What is the way of killing?" Lin Yuxi asked.

"One of the ten commandments should be extinct forever." Xuan Ren said calmly, looking into Lin Yuxi's eyes.

Zhang Kun and Zhu Shen stood behind the two Buddhist disciples, quietly watching their debate, and at the same time thinking about the secrets of Buddhism.

Lin Yuxi raised her eyes slightly, looked at the pagoda behind Xuanren, and asked, "The Holy Son is a man of great wisdom and compassion, but has he ever killed?"


"The holy son never killed, why is the pagoda stained with blood?" Lin Yuxi asked and criticized.

Xuanren smiled lightly and said: "The blood on the pagoda is the karma of sinners, it should be beheaded!"

Lin Yuxi frowned and asked: "Since the desire to kill is born, sin will be born. Why doesn't the Holy Son kill himself?"

"This killing is for the purpose of protecting life. If Buddhism does not precept, hell is not empty, I will not become a Buddha!" ​​Xuanren said word by word, and Zhu Shen's pupils shone brightly behind him. This is the Buddha he longed for. son!
The Buddha came into the world to save the world. Outside the Tongmen Pass, barbarians and demons are rampant, and it is the responsibility of the Buddha to kill all the evil obstacles.

Lin Yuxi nodded, and Xuanren immediately asked, "What is cause and effect?"

"Cultivation is the cause, behavior is the result." Lin Yuxi was obviously prepared and dealt with it easily.

"How to practice?" Xuanren asked.

Lin Yuxi's brows moved slightly, and she quickly pursed her lips into a smile: "A great practitioner is not ignorant of cause and effect."

Xuanren shook his head slowly: "The cycle of karma, the suffering of samsara, great practitioners, do not fall into karma."

"Buddha cannot tell cause and effect." Lin Yuxi said.

Xuanren smiled lightly and said, "Turning to become a Buddha is the end of cause and effect."

"There are all phenomena in the world, birth and death are permanent, the Buddha knows cause and effect, the six dusts do not exist, and the five aggregates are empty. The body is in all cause and effect, but the mind is not confused or turned. This is the Buddha nature." Lin Yuxi said.

Xuanren said: "Buddha is the original existence of neither cause nor effect, and there is no need to bear cause and effect. Just like a person dreams, there is suffering and happiness, but there is cause and effect. When he wakes up overnight, everything is empty, and he realizes liberation."

Lin Yuxi smiled lightly and said, "The Buddha is not empty."

On the top of Mount Sumeru, the Buddha's light swayed, casting light on Lin Yuxi and Xuanren, the big Buddha was silent and noncommittal.

A thought arose in Zhang Kun's mind, what is the cause and effect, it is just a matter of cutting through with a sword!
Regardless of the cycle of karma, Zhang Kun doesn't believe it at all.

Xuanren stood up, made a Buddhist gatha to Lin Yuxi, and said with a faint smile: "You and I have attainments in Buddhism, and between brothers, it seems that only one battle will determine the outcome!"

Lin Yuxi nodded and said, "Good!"

In an instant, an extremely strong aura suddenly rose up around the two of them, turning into bright lights and rushing straight to the high clouds. The Buddha's light shines in the sky, and the final battle officially begins!
Both of them were bathed in the almost endless Buddha light of Mount Sumeru, and the gap in the realm of vitality was directly made up for in the past. What the two sides are competing at this moment is the Buddha nature and the firm heart towards the Tao!
"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Kun and Zhu Shen soared into the sky at the same time, and a look of anticipation flashed in each other's eyes.

"I've heard about the name of the Tongmenguan monk for a long time, so let me ask for advice today." Zhang Kun smiled a little, and as soon as he came up, he directly called out the name Can Xue, Zhu Shen was deeply hidden , his strength is far above Yuanwei, otherwise he would not be sent by the Bodhi Court to guard the extremely important Tongmen Pass!

There was an unrivaled aura in Zhu Shen's body. He took a step forward and stood in the void. Suddenly, a golden tide surged up and surrounded him, like a god of war!
The aura on his body is also constantly rising, the early stage of the fusion, the middle stage of the fusion, and the late stage of the fusion!

Zhushen's strength has unexpectedly reached the late stage of fusion. No wonder Xuanren once said that Zhushen's strength is still above his own. If Zhushen is willing, he can even sweep all the buddhist candidates alone!

You must know that the entry rule of the Bodhi Secret Realm is not to be higher than the state of integration, so when you first entered this realm, everyone's realm was suppressed at the peak of the Mahayana, half a step into the state of integration, but the depths are different, Fang Shou used a certain This kind of secret method covered the powerful aura on his body. When Zhu Shen passed through the door of Bodhi's secret realm, his strength had already entered the realm of integration!

"Your name is Zhang Kun, right? To be honest, I admire you very much." Zhu Shen looked at Zhang Kun but laughed loudly and said, "If I didn't have more important things on my shoulders, I would have to make Xuanren a disciple of Buddha. Maybe there is no need for swords between you and me!"

Zhang Kun also laughed and said: "Why do you need to talk too much, just treat it as a duel, I will defeat you!"

Zhu Shen's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Zhang Kun, and couldn't help laughing: "You only have the Mahayana realm, so how can you compete with me? Forget it, I will suppress the realm and fight with you!"

Zhu Shen was somewhat ashamed of Zhang Kun, he had promised Fang Shou to assist him in his actions, so it was Zhu Shen who went to pick up and lead the pioneers of the Twelve Sects into the Bodhi Secret Realm at that time.

Zhang Kun shook his head with a chuckle and said, "No need to suppress, fight me with all your strength!"

"Hahaha, good!"

Zhu Shen raised his head and laughed wildly, a surging light shot up from his body and ran through the entire battlefield, as if an extremely powerful general was galloping on the battlefield, he squeezed his huge fist and pressed towards Zhang Kun like Mount Tai , His strength and dominance are undoubtedly evident!


Zhu Shen's boxing intentions are overbearing to the extreme, with a punch, the heavens seem to be crushed, the golden light is burning, and the fist light can cut through ten thousand ways!
(End of this chapter)

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