Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010
Zhang Kun couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring, the sword intent rose instantly, and the power of the ice core on Ming Canxue exploded!
The two sides fought, the first blow shattered Gao Tian, ​​and a raging fire ignited in the sky. The void was burned and collapsed, and a huge gap opened like a hideous wound. The void fluctuated, and energy rushed into it It shattered everything!
Zhang Kun suddenly stepped back dozens of steps, and his face turned pale. Thanks to the light of the Buddha bathed in him, his realm at this moment has climbed to the seventh level of Mahayana and entered the category of the late Mahayana, because Zhang Kun has cultivated into the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana, While the vitality is extremely powerful, it is extremely difficult to go further!
The gap in strength between him and Zhu Shen is still too large. If it were an ordinary Mahayana here, I am afraid that it would have been turned into fly ash, but Zhang Kun holds the quasi-lingbao-level Ming Canxue in his hand. Resist Zhu Shen's punch!
"Come again!"

Zhu Shen laughed loudly, raised his huge golden fist and slammed it down at Zhang Kun again!
The void was shaken again, the roaring sound was deafening, and it was extremely frightening.

Zhu Shen's body is extremely powerful, as if poured from gold. A person like him can guard the dangerous Tongmen Pass!

Faced with this unparalleled blow, Zhang Kun smiled slightly, and rotated the ice blade in his hand, as if he was holding a huge and eternal glacier to hit Zhushen. blade?

The crystal-clear blade with the power of the ice core slashed forward, immediately intertwined with Taoism, the blade and the shadow of the fist collided in an instant, the sound of clanging and clanging continued, and sparks followed one after another. Shooting everywhere, Gao Tian is about to be shattered!
Surprise flashed in Zhushen's eyes. The power of Zhang Kun's attack was obviously higher than before, which made him surprised. The brilliance flowing on the blade made him tremble a little , if Zhang Kun's realm is not enough to fully mobilize Ming Canxue, he may have died long ago, Zhun Lingbao has the power and power comparable to the power of the Void Refining Realm!

"Good, come again!"

Zhu Shen violently drew a punch, and the longbow of his furious figure was pulled back suddenly, and then he punched out with a bang, like the roar of a heavy artillery, the heavens shook, the golden light shone brightly, and the power of the fist shook the heavens Such as the thunder is like an explosion of fire, and the violent offensive is coming like a wave, even Zhang Kun can't stand it!

"Thousands of Mountains Twilight Snow!"

He directly sacrificed his stunt, and the surrounding temperature dropped to the lowest point in an instant, black ice and frost air were everywhere, and thousands of ice blades slashed across the sky, and Zhang Kun's air mechanism instantly became several times stronger!
Only this kind of powerful combat technique can maximize the powerful power of Ming Canxue. When the cold comes, the entire Mount Sumeru seems to have entered a severe winter!

Xuanren, who was still fighting with Lin Yuxi in Buddhism here, couldn't help being surprised. The scene in front of him was simply shocking. Mount Sumeru, which is like spring all the year round, turned into an iceberg at this moment. Even if it was only a short moment, Zhang Kun would not Enough to be proud of!
The battle is extremely fierce, the outcome is hard to tell, and the stalemate is deadlocked!
"Boom boom boom!"

The battle between Zhang Kun and Zhu Shen lasted for a long time. They fought from the sky to the ground. Mount Sumeru, which is [-] yojanas high, has become their battlefield everywhere. Fortunately, it is Mount Sumeru, and every inch of the ground is soaked with the light of Buddha. , with Buddha nature, quite extraordinary, if it were any other mountain range, I am afraid it would have been crushed to pieces!

The two sides can fight hundreds of times in a single breath. The fist shadow and sword light are intertwined, Wan Dao neighs, and the overflowing burst of vitality explodes, and Wan Dao cloud ring suddenly rises in Mount Xumi. It is Zhang Kun. It was caused by the battle with Zhushen!

Zhu Shen stopped suddenly, his eyes flickering towards Zhang Kun.

He consumes a lot of vitality, every punch shakes the world, and at the same time consumes the energy in his body rapidly. The explosive power of the exercises he practiced is very strong, but at the same time, the battery life is not so good. He and Zhang Kun had fought brothers for five hundred rounds, and the vitality in his body had already been consumed by more than half.

On the other hand, Zhang Kun has a calm expression on his face, without any signs of fatigue.

The quality and quantity of his vitality are far beyond those of the same realm, and he must not be regarded as an ordinary Mahayana monk. In fact, his vitality is comparable to that of many fit experts!

"Being able to fight with me to this extent, I have to say that I admire you very much. If you and I stand in the same situation, I will not be your opponent." Zhu Shen looked at Zhang Kun and said with admiration.

Relying on the weapons in his hands, the mysterious combat skills, and the Taoism he has realized, Zhang Kun can compete with him in the later stage of the fusion, and can even exhaust Zhu Shen's vitality. Zhang Kun is proud of this. , Zhang Kun is well-deserved invincible!
"However, this time I will help Son Xuanren become a Buddha!"

Zhu Shen changed the topic, and his tone seemed to suddenly rise with unprecedented killing intent!
Boom boom boom!
As if there was a god drum beating in the clouds, the thunderous explosion came, Zhu Shen's body crackled and bang, and the aura on his body suddenly increased countless times, his body seemed to be made of holy The thing was cast like a stone, shining with brilliance, and in an instant, he erupted with a powerful secret technique. At this moment, his physical body was comparable to a quasi-spiritual treasure!


Zhu Shen roared loudly, and a big golden hand called out to Zhang Kun. Behind him, a shocking and terrifying scene appeared. It was an unrivaled powerhouse bathed in Buddha's light, burning With golden fireworks, the treasure looks solemn, like a god!
The golden light soared into the sky, and he followed Zhu Shen with a terrifying blow. At this time, a supreme secret technique, once used, would penetrate the Changhong, and its power was so great that it surpassed the scope of the body-fitting state. The power of the powerful!

This is Zhushen's most powerful trump card, he used to kill the big demon with this blow!
In an instant, the mountains and rivers in the ten directions shook, and even Mount Sumeru resonated with it!

It has to be said that this blow was terrifying to the extreme, and it was a world-shocking boxing technique. Even Xuanren would not be willing to take this terrible punch. Zhu Shen is worthy of being the most powerful among the seven candidates Strong man!
Zhang Kun couldn't help being awe-inspiring, and quickly summoned the Emperor's Armor to resist in front, and then activated his vitality, using the name Canxue to evolve a misty snow light to protect himself and resist Zhushen's peak attack!
This is the first time Zhang Kun took the initiative to defend in battle!

(End of this chapter)

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