Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1013 Dao Lei Shocks the World

Chapter 1013 Dao Lei Shocks the World
The sound of the great avenue came, and Mount Xumi, the brother of Zheng, was bathed in the golden light. The chirping of insects, the falling leaves, and the gurgling stream all resonated with Xuanren at this moment. He seemed to be the darling of this world. The sacred relic of Buddhism shook. At this moment, Xuanren's indifferent smile was like a god holding flowers. Dao Tianyin moved towards Zhang Kun, wanting to save him!

Legend has it that in the western sky, there is a spiritual mountain, and above the spiritual mountain is the Great Leiyin Temple. As soon as the thunder sound came out, all the demons in the world surrendered, and they were directly transcended by Buddhism.

This is the power of Dao Tianyin. In a sense, it is not weaker than the six-character mantra used by Mount Sumeru before, and it can affect all things!
A serious look flashed in Zhang Kun's eyes. This Dao Tianyin was an attack of vitality and a shock of mental power. It was really hard to guard against.

"It's useless, Holy Son Xuanren, use your true strength, you and I are both people with a perfect state of mind, how can I be saved by you?"

Soon Zhang Kun recovered, and stood on the high sky with his hands behind his back, looking down upon Xuanren.

As the clouds rose, Wan Dao Rui Qi burst out from Xuan Ren's pupils, turning into a blazing beam of light and hitting Zhang Kun!
Zhang Kun chuckled, then opened his eyes, and two light edges appeared in his eyes, one black and one white, intertwined together, instantly forming a Tai Chi Dao diagram, rolling towards Xuanren, trying to kill him Repression!

On the last battlefield, the incarnation of Xuanren's last sentence is facing the life-defying body of the common people.

Boom boom boom!
As if the drum of thunder was beating, the life-defying body on the other side shot out brazenly. His speed was so fast that it was like a violent thunder that tore open the sky. I can't help but be sincere!

"Today I will let the blood of the Holy Son be shed!"

The life-defying physique laughed loudly, with great self-confidence. The surging vitality burst out of his body. He roared with the thunder and heavenly power, and with an indomitable momentum, he cut through all paths, became invincible, and destroyed everything. As if it was about to be cut open!
Faced with Zhang Kun's extremely terrifying attack, Xuanren just smiled lightly, and suddenly around him appeared Buddhist objects such as whisks, wishful thinking, bamboo grates, and futons. This time, these Buddhist objects did not rush towards Zhang Kun, but instead It turned into golden and resplendent Buddha light and poured into Xuanren's body!
"Arrogant and conceited! Do you really think you can shake me just by your Mahayana realm?" Xuanren chuckled lightly, and the vitality around him roared wildly, and soon his aura climbed to the extreme, his body was crystal clear Like jade, it seems to be cast from fairy gold!
Seeing this scene, Lin Yuxi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xuanren was too powerful, she gradually felt that she was going to be suppressed by Xuanren, this man who was called the Son of God was too powerful, his whole body was buried in the golden light of Buddha, the dharma bodies of Buddha and Bodhisattva manifested, Surrounding Xuanren's body, they complement each other, making him even more holy!

When he shot a bright light, it was as if the Buddha himself was making a shot. There was only one radiance left in the sky and on the earth. He was like the eternal God of War in this world. With one step, the sky trembled!

Can such a strong man really be defeated?

At this moment, Lin Yuxi even lost confidence in Zhang Kun.

However, what happened in the next scene made her flabbergasted!
"Boom boom boom!"

There was only a sudden, muffled sound that shook the sky, as if it came from the deepest part of the void, and the fist of the Cangsheng Defiant Body was dyed with a ray of thunder!
The life-defying body's gaze is as sharp as a knife, and his black hair dances wildly in the wind. He has a physique that defies the sky, and his whole body is full of powerful aura that suppresses the eternal, giving people a terrifying sense of oppression!
What was even more frightening was the thunder glow contained in his fist light. Although there was only a ray, it possessed the power to destroy the world!
That's the origin Dao Lei!
Zhang Kun once went to the depths of the Thunder Tribulation Ocean under the protection of the mirror field, captured the power of Dao Lei, and integrated it into his body to form the foundation of the five elements. The power that drives the Origin Dao Lei is too vast and terrifying!

But the life-defying physique is fine, this kind of physique is too special, as if it was specially born for defying the sky!

Thunder Tribulation is the spear of punishment from heaven, it penetrates every disobedient body, nails them to the ground, burns them to death, frightens all races, and makes them dare not go against the sky again!

The power of Origin Dao Lei is not something that everyone can control, but the life-defying body can be easily controlled. Zhang Kun doesn't know the reason for it, but he only knows how powerful this kind of power is, which is unimaginable!

The thunder flashed, and the sky was pierced by a huge and thick pitch-black thunder. The furious thunder was enough to kill everything. The violent attack came like a wave. Gao Tian was shattered again, Yuan Dao Lei I don't know how many ways of heaven are contained in it, or it is the origin of all ways, containing everything, it is the incarnation of destruction and the incarnation of gestation, when even if there are ten thousand ways neighing, it turns into infinite killing, and Chao Xuanren overwhelming fall!
There was no possibility or leeway to dodge, Xuanren's body cast like fairy gold was hit directly, thousands of thunder roared, and thunder beams like python marks appeared on the sky and the earth!

It's as if the power of heaven descends, chopping everything down!
"How does it taste?" Cang Sheng Ni Ming body grinned, unreasonable, Xuan Ren's third body froze there instantly, but Zhang Kun refused to let him go, and stepped forward to punch him again !
The dome of the day was split open, and it was as if a thunderbird was flapping its wings in the void. It brought thunder and storms, and the furious thunder and lightning struck Xuanren's body crackling and crackling!
Xuanren is very uncomfortable at this moment, if not for the protection of Mount Sumeru, he would have died under the thunder of origin!
Zhang Kun has been hiding this trick for a long time, but he has never exposed it even when he encountered a life-and-death crisis. The Dao Lei of Origin is too powerful, if it is contaminated with a trace, it will directly trigger a catastrophe!

"Boom boom boom!"

Xuanren's face was full of wry smiles, no matter how he shielded the secrets, it was useless, Yuan Yuan Dao thunder came to him like a divine sword, the sudden power of thunder and lightning made him a little unbearable , Zhang Kun's move really made him unexpected!
"Not bad!" Xuan Ren grinned at Zhang Kun and said, "In that case, I will resist the catastrophe and kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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