Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014
The more bewitching the talent, the more terrifying the Heavenly Tribulation will be!
Boom boom boom!
The thunder and drum sounded, and the power of heaven was mighty, Zhang Kun cast thunder punishment on behalf of the sky, intending to blast Xuanren into ashes!
Zhang Kun has to admit that Xuanren is indeed amazingly powerful. He has not yet grown to the state of integration, and he has no chance of winning in a fight with Xuanren at this moment. Not unsheathed!
Therefore, Zhang Kun had to resort to some special means, such as attracting thunder calamity to Xuanren, forcing him to resist Tianwei!

Lin Yuxi exhaled softly, her small face was full of surprise, she didn't expect that Zhang Kun's means were so rich that even the catastrophe could be attracted, which is unbelievable.


Xuanren took a deep breath, and immediately recited the heart-moving formula, a misty profound light flashed past, and even if the Buddha's light descended from the sky to heal his wounds, the most terrifying thing about Yuan Dao Lei is not the power of thunder , but the ten thousand murderous intentions contained in the thunder and lightning!
Even if it is as strong as Xuanren, it still looks a little small under the thunder calamity. Xuanren didn't dare to push it too big. Immediately, the three bodies came together and merged into one. The only Xuanren Son stood on the sky again, bright The lightning strikes down!

Zhang Kun once personally experienced the horror and power of Yuan Dao Lei. He knew that the power of Lei Mang's blow might not even dare to resist the truly powerful people in the tribulation period. The reason why Xuanren can resist now is completely Because this place is Mount Sumeru, the phantom of the Buddha continuously sends vast Buddha light towards Xuanren.

Zhang Kun couldn't help touching his chin. If someone else was here and was hit by Zhang Kun's Dao of origin, he would have died long ago. However, Xuanren is a destined Buddha, and his fate is very hard. , so he did not die, he was protected by the Buddha!
This is really enviable. Xuanren's path is bright and bright, as if heaven and earth have paved the way for him. However, Zhang Kun is not at all envious. How can he accept the destiny when he walks against the sky all the way? ?
The Futu ultimatum behind Xuanren suddenly lit up a little bit of light, and the sound of Dao Tianyin sounded again, but it did not slash towards Zhang Kun, but rushed towards the burial ultimatum, and the red golden Holy Mantra of Ming Dynasty on the ultimatum was fully activated The tyrannical and pure Buddha power surged like a sea tide, and a soft chant sounded, and the Buddha's light was stirred on the pagoda, and the pagoda was cut out of its sheath!
The grade of this holy sword is unknown, and its power varies from person to person. Only those who are profound in Buddhism and possess great magic power can exert the supreme power of Buddha Slash!
It is not a simple weapon. Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi feel as if they are facing the world. The Buddha light like the tide is like the entire Buddha kingdom. Xuanren is strong to the limit!
"Slay the Buddha, cut the Buddha, forgive sins for all living beings, break karma and reincarnation!"

He stood proudly above the sky, his eyes pierced the sky like a sharp sword, and the endless thunder burst down, but he couldn't destroy it. !
The Dao of Reincarnation manifested at this moment, and was broken by Xuan Ren's sword, and the power of the Six Paths rolled towards Zhang Kun and the others!

"Boom boom boom!"

The Futu Slash is formed by the devout thoughts and Buddha light of hundreds of millions of Buddha cultivators in the Dayan Realm, and it possesses supreme magic power!

Golden yellow and mysterious lines appeared all over Xuanren's body. The powerful sword intent pierced the sky, shaking the sky, and the sky shone down, making Futu Slash even more powerful. The ultimate sword light cut towards Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi!
This is Xuan Ren's strongest blow!
"One blow will determine the outcome!" Xuanren shouted loudly, with a long howl, he raised his hand to chop Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi directly.

At this moment, it seems that the Buddha light of the entire Dayan world is coming towards Zhang Kun. Xuanren Ruruo is a divine power of Ming Buddha, his sword, his method, possesses tens of thousands of divine powers!
"Miss Lin!"

Zhang Kun whispered, and Lin Yuxi immediately understood.

"Honor of the Three Realms of Jishou, take refuge in the Buddhas of the ten directions. Now I make great vows and uphold this Medicine Master Sutra. I will repay the fourfold kindness to the top, and help the three sufferings to the bottom. If anyone has seen and heard it, I will arouse the bodhicitta!"

Lin Yuxi stretched out her white arms like snow lotus roots, made mudras with her hands, and gently opened her red lips, reciting the scriptures of Liuli Pharmacist Buddha. Recite the Medicine Master's Sutra, and every time you recite one side, a bright lamp lights up around Zhang Kun.

In an instant, Lin Yuxi had already recited the Medicine Master Sutra for seventy-seven and forty-nine times, and a full seventy-seven and forty-nine lights were lit behind Zhang Kun's back. light!

Zhang Kun's eyes are extremely deep, as if there is a starry sky hidden inside, the vast aura spreads suddenly, and the shining Futu Zhan in front of him is about to cut, the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth can't help but evoke a playful smile .

"I've never used this move before, let Xuanren give it a try!"

He looked at the life-defying body standing beside him, and the life-defying body also looked at him at the same time.

"Sword come!"

Zhang Kun gave a soft shout, and the Cangsheng Niming body accelerated to the extreme in an instant. He turned into a ray of light and ran towards Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun stretched out his big hand and held the light tightly!

An extremely horrifying thing happened. The life-defying body turned into a sword light, which was held by Zhang Kun!
A bit of astonishment obviously flashed in Xuanren's eyes, but he didn't have time to hesitate any longer, and the Buddha cut and roared out of the ten thousand ways, followed by a roar!

The shadow of the sword flew across the sky, and Zhang Kun also drew his sword!

This sword has no name, maybe it can be called the Cangsheng Reversing Fate Sword. Zhang Kun held a big hand, and even when seven or seven 49 bright lights were aroused, an unprecedented feeling surged in his body, and the full power filled his heart Limbs and limbs, and the sea-like power contained in the bright lamp, all of them were drawn out at this moment, and attached to the blade!
There doesn't seem to be any fancy skills in cutting out with a sword, just such a slash, the sword's glow is as high as a thousand feet, and the bright and gorgeous sword light hits the Buddha's sword immediately!
"Boom boom boom!"

Mount Sumeru shook, the sky cracked, and the earth exploded!

"Drink!" Xuanren yelled loudly, and behind him suddenly appeared a phantom of a Buddha, lifelike, as if the real Buddha had descended into the world, and Mount Sumeru resonated with it!
That was Xuanren's previous body, he was really the reincarnation of a supreme Buddha, at this moment he aroused the prestige of the previous life, the power of the Buddha shocked the world, the entire Bodhi secret realm was full of brilliance, and the power of the Buddha's chopping skyrocketed instantly Ten thousand times!
Immortal Buddha-level Nengwei!

(End of this chapter)

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