Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1015 The Future

Chapter 1015 The Future
The energy and power of the immortal Buddha level has surpassed the endurance of the entire Dayan Realm. If it is outside, it will inevitably cause space shocks, and may even turn the entire Garan Realm into a dead zone!
In the legend, those immortals and Buddhas destroy a star field at every turn and crush thousands of stars. In the eyes of the immortals and Buddhas, all living beings are just ants, and they can annihilate thousands and recreate thousands of them at will.

Karma breaking reincarnation is really able to cut off the avenue of reincarnation as it literally explains!
This is definitely not the power of Xuanren Shengzi itself, but the great supernatural power of the Buddha, who can travel through time and space and use the power of his previous life here. There is a great secret in it, which is related to this living Mount Sumeru!

Zhang Kun's heart skipped a beat immediately, the aura on Xuanren's body soared tens of thousands of times at this moment, this sword is by no means something he can resist, Zhang Kun's spiritual consciousness will immediately activate the power of the mirror field, and he will return Without helping Jingyu to include Mount Sumeru in it, Jingyu must have helped him block the sword!

At this moment, Lin Yuxi seemed to have discovered something.

She frowned slightly, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and repeatedly exclaimed: "Mr. Zhang, look there!"

Zhang Kun's consciousness split into thousands of strands, and one of them also noticed what Lin Yuxi was pointing at.

It was the great Buddha, standing on the top of Mount Sumeru. He had kind eyebrows and kind eyes, a solemn treasure, and faintly bloomed with brilliance. Zhang Kun was taken aback immediately. He didn't know Lin Yuxi's intentions. Space, transpiring thousands of miles of void, and the brilliant sword light pointed directly at Zhang Kun!
"This is the realm of Maitreya, the whirling world!" Lin Yuxi said eagerly: "He is the future Buddha, representing the power of the future."

"The future?" Zhang Kun murmured to himself softly, with a slight movement in his heart!
Xuanren was a Buddha in his previous life, and now he is using the power of the past!

Zhang Kun closed his eyes and tightly held the Cangsheng Rebel Sword in his hand. At this moment, his mind, spirit and consciousness entered a certain magical state.

The sound of rushing water sounded, and Lin Yuxi couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes. A long river hanging upside down appeared in the sky. Every drop of water in the long river was spiritual, light and beautiful.

Light, rising from nowhere.

Thousands of roads roared, and the hazy brilliance fell down, descending like heaven and earth.

This kind of scene is only possible when crossing the catastrophe and ascending!

Lin Yuxi stared blankly at the scene in front of her!
She saw Zhang Kun stepping away from the sky, his body was stained with the imprint of Tao, his mind was like a god, and the sky was full of divine light, covering the world like haze.

"That is... his future!"

Standing proudly on the zenith like an immortal emperor, Zhang Kun finally opened his eyes and said calmly, "The world is at war again."

He sighed with emotion, his gaze soaring, as if he had traveled through eternity.

Finally he noticed Xuanren rushing towards him.


The Immortal Emperor slashed out with an extremely bright sword, piercing the sky, and the void trembled violently, as if a star field was suppressing, the starlight covered the world, the entire Mount Sumeru was shattered, and the Buddha Slash was completely unable to resist this Supreme Being. His sword light, the Buddha light of the first life is shattered!

Howling wind, lightning and thunder, in the long wind like giant haze, Xuanren seemed to be petrified, the golden light on his body was extinguished in an instant, like a candle in the wind was blown away, he lost his previous expression, his body seemed to be When it is filled with lead, it generally becomes very heavy, and it crashes into the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Xuanren laughed, not knowing what to smile again, he stretched out his hand to touch his chest, and laughed as if mocking himself.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Shen couldn't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect this to be the result. Well, it's time for the poor monk to get on the road." After saying that, a space vortex appeared under his feet, he stepped into it, and disappeared without a trace.

After one blow, Zhang Kun also lost his strength like Xuan Ren, and fell towards the ground. Lin Yuxi flew up and hugged Zhang Kun, and the two fell on a piece of grass.

"Mr. Zhang?" Lin Yuxi whispered.

She knew the mysteries of the Whirling World with the talent of seeing through the emptiness at the critical moment, and the strong fighting here can inspire their own future power with firm belief!
She believes that Zhang Kun's future can overcome Xuanren's past!
"I'm here." Zhang Kun didn't pass out, he just felt a little tired, and took a deep breath greedily, enjoying Lin Yuxi's gentle embrace and the faint fragrance of her body.

Lin Yuxi's big, beautiful eyes were bent into crescent shapes, and they were full of joy.

In the Bodhi test, she and Zhang Kun won in the end.

Now as long as the last step is performed, the phantom of the bodhi tree behind her will be perfected, and bodhi seeds will be born, and this reincarnation will be completed, and she will become a Buddha child.

She has comprehended the mysteries of the whirling world, and she already has Buddha nature. It is a pity that the future Buddha's inheritance should be destroyed by Zhang Kun's sword, but this does not affect Lin Yuxi's becoming a disciple of the Buddha. She is on the sidelines Watching the battle between Zhang Kun and Xuan Ren, I learned a lot. With her current talent, it is too easy to perfect the bodhi tree phantom.

The entire Bodhi Secret Realm was shaking, and brilliance poured into the bodies of Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi, which was the reward for the winners of the Bodhi Test.

Zhang Kun felt his body was hot, and the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana surged again. His realm was rising uncontrollably. This process was completely out of his own will!
Even if Zhang Kun wants to take the initiative to suppress the realm, he can't do it. This is the aura of the entire Bodhi secret realm, which is too vast.

The realm of half-step fit!

The state of Mahayana has been cultivated directly, and half of one foot has stepped into the state of integration. Zhang Kun is the youngest half-step of integration in history. Zhang Kun is full of spirits, and a smile flashes in his eyes.

Twelve factions?hehe!

"Mission failed, Mount Sumeru was destroyed."

Jing Yu's indifferent voice came from Zhang Kun's ear, neither happy nor sad.

This is his first failed mission. Fortunately, Jingyu no longer made any noise, which means that there is no punishment for the failure of this mission. However, Zhang Kun still has some regrets. It is Mount Sumeru. If it can be included It is really a great thing to be under the jurisdiction of the mirror domain, not to mention that the mirror domain will also give rewards. For such a difficult task, the rewards must be extremely rich.

"By the way, hurry up!" Zhang Kun seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and he was no longer greedy for Lin Yuxi's embrace. He got up instantly, took Lin Yuxi's hand and walked towards the wreckage of Mount Sumeru. The seven-fold net and the seven-fold row of trees can all be made of fairy gold, star silver, dragon crystal, and colored glaze. Even if Mount Sumeru is destroyed, these materials cannot be wasted.

Lin Yuxi shook her head helplessly, and said with a light smile, "Mr. Zhang, you really have the heart of a child!"

(End of this chapter)

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