Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1016 Success and Calamity

Chapter 1016 Success and Calamity

At this moment, Bodhi Courtyard.

The sky suddenly fell into darkness, and a huge vortex, mixed with lightning and flames, descended on the Bodhi Courtyard again.

"They're coming out!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone looked up at the slowly rotating vortex.

A few figures appeared in the vortex, they were the people who participated in the trial, and the one in the middle was the Holy Son Xuanren dressed in white, and the current Holy Son Xuanren was full of immortality when he was no longer gone. The white clothes were covered with dirt and blood stains, and were tattered, barely covering the body. At this moment, the glistening and radiant body also dimmed, no longer radiant, and looked extremely miserable.

Those powerful people in the seats all looked at Shengzi Xuanren with complicated eyes, showing sympathy, ridicule and disdain.

Originally, the Buddha Trial held by the Bodhi Court was just a platform for Xuanren Shengzi to show his strength, but he did not expect that Lin Yuxi, who was not weaker than him in talent, and more importantly his protector, claimed to be alchemy Master, but Zhang Kun, who was in a mess suddenly, was cut off like this!

Xuanren Shengzi not only did not get the final inheritance, but also surrendered the position of Buddha son, which is not miserable.

After Xuanren landed, he walked straight into the hall without saying a word.

Suddenly he glanced at the vortex in the sky, he didn't know what he thought of, stopped, and stood quietly on the high platform and waited.

When the last two figures appeared in the sky, everyone's eyes shifted from Xuan Ren and the others, staring at the two figures that appeared in the whirlpool.

The girl was wearing a long skirt with long sleeves, refined and smiling, and the young man next to her seemed to be meditating, frowning slightly.

Both of them were neatly dressed, as if they had not just experienced a tragic fight, but had just returned from a game.

Zhang Kun picked and picked in Mount Sumeru this time, and gained a lot. Lin Yuxi also obtained a lot of Buddhist relics. They didn't return to the Bodhi Court until the entire Bodhi Secret Realm was closed and the two were forcibly teleported out.

Lin Yuxi held Zhang Kun's hand, just landed, and before she could speak, all the people from the monasteries stood up, folded their hands together and bent down, saying respectfully, "I've seen Lin Fozi."

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the audience got up and chanted Lin Yuxi's name, acknowledging Lin Yuxi's identity as a Buddhist disciple.

From now on, Lin Yuxi will be a Buddhist disciple of the Jialan Realm, and her status is comparable to that of the abbot of the Bodhi Court, and even more detached, that is, the abbots of the four courtyards must first salute when they see her, and Lin Yuxi will return the gift of a junior.

"Congratulations to Master Lin Fozi on his ascension to the position of Master Buddha. Our academy will hold a ceremony in Zhengjue Hall later to bestow Lin Fozi with the Three Treasures. Please come with the poor monk." Fang Wen walked over and said with a smile.

Lin Yuxi looked up at Zhang Kun, who nodded with a smile.

Lin Yuxi still didn't move her footsteps, and there was hesitation in her beautiful eyes.

"It's okay, you go first, I'll wait for you here." Zhang Kun said.

"Lin Fozi, the host is already waiting for you in the Zhengjue Hall. Donor Zhang and the others will make proper arrangements for us." Fang Wen said with his eyes flickering.

After Lin Yuxi heard Fang Wen's relief, the uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense, and she hesitated to leave.

In fact, she already knew that Zhang Kun's identity had been exposed, and there are so many people from the twelve sects in the audience, if they want to be unfavorable to Zhang Kun, I am afraid that they can only deter them with their new identity as a Buddhist disciple. .

She didn't know why she had such an idea. In fact, she had already calculated that it was inevitable that Zhang Kun's identity would be exposed. Before entering the Bodhi Secret Realm, Lin Yuxi thought about waiting until the end of the Buddha's trial, no matter whether he succeeded or failed. After all, she didn't want to offend the twelve sects because of Zhang Kun.

But now, after staying together in adversity for so many days, her state of mind has quietly changed, especially when she thinks that Zhang Kun exposed her identity because she was her guardian. Filled with responsibility and guilt, I even wished that I hadn't participated in this Buddha's trial.

A high-pitched voice suddenly sounded from the audience.

"Sir Fang Wen, if you Buddhist disciples are unwilling to leave, then if you accidentally hurt yourself later, don't blame us."

Fang Wen's face changed slightly, the speaker stood up, it was Qi Yangzheng, at this moment, his old face was full of uncontrollable pleasure.

In order to hunt down the murderer who killed his son, he was on the verge of going crazy these days, but today he finally had this opportunity to kill his enemy, and he couldn't wait for a moment to stand up.

Then the eleven people behind him also stood up, exuding breath without reservation, twelve half-step refining breaths shot up into the sky, forming twelve pillars of light.

It caused many monks to change their faces. This kind of absolute oppression in the realm made it difficult for them to even move.

"That's enough, benefactors of the Twelve Sects, if you want to find the murderer who killed your fellow sect, our court will not stop you, but I don't want you to mess around here!" Fang Wen said suddenly with a serious expression, and waved away the oppressive crowd. The half-step refining breath on those monks.

There was no panic on Zhang Kun's face, and his expression was still calm. He had expected this matter a long time ago, and never thought that Bodhiyuan would go against the Twelve Sects for himself, but he is also the protector of contemporary Buddhas. However, the Bodhi Courtyard was sold so neatly and neatly, which made him feel the last bit of guilt in his heart.

"Fang Shouzai, you let the Twelve Sects run amok in the Bodhi Courtyard? Let them take away my guardian? What's the face of the Bodhi Courtyard!" Lin Yuxi's expression changed, and finally she said with a gloomy face: "This piece Things, as a disciple of Buddha, I will never agree!"

Zhang Kun felt the strength of Lin Yuxi's grip on his shoulder, and he was a little surprised. He thought that he and Lin Yuxi were just using each other, and he didn't expect her to help him out, but now it seems that he treats himself like a villain. The belly of a gentleman, she really treats herself as a friend.

"Lin Fozi, this matter is a decision of the whole court, even you, there is no way to change it." Fang Wen also said with some headaches.

"Then I'll stand here, and I want to see if you really let those people attack me!" Lin Yuxi said without giving an inch.He also made up his mind to stand on the same line with Zhang Kun.

"Follow Fang Shouzuo first, I'll be fine." Zhang Kun patted Lin Yuxi on the shoulder and comforted him. He was also worried that Lin Yuxi would be injured by mistake if they fought later.

"Shut up! If you don't leave, I won't leave! Whoever dares to touch you, step over my corpse first!" Lin Yuxi subconsciously shouted.

 There are some things to be busy these few days, and it will be updated every day for the time being, everyone, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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