Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1017

Chapter 1017

Seeing Kun's surprised face, he suddenly realized that he had lost his composure, and explained with a blushing face: "I haven't finished what I promised you, I can't let you die like this, otherwise I won't be a person who broke my promise gone?"

Zhang Kun laughed dumbfounded when he heard Lin Yuxi's lame excuse.

"I'm talking about Fang Shouzuo, if you don't speak anymore, don't really blame us for accidentally hurting your Buddha." Qi Yang said impatiently, staring at Zhang Kun with resentment.

"Lin Fozi, do you really want to stand with Zhang Kun?" Fang Wen asked again. After seeing Lin Yuxi nodding firmly, he was silent for a long time, lowered his eyes and said, "For Lin Fozi's safety, Then you can only be offended."

"What are you going to do..." Lin Yuxi suddenly had a bad premonition, and before she finished speaking, she found that she had been sealed by some kind of force, making it difficult to move.

Zhang Kun noticed Fang Wen's small movements, but he didn't stop him. He just nodded at Lin Yuxi and grinned.

Fang Wen waved his hand, and Lin Yuxi started to move his hands and feet involuntarily, walking towards the main hall.

Lin Yuxi's body trembled slightly, trying hard to break free from this control, but the strength gap between the two was too great, she could only watch helplessly as she got farther and farther away from Zhang Kun.

"People from the Twelve Sect, if you dare to touch him today, I will make your Twelve Sect restless!" Lin Yuxi's cold and decisive voice came out.

Zhang Zhenhai's complexion changed slightly. Although Lin Yuxi's strength is now low, her status as a Buddhist disciple is extremely noble, and she can even command the Buddhist cultivators in the entire Jialan realm.

If she is really determined to fight against the Twelve faction, then I am afraid that many people in the faction will have a headache, but it is impossible for them to give up just like this. Only by killing Zhang Kun forcefully can they save some of them. The face of the Twelve Schools.

The monks in the audience also began to realize what had happened. It seemed that there was some grievance between the twelve sects and the guardian of the Buddha.

"Zhang Kun, you are really good at tricking Buddha to help you at any cost. But the murderer is the murderer. A year ago, you killed my fellow disciples with despicable means. Today, I will use your blood to comfort you Their spirits in the sky!" Zhang Zhenhai stood up and said solemnly.

The monks in the audience all showed some understanding, but some people recognized Zhang Kun's identity and knew what happened, so they looked at the Twelve Sects with some amusement.

"Zhang Zhenhai, this kid asked me to kill him, so don't interfere." Qi Yang said with red eyes.

"Okay, Mr. Qi, you have to be careful, this kid is a bit weird." Zhang Zhenhai nodded in agreement, and the other ten people also knew that Qi Yangzheng's son died at the hands of Zhang Kun, and they were all willing to give him a chance to take revenge.

"It's just defeating a few body-fitting realms. I'll let him know what it means to be an ant under half-step refining the void." Qi Yang said bitterly.

Zhang Zhenhai nodded, looking at Qi Yangzheng's back, but felt a little restless in his heart.

But they were immediately suppressed by him, this time they came with a total of twelve half-step Void Refining Powerhouses, this lineup is more than enough to destroy a sect, let alone a young man who is not good at Mahayana .

This trip is mainly to show the strength of the Twelve Factions to the outside world, to kill Zhang Kun powerfully, and to frighten those secretly Xiaoxiao people.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful a Mahayana cultivator is, he is still not worthy of being chased and killed by twelve half-step Lianxu himself.

Shengzi Xuanren, who was originally planning to watch the battle, suddenly changed his expression and looked at a monk who suddenly appeared beside him.

"Uncle Master, I have let you down." Xuanren said neither humble nor overbearing, but there was deep doubt in his eyes.

"Follow me." Fang Shou said lightly, and before Xuanren could react, he waved his cassock sleeves, and the two disappeared in place.

On the high platform, Qi Yang was staring at Zhang Kun, but was soon disappointed, he couldn't find any fear on this young man's face.

Is he really not afraid of death?Or is there any other means?
Just as Qi Yang thought he had discovered the reason for Zhang Kun's fearlessness, he laughed sharply, anticipating the despair in his eyes later.

He will know right away that in front of a real half-step Void Refining cultivator, any small trick is just a joke!
"Boy, when you dared to kill me back then, you should have thought that there would be such a day, and today I would sacrifice your soul to my son!" Qi Yang smiled sharply, and there was a kind of revenge in his smile. Get pleasure.

"Your son?" Zhang Kun looked puzzled, lowered his head and thought about it for a while, and suddenly said: "You are not talking about the Mahayana monk in white clothes, are you? I remember that he is not very good at fighting, but he is very good at running. Seeing that the situation was not good, I left his fellow disciples and ran away, and I chased him for a long time before killing him."

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I don't even have an impression. I just don't know how strong you are as his father. Don't let me down!"

When Qi Yang saw the smile in Zhang Kun's eyes, he knew that he had been played by him, and he was furious.

"Hmph, what a joke!"

"Little thief, you will definitely die today!"

A raging golden flame suddenly ignited on Qi Yangzheng's body, his already hunched body, in the golden flame, slowly straightened up, the wrinkles on his decayed face also disappeared, his gray hair grew rapidly, and his skin became black. It also becomes firm and smooth, as if rejuvenating.

Everyone present gasped, feeling the changes in Qi Yangzheng's body, they couldn't help opening their mouths. Is this a reversal of time and space?

And not only the changes in appearance, although Qi Yangzheng is a half-step Void Refiner, he has already entered old age, his soul has been contaminated with old age, and inevitably begins to become weak and rotten. The weak and strong can't stop the weakening of the soul, and at this moment, his body and even his soul suddenly burst out with a strong breath of life, as if he really returned to his youth.

"The Shaoyang secret technique of the Zhengyang sect can temporarily restore people to the age when the yang energy is the most vigorous in their life. It can be said to be an amazing fortune. It seems that Mr. Qi is planning to do it for real." Zhang Zhenhai said with a smile, thinking Dading, originally he was worried that Qi Yangzheng would underestimate the enemy, let Zhang Kun seize the opportunity, and capsize the boat in the gutter, but now it seems that he is worrying too much.

This Shaoyang secret technique is an untold secret of the Zhengyang sect, and there are not enough people in the entire Zhengyang sect who are qualified to learn it. Even if he encounters Qi Yangzheng in this state, he can only avoid it temporarily. Sharp, dare not confront each other head-on, let alone Zhang Kun, who can't survive three moves in Qi Yang's hands!

(End of this chapter)

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