Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1018 The Power of the Zhengyang School

Chapter 1018 The Power of the Zhengyang School

Qi Yangzheng's face has returned to that of his middle-aged age. His originally decayed body is now bulging with muscles, and his whole body exudes a terrifying aura.

"Zhang Kun, will you obediently kneel down under my son's spiritual seat, or should I beat you to kneel down!" Qi Yang's voice sounded full of anger, he waved his arms, and squinted his eyes a little intoxicated by this power .

His voice resounded throughout the entire Garan City, and everyone could clearly hear his thunder-like roar, like the roar of a thunder god. Everyone stared up at the sky blankly, as if looking up at the sun!
Originally, although he had half-step virtual refining strength, his physical body was decayed and very fragile.But now, he is in the most perfect state both in terms of technique and body training strength, and he is not afraid of any monks of the same realm.

This is the posture of a strong man who has stepped into the realm of refining the void in one step. Even Fang Wen Fangzheng and the others couldn't help squinting their eyes. Qi Yangzheng's strength is only a thin line away from them, and Zhengyang After Pai's skills are completed, the vitality is full of violent and colossal power. In terms of killing, Fang Wen Fangzheng, who has not fought for decades, thinks that he will lose to Qi Yangzheng!
"Hehe, it's quite scary to look at, but don't just be a silver-like wax gun head." Zhang Kun mocked mercilessly.

Qi Yang was laughing back in anger, his body was slightly bent, his right fist was placed under his abdomen, as if he was accumulating strength.

In an instant, the energy of the heavens and the earth rushed rapidly, forming a huge vortex of vitality in the sky, swallowing everything like a black hole, swallowing the sky and the sun, and all the rays of light gathered on him in the next moment. In an instant, His body was full of golden light, and his crystal clear body seemed to be cast with gold, so powerful to the extreme!

He planned to use his physical strength to crush the bones of this ignorant little thief into powder inch by inch.

This kind of pain can repay the anger in his heart!
In today's sky, there were originally overcast clouds, but there was a faint sound of thunder, which seemed to be a sign of rain.

And when Qi Yang was clenching his fist, a few ray of sunlight suddenly appeared in the cloud, there was some kind of power condensing in the heaven and earth, countless tiny golden rays of light were attracted and attached to his fist.

Qi Yang was throwing a fist brazenly, with a golden glow in his fist, but the terrifying punch hit the air.

Zhang Kun, who was facing Qi Yangzheng directly, just showed some doubts, then his expression changed drastically, and he turned into a stream of light without hesitation and retreated back, but it was too late.

This fist seemed to hit a certain node in the world.

The dark clouds between the sky and the earth dissipated in an instant, and the dazzling sunlight filled the sky and the earth in an instant, and the sky and the earth were bright.

But this dissipated punch seemed to descend from the nine heavens, reappearing in the strong sunlight, and countless sunlight condensed into a giant golden fist several acres in size.

Before the fist arrived, the high platform was already covered by the highly condensed golden light of the sun, and the entire high platform began to burn with golden sun flames.

As for Zhang Kun, who was in the center of the sun flames, no matter how he dodged, the golden giant fist seemed to have locked him, like a sky strike, burning more violent sun flames, and hitting the high platform.

The high platform made of Tianjin stone shattered layer by layer in an instant, and countless fragments flew across.

The alliance of the big monks of those forces in the audience was able to block the aftermath of the explosion.But they all moved away from the high platform immediately, and several miles around the high platform were vacated.

The smoke and dust from the explosion gradually dissipated, revealing a half-lying figure in the smoke and dust.

"Cough cough."

Zhang Kun leaned against the wreckage, looking extremely miserable. He was wearing a green shirt and was already naked, bleeding all over his body, and he had become a bloody man.

However, those monks in the Fit Realm could tell that although Zhang Kun seemed to be seriously injured, he was actually fine. Most of the injuries were superficial, not fundamental.

Everyone couldn't help wondering what Zhang Kun's body was made of. That powerful physique was able to withstand Qi Yangzheng's blow head-on. Even Zhang Zhenhai couldn't help being slightly surprised at the moment. It seems that no one of his age can match him!

Qi Yang was frowning and looking at Zhang Kun, his expression became serious, only he knew that he didn't show any mercy at that moment just now, even if the half-step cultivator took this move head-on, it wouldn't be a big deal where to go.

And this kid is no more than a Mahayana, but he only suffered a superficial injury.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how long you can hold on!" Qi Yang felt more and more that this kid was too weird. In the Buddha's trial, he was able to cross-boundary and kill the body, but now he can still undergo half-step training. Xu survived with a single blow with all his strength, who knows if he will have any hole cards, although he doesn't believe that this kid can fight against his half-step refining Xu, but he still wants to win a quick battle.

At this point, Qi Yang was flashing in front of Zhang Kun, and punched Zhang Kun's face. The golden sun flames remaining on the ruins burned blazingly again, and the terrifying and tyrannical spiritual fire exploded instantly, blending into Zhang Kun's face. His fist carried a mighty power to burn everything.

Zhang Kun's body was covered with a layer of crystal ice armor in an instant, and with his elbows crossed, the golden sun flames burned on the ice armor, and the ice armor had just melted into water, but it condensed into ice again almost instantly. , covering the gap.

At the same time, the extremely cold aura permeating the ice armor is also permeating towards Qi Yangzheng's body, and most of them are burned by the sun flames. is being expelled, but it still makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Zhang Kun was beaten and flew out. Although he was able to resist the burning of the sun, the difference in strength between the two was still too great. He felt as if he was hit head-on by a giant dragon, and his internal organs were under tremendous pressure.

Generally speaking, a monk's internal organs are still fragile and cannot withstand huge forces like bones and muscles, but Zhang Kun is different. He is an alchemist, and he usually eats the pills that nourish the heart, lungs, liver and spleen, and the five elements After completing the cultivation of the spiritual base, he can be said to have a copper liver and iron gallbladder, and the five elements correspond to the five internal organs. The five innate spiritual objects are hidden behind Zhang Kun's internal organs, constantly nourishing his body!
"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Kun fell into the ruins again, but immediately he shot out from the dust, endured the severe pain all over his body, and ruthlessly smashed his elbow on the astonished Qi Yangzheng's abdomen .

As the icy breath wrapped around him, a thin layer of ice immediately formed on Qi Yangzheng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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