Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1019 Great Sun Field, Flowers Bloom to See the Sun

Chapter 1019 Great Sun Field, Flowers Bloom to See the Sun
Just as Qi Yang came back to his senses, the flames of the sun were burning again, and the golden blood energy rushed to the sky to drive away the ice. He was also beaten out of anger at this moment, and instead of using spells, he rushed forward with his physical strength. The two fought faster and faster , from the ground to the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The sound of violent impacts resounded frequently, like thunder, and everyone couldn't help covering their ears!

Those with weaker cultivation could only see two streamers of gold and blue continuously retreating and colliding together, causing a large afterimage.


Zhang Kun was knocked into the air countless times by Qi Yangzheng, but he slammed into Qi Zheng at a faster speed. If you pay attention, Zhang Kun will catch the opportunity to fight back. Although Qi Yang is not as embarrassed as Zhang Kun, he still looks very miserable.

The battle is extremely fierce, the outcome is hard to tell, and the stalemate is deadlocked!
Qi Yang was suddenly regretting competing with Zhang Kun in body training. Although Zhang Kun's body training strength was far inferior to his own, his fighting skills were very ingenious, obviously trained in countless head-to-head fights, and he seemed to be a fighter. Like an immortal Xiaoqiang, several times I clearly hit his vitals. I thought he should lose the ability to resist, but I didn't expect that he seemed to be a normal person, seizing the opportunity of his slack, and beat him in a hurry.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Qi Yang was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and his anger reached the extreme. For an elder of a big sect like him to be so embarrassed by a young man, his heart was full of furious waves of resentment!

Qi Yang was opening the distance, and the sun flames ignited on his body again, melting the thin ice left on his body. Looking at his tattered clothes, he felt extremely ashamed. After experiencing this kind of close combat again, it seems like two gangsters fighting.Moreover, it has not been won for such a long time, and it is still being watched by those powerful people.

"Enough!" Qi Yang shouted, floating in the air, and suddenly closed his eyes.

Zhang Kun also stopped and stopped chasing and killing. He knew that he had reached his limit.

Even if his body is stronger than all his peers, he will never be an opponent of an old monster who has cultivated for hundreds of years. If he wants to defeat Qi Yangzheng, he must use other means!

Qi Yang opened his eyes suddenly, and his gaze focused on Zhang Kun again, with a golden flame burning faintly in his gaze.

This time, he wasn't absorbing Zhengyang Qi, instead, golden sun flames floated out from his body and scattered in the air.

The sun flame flower seemed to have no attack power, just burning quietly in the air.

In an instant, the entire sky was covered by these golden transparent flame flowers.

Zhang Kun keenly felt the strange fluctuations in the space. Although the scene has not changed, he is no longer in the original space.

"Is this a domain?!"

A monk below exclaimed.

Everyone present took a deep breath!
"That's right, this is Elder Qi's domain, the domain of the great sun, where the flowers bloom to see the sun." Zhang Zhenhai looked at the thoughtful eyes of the monks of the twelve sects and explained.

Qi Yangzheng has just comprehended this field not long ago, so it is not known to outsiders, and Zhang Zhenhai knows it because he happened to be present when Qi Yangzheng just comprehended this field.

Domain is the special ability of monks, and only a very few people can cultivate it. But when they reach the realm of refining the void, when the small world inside the body meets the big world outside the body, it is possible to comprehend the domain, that is, to integrate the small world inside the big world. Projection, the enemy is forcibly pulled into his own small world, and the real deity can be said to be almost invincible in his own small world, so the confrontation between monks in the Void Refining Realm is even more dangerous. This is a battle between two small worlds. In a contest, if you are accidentally drawn into the opponent's domain, it will basically be doomed.

However, not all the cultivators who practice virtual reality have domains. Only those who have reached a very high level of comprehension of the Taoist will have the possibility to comprehend the domain, and the domain of comprehension is the specific Taoist intention in their own body. modernized.Therefore, even in the half-step Void Refining Realm, people who can comprehend the domain are just existences like scales and phoenix horns.But once you comprehend the domain, you will basically be crushed against monks who have not comprehended the domain.

And Qi Yang was able to comprehend the realm, but it was because he stayed in the half-step Void Refining Realm for too long, knowing that there was no hope of breaking through, so he calmed down to comprehend it, coupled with some coincidences, he became enlightened by chance.Although his Great Sun Domain is only a low-level domain, it is not something that ordinary half-step Void Refining cultivators can block.

Of course, there are also more talented people who can cultivate the domain in advance, just like the monks in the Kingdom of Shadows in the mirror world that Zhang Kun once traveled to. Their sensitivity to Taoism is very special, even those in the Nascent Soul It is also possible for a monk to cultivate a domain, but strictly speaking, it is only the prototype of a domain, and it only has some functions and powers of a domain. In the realm!
"Look, there is an extra sun in the sky!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

A bit of astonishment flashed across everyone's faces, and then they looked up, only to see the densely packed Sun Flame flowers floating in mid-air, all slowly blooming, revealing the golden slurry inside, and after the golden slurry left the stamens, The whole flower turned into a golden spot of light and dissipated.

And countless golden slurry rose slowly, forming a small golden ball, and the small ball became bigger and bigger, rising higher and higher.

After all the sun flame flowers dissipated, the sphere formed by the golden slurry began to burn blazingly, and the light that bloomed even covered the sun.

Even the sun was dimmed under this light!

"It's terrible, and this is too powerful!"

The sky was dyed bright red by the blazing brilliance. If there was not the guardian array of the Bodhi Court, the fire would have turned everything into ashes long ago. Countless people raised their heads to watch this shocking scene. Is lost the ability to think!

Qi Yang was glowing with golden light, looking down at Zhang Kun, and shouted arrogantly: "It's useless even if you beg for mercy now, I will let your soul be burned to death by the fire of the sun."

The big sun that Qi Yang is evolving at this moment not only has scorching high temperature and burns everything, but more importantly, it can also target the soul!

(End of this chapter)

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