Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1020 Five Behavior Furnaces

Chapter 1020 Five Elements Furnace
That big day can directly melt and refine the soul of a monk, the process can be described as extremely painful, only the disciples who committed serious crimes in the opposing faction, Qi Yangzheng will use this trick to punish them!
"It's so noisy, old dog, you talk a lot. It's just the lowest level of field. I'll break it with a single poke!" Zhang Kun said disdainfully, but he secretly raised his vigilance in his heart.

This is a full-strength blow from a half-step Void Refining Powerhouse. In front of Qi Yangzheng, Xuanren's power is nothing, and that is the true demeanor of a strong man!
"I'll see how long you can keep your mouth shut." Qi Yang smiled sinisterly, pointing at Zhang Kun.

The golden sphere shines brightly, and the sun flames of the entire field are concentrated on Zhang Kun. Wan Dao Mingguang comes from all around. Guided by Qi Yang's positive vitality, the power of the flame has been raised several levels again. If Yuan Wei is still alive at this moment, he will also stare his eyes wide, the power of this flame is ten times stronger than his seventh level blazing flame!
Zhang Kun instantly turned into a fire man. The ice armor on his body only resisted for a moment, then turned into steam and dissipated. The ice veins and ice core were instantly melted and turned into snow water. He only felt that there were flames all around him. !

The sun flames gradually dissipated, revealing Zhang Kun's figure. At this moment, Zhang Kun could barely see a human figure. His beard and hair had been burned off, his clothes had long been turned into ashes, and most importantly, the meridians in his body were also burned. Burning, there is fire poison remaining in it, as soon as he circulates his vitality now, he has to bear the pain of the heart.

"How about it, does the burning sun taste good?" Qi Yang couldn't help laughing while watching Zhang Kun's miserable state.

"That's right, I just came here to warm me up. I'll take it on this big day!" Zhang Kun cracked his mouth and smiled, showing his white teeth.

"It's a pity that a genius has gone crazy like this." Someone in the audience shook his head and sighed, causing a resonance.

But Liu Yu'an's eyes flickered, quietly looking at Zhang Kun, who was covered in darkness. He knew Zhang Kun a little bit, and knew that he definitely had something to rely on. I'm afraid that once such means are used, it will be earth-shattering!

After all, he is a man who can defeat even Xuanren, what else can he not do?
Five beams of light suddenly emitted from Zhang Kun's body, and the five beams of light broke away from Zhang Kun's body and hovered beside Zhang Kun.

"My God, these are five kinds of innate spirits!" The Patriarch of the Jia family recognized the true colors of these five light groups at a glance, and he couldn't care less about his appearance, and cried out.

Everyone present took a deep breath!
"How is it possible? Every kind of innate spirit is only conceived in the chaotic and unopened world. There has long been no such place in the Dayan world! It has been tens of thousands of years since there has been no innate spirit. How did he Collect all five kinds!" Wang Yuan on the side stared at the five beams of light, his face full of disbelief.

"Innate spiritual objects, the foundation of the five elements. I'm afraid he used these five elements innate spiritual objects when he built his foundation." Su Yi said solemnly.

"Are you kidding? One kind of spirit is enough to build a foundation. How did he manage to use five? Even if he is a disciple of Qionghua Palace, this is still too shocking!"

The three patriarchs didn't deliberately cover up their voices, and the words were also heard by others. When they heard that Zhang Kun actually used the five elements innate spiritual objects to build the foundation, the monks were shocked, which was too extravagant.In their view, this kind of innate spiritual things can even allow monks who have just broken through the half-step refining realm to directly comprehend the domain, and at least it is an intermediate domain!But it was only used by Zhang Kun to build the foundation, which is simply a waste of money.

These monks looked at the five spiritual objects around Zhang Kun with fiery eyes, wishing they could take them for themselves, but when they thought that this was actually the kid's foundation-building object, they wanted to curse.

"Grandpa, it seems that this kid is just a stupid young man who used such a precious thing to build a foundation. Why don't you give it to me." There was a young man in a fancy dress, who could be seen as coming from a wealthy family, but He looked at the five groups of innate spirits, and he was also very jealous, and complained to the gray-robed old man beside him.

"You know what a fart. Only by building a foundation with five elements of innate spiritual objects can the foundation-building realm be cultivated to the perfect state. This kid is so evil, I am afraid it is because of his perfect foundation-building. If you compare him with him, you are nothing." , after you go back, you are not allowed to leave the house if your cultivation base is not in the Composite Realm!" The gray-robed old man couldn't listen anymore, blowing his beard and staring.

The young man in Huafu screamed. He didn't expect not only to be scolded, but also directly grounded. He immediately transferred this hatred to Zhang Kun, and secretly cursed him to be beaten to death by that old man.

However, the gray-robed old man only guessed partly correctly. If he was told that all of Zhang Kun's realms had reached the point of perfection, I don't know what expression he would make.

In mid-air, Qi Yang was watching Zhang Kun taking out the treasures one by one, and said with a big laugh, "Zhang Kun, you are offering treasures to me, do you beg me to spare your life?"

"Yes, it depends on whether you can accept this great gift!" Zhang Kun also laughed, and stretched out his hand to point to five directions, and five groups of innate spirits appeared in the five five elements.

"Five Elements Furnace!"

Zhang Kun held the Dao Jue with his hands, stepped on the Yin-Yang and Five Elements directions, and stepped on the void.

The sky and the earth seemed to have suddenly quieted down, only Zhang Kun's voice was left rumbling, and at this moment, the eyes of countless people obviously flashed a bit of shock!

A huge phantom of the oven appeared in the film field, and what was contained in the oven was the big sun!
"What are you going to do!" Qi Yang was suddenly very disturbed, his voice was a little surprised, and he was also pinching the Dao Jue quickly in his hand. Countless sun flames condensed again, and Zhang Kun's whole body was burned by the sun flames.

But Zhang Kun was unmoved, as if he couldn't feel the pain, his eyes became brighter and brighter, his steps became faster and faster, and he muttered words.

Countless golden radiance emerged from his body, turning into myriads of divine light. The divine light was penetrating into the void. The Great Sun Domain could not stop the supreme Taoism at all. The divine light intertwined in the void. The divine marks, the expressions on everyone's faces, suddenly became extraordinarily exciting!

Because several large characters were reflected in the void!

"Creation turns into work!"

"Yin and Yang are carbon!"

"Everything is copper!"

"Furnace completed!"

As the last two words fell, a huge alchemy furnace appeared in midair, covering the sky and covering the earth.

I don't know what material the furnace body is made of, it's not gold or wood, it's transparent and flawless, and the five-color light flows, and everyone can't help but feel a little horrified. This god furnace seems to be stronger than any famous pill furnace. An unspeakable Dao rhyme exudes from top to bottom, as if it came from ancient times, and it can refine everything!
(End of this chapter)

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