Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1021 You Can't Kill Me

Chapter 1021 You Can't Kill Me

At the bottom of the huge alchemy furnace, there are two yin and yang fish slowly rotating, which contain the principles of heaven and earth.

The sun flames on Zhang Kun's body also gradually dissipated. Zhang Kun, who was covered in burns, looked solemn, and said with contemptuous eyes: "Today, I will use this furnace to refine this big sun and this world!"

Refining the world!

These words exploded in Qi Yangzheng's ears, making him in a trance for a moment.

"Hmph, what a joke!"

"Little Huangkou, you don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, so you dare to speak freely!" Qi Yang laughed, but his expression was a little flustered. His subconscious mind told him that if he didn't stop Zhang Kun, he might die here today!


The big sun in the pill furnace suddenly dripped countless golden slurry, each drop of slurry contained terrifying high temperature, the whole world in the pill furnace began to burn, and the world was distorted in an instant, and the big sun also Slowly falling towards the bottom of the alchemy furnace, trying to burn through the alchemy furnace, the whole alchemy furnace began to chirp, as if it really couldn't bear the terrifying temperature and might disintegrate at any time.

Seeing that Qi Yang was starting to work hard, Zhang Kun was not in a hurry, as if he was making alchemy in normal times, holding the alchemy formula in his hand, he said silently: "Fire!"

The yin fish among the yin and yang fish jumped out of the yin and yang diagram.

Black flames spewed out from Yinyu's mouth, burning blazingly at the bottom of the alchemy furnace, and the golden slurry instantly solidified into ten thousand years of ice in the black fire.

Even on that big sun, ice was constantly forming, and it was even slowly spreading upwards.

"No! Impossible, how is it possible!" Qi Yang was terrified, trying to struggle out with all his energy, but it was all in vain. There was an inextinguishable flame attached to his body, and he felt his soul as if It's almost like being refined!
The big sun that originally had the aura of burning the world turned into a hockey puck. In the dark ice layer, you can still see the big sun inside is still burning, but the flames of the sun are gradually dimming.

Qi Yangzheng, who was connected with Da Ri's mind and mind, only felt that the spiritual sea had been hit hard, and he almost fainted. Can no longer support this secret technique.

"Impossible, this is impossible. How could my Great Sun Realm be broken?" Qi Yang's eyes widened in disbelief, and he kept urging the spells, but that round of Great Sun did not respond in the slightest .

"Is there anything impossible, you go in and have a look together and you will know." Zhang Kun's right eye suddenly turned a glassy color, and Qi Yangzheng only felt a tingling pain in his spirit, and his mind was in turmoil as he saw a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him. Lost for a moment.

And when he reacted, the alchemy furnace had tilted towards him, and he was also pulled by a strong suction, flying towards the alchemy furnace.

"Ahhh!" Qi Yang wailed, but his body no longer listened to him.

Qi Yang was screaming, frantically mobilizing his vitality, trying to cut himself off, but to no avail, he was finally sucked into the pill furnace.

Everyone in the audience watched this scene dumbfounded, speechless in astonishment.

Finally someone recognized the brilliant brilliance in Zhang Kun's right pupil, couldn't help widening his eyes and taking a breath, and shouted loudly: "Then, that is the heart of pure green glass, how could he have such a thing? !"

Everyone in the audience was stunned for an instant, completely confused about what was going on!
At this moment, Zhang Kun's eyes are burning with bright flames of colored glaze. It is the heart of pure blue colored glaze that comes from the great demon Garuda. This kind of treasure has supreme magic power. Even more powerful beings will not be shocked by the glare of the glazed glass!
The alchemy in Zhang Kun's hands changed again, and Yin Yu swam more and more frequently, and finally jumped up and merged into the alchemy furnace. The entire alchemy furnace was surrounded by a layer of hazy black flames, and the scene in the alchemy furnace also Gradually blurred, only a group of colorful mist can be seen flowing in it.

It is a real fire created with the flame of Chixia as the main flame, supplemented by the energy of the other four innate spiritual beings, the fire can burn everything, even Qi Yangzheng is no longer concerned!

Zhang Kun was holding the Dan Jue in his hand, sweating profusely, crumbling, looking very strenuous.

He softly recited the alchemy secrets of Liuli Yaoshi Buddha, and at the same time used all the alchemy secrets in the Sutra of Poisonous Poisons. In an instant, it was like fireworks bursting, and there was a dazzling light in the alchemy furnace. Countless super-difficult alchemy techniques were used in an instant, as if a universe was being created in the alchemy furnace!

The members of the alchemist guild shouted loudly. They had all seen the horrifying scene when Zhang Kun made alchemy. At this moment, they seemed to have seen the shocking scene of that day again!

However, none of the twelve sects in the audience dared to go forward to rescue Qi Yangzheng. Even Zhang Zhenhai struggled to glance at Zhang Kun, then glanced at the building shrouded in mist. Pill furnace, after all, gave up the idea.

Although Zhang Kun seemed to be at the end of his battle, after seeing Qi Yangzheng's end, they didn't dare to bet. What if Zhang Kun could use the weird trick just now to pull them into the alchemy furnace?Why not wait until Zhang Kun can't hold it anymore, and it's better to wait for someone else to make a move?

Besides, the relationship between the twelve sects is not as good as the outside world thinks, and they are also happy to see the Zhengyang sect lose a half-step virtual master.

Thinking of this, the eleven half-step cultivators looked at each other, and they all stood there watching Qi Yang being refined. Anyway, Zhang Kun couldn't escape here, there were eleven of them. The cultivator who refines the void suppresses this, and he can't escape with his wings!
"Ahhh, you guys, you will definitely regret it if you don't make a move again!" Qi Yang was shouting angrily, his body seemed to have been melted, and only his spirit was left to scream.

At this moment, Qi Yang didn't have half the majesty and bearing before. His face was extremely distorted, like a fierce ghost, cursing Zhang Kun again and again, full of resentment.

"Zhang Kun, stop quickly, you can't kill me, I am the deputy head teacher of Zhengyang faction, ahh! If you kill me, my Zhengyang faction will never end with you, and my head teacher will definitely You will avenge me, and then you will be roasted thousands of times by the flames, and your bones will be blown to ashes!" Qi Yang was begging and threatening, but Zhang Kun didn't bother to pay attention, and continued to increase the output of vitality!
The sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana steamed up, and a nearly endless supply of vitality came out, burning the flame in the alchemy furnace even more vigorously!
(End of this chapter)

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