Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1022 He is the devil

Chapter 1022 He is the devil
The terrifying and tyrannical spiritual fire exploded in an instant, the big sun in the furnace was trembling, and the strands were more violent than the center of the sun, the temperature rose countless times in an instant, and the void was completely evaporated!
"Shut up, you, An Xin's elixir, don't worry, I will refine a few of your classmates to accompany you." Zhang Kun's eyes were devoid of any emotion, his indifference reached the extreme, and he looked into the furnace Qi Yang's gaze seemed to be looking at a dead person.

Another moment later, the flame on the pill furnace gradually became smaller, and the multicolored mist in the pill furnace also began to dissipate.

Qi Yangzheng's shouts became less and less, and gradually he could not make any sound. His body had been burnt to ashes, and his soul was still being roasted!

I don't know how long it has passed, a wonderful sound suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth, as if some kind of aura descended, the elixir in the cauldron was tainted with a trace of the Taoism between the heaven and the earth!

"Dan Cheng!"

Zhang Kun gritted his teeth and said, with trembling hands, he changed a formula with difficulty.

Thousands of golden lights suddenly bloomed in the pill furnace, illuminating the heaven and the earth. In the golden light, a pure golden pill flew out, exuding the most masculine and strong aura, like a small sun, even tens of miles away. Those monks can feel the heat.

Qi Yangzheng's lifelong cultivation has been condensed into this elixir, and even his Taoism and domain have been engraved on the elixir in the form of divine lines, and it is shining brightly at this moment!

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them, all of them looked incredible, which completely overturned their three views and cognition!

"Qi Yang is being refined into a elixir?" Everyone's eyes widened, with horrified expressions on their faces!

A powerful monk who was only half a step away from stepping into the Void Refining Realm, who had previously dominated the situation and led twelve factions of strong men to attack, what a scene and arrogance, but at this moment Zhang Kun directly received him in the Five Elements Pill Stove It was instantly refined into a pill!
What aggrieved and humiliating this is, all the disciples of the Zhengyang sect were extremely indignant, staring at Zhang Kun in mid-air, before they clamored to tear Zhang Kun into pieces, but at the moment everyone They all lost the courage to fight against Zhang Kun!

How is this played?
Didn't you see that Zhang Kun and even Qi Yangzheng could easily refine it? Everyone didn't expect that as an alchemist, Zhang Kun would have the means to defy the sky!
The hearts of countless monks trembled, their faces were stunned, and their eyes were about to pop out!
Among those monks, there were many alchemists. They were noble and aloof on weekdays, but now their faces were flushed, as if they were drunk, and they looked at the golden elixir with fascination.

"The Furnace of Five Elements, refining the world. What a boldness, this is the real alchemist! This is the ultimate alchemist!" Li Weiru stood up excitedly, waving his arms and shouted, no longer the usual The elegant and easy-going style in Li, on the contrary, looks like a lunatic.

In an instant, he felt an unspeakable Dao rhyme, and inspirations continued to emerge!
After Li Weiru finished shouting, he turned his head and walked away without any regrets.

On top of the alchemy path that had already come to an end, he discovered a brand new path, a path that can lead to alchemy sect!
The members of the Alchemy Association were also in a daze, and their faces were flushed. This is the strength of an alchemist!
Zhang Kun looked at the golden elixir in his hand, but he didn't feel the slightest scorching heat, only bursts of warmth penetrated into his body, and all the Taoism and vitality were restrained. Violent, but very gentle.

Zhang Kun thought about it, but he still didn't take it directly, but received it in the mirror domain.

After doing this, Zhang Kun looked down at the remaining eleven half-step Void Refining Realm monks of the Twelve Sects.

Zhang Kun looked at them without any emotion in his eyes, as if he was looking down at a group of ants, and said mockingly: "Will you go up one by one, or go up together?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent!

Everyone couldn't help but gasped, trembling all over, dare to ask the time, but is there a second person who dares to say such words in front of the half-step Void Refining Realm cultivator of the twelve sects?

Even if a leader of the twelve sects is present, I am afraid that he would not dare to be so rampant!

Such arrogant words aroused the anger of these half-step Void Refining cultivators!
No matter where they go, they are respected by thousands of people, and they are all in high positions in the sect. When have they ever been humiliated like this.

But when they thought of Qi Yangzheng's miserable end, look at me, I look at you, no one stood up and dared to fight Zhang Kun. The more afraid of death, the same is true for monks.

In the end, Zhang Zhenhai stood up, looked at Zhang Kun, and said righteously: "Zhang Kun, you have done a lot of evil, not only killed Qi Lao's son, but now even Qi Lao was brutally killed by you. I want to do justice for the sky, get rid of you to correct my martial arts in the Dayan Realm!"

"Please comrades, join me in eliminating demons!"

Zhang Zhenhai shouted loudly, and the ten half-step Void Refining Realm monks also rose into the air one after another.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you people from the twelve sects are really getting more and more shameless. Eleven half-step alchemy cultivators besieged me, a small Mahayana. Is this the style of the twelve sects? This is forcing me to take over your entire twelve sects." Zhang Kun was amazed, as if he didn't care about these 11 people at all.

"This son has degenerated into a demon, comrades, don't listen to his instigation, if you don't get rid of him, the whole Dayan world may have endless troubles!" Zhang Zhenhai said righteously.The ten people also nodded in agreement.

"You said, if you all stay here, will the Twelve Sect feel heartbroken?" Zhang Kun asked with a smile.

This is exactly his purpose. The number two figures of the Twelve Factions are all gathered here at this moment. If all the eleven powerhouses fall, even a force like the Twelve Factions will inevitably bleed. Hua Gong's pressure has been greatly reduced!

"Devil, don't you know that you are already dying!" a member of the twelve sects snapped.

"Forget it, if you say I am a demon, then I am a demon."

"But today, among the eleven of you, don't even think about leaving!"

Zhang Kun raised his head and laughed, seemingly insane.

At this moment, countless people raised their heads and stared blankly at Zhang Kun who stood proudly in the midair, and couldn't help feeling a little complicated in their hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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