Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1023

Chapter 1023
Zhang Kun is really too powerful. He is no longer simply the best of his peers. With the defeat of Xuanren Shengzi, it is estimated that there will be no peers who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him in the entire Dayan world. Even elders who have practiced for hundreds of years have been refined by him, which is really shocking!
"It's a pity, it's a pity, he is too reckless, even if he has the strength to defeat the half-step Void Refining Realm powerhouse, but now he is facing the joint siege of eleven half-step Void Refining experts from twelve factions , This is something absolutely no one can resist, even the headmasters of the twelve sects will have to shed a layer of skin!" Those onlookers in the Composite Realm couldn't help feeling completely.

When the battle has reached this point, it is no longer something they can intervene.

Countless people felt sorry for Zhang Kun's talent. If he hadn't offended the Twelve Factions, one could foresee how powerful Zhang Kun would be in a hundred years. Perhaps the situation in the Dayan World would be permanently changed because of Zhang Kun!
"Zhang Kun is very strong. If you give him a hundred years, I think there should be another Li Qingluan in this world. It's a pity that he has provoked too much right and wrong, and he has too much murder. Now he will be punished by ten people. The two sects joined forces to suppress it!" Everyone sighed, but there was nothing they could do.

As the most monstrous genius in the history of Dayan World, Zhang Kun is destined to be a flash in the pan. The situation he is in now is a dead end, and there is no way to solve it!
The twelve powerful factions came out and killed Zhang Kun first at the expense of slowing down the attack on Qionghua Palace. It can be seen that their hatred for Zhang Kun is deep, and they must be killed, otherwise Zhang Kun will be allowed to grow up The Twelve factions will have trouble sleeping and eating in fear all day long, living in fear all the time!

Liu Yu'an pondered for a moment, then suddenly his heart moved, and he said softly: "Brother Zhang Kun never does anything he is not sure about. Could it be that he really has the capital to face the joint siege of the twelve factions?"

As soon as he said it, he shook his head again and again, shaking this unrealistic thought out of his head.

You must know that when a cultivator fights, under the same level, the difficulty will increase several times for each additional enemy, and the difficulty of besieging with more than a dozen people will increase geometrically. Unwilling to fall into such a situation, can Zhang Kun really win in battle with a mere Mahayana realm?

Liu Yu'an could see that Zhang Kunzhen's method of killing Qi Yangzheng might not be used a second time in a short period of time, and the strong men of the Twelve Factions are strong men with extremely rich combat experience, and they will never make the same mistake twice!

"Mr. Zhang" Lin Yuxi saw the scene in front of him in the main hall of the Bodhi Courtyard, her eyes turned slightly red, and she said clearly, "Mr. Zhang, you must be fine!"

She clenched her pink fist tightly, feeling extremely anxious in her heart. Her body was imprisoned, and she was under the surveillance of Chief Fang Wen all the time. Even if she wanted to support Zhang Kun, she was helpless and could only hold her tightly Looking at Zhang Kun in mid-air, I hope he can save himself from danger like in the past!

"If Mr. Zhang can break through to the state of fusion." Lin Yuxi couldn't help but have this idea in his mind, but it's a pity how difficult it is to break through the state of fusion. Zhang Kun entered Mahayana from Yuanying in just a few months, so how could he? Maybe break into the realm of integration now!
Lin Yuxi frowned slightly, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and prayed silently for Zhang Kun with clasped hands.

You must know that there is a natural barrier between Mahayana and Fusion. Only those with great wisdom, great perseverance, and great magic power can enter this realm, and Zhang Kun is obviously too young!
Zhang Kun looked at everything in front of him indifferently, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised.

With his hands behind his back, his eyes were full of arrogance.

"Hurry up, I'll give you a group of ants a chance." Zhang Kun said with a faint smile, sneering at the twelve sects.

"Hmph, what a joke!"


Zhang Kun's words instantly ignited the anger in the hearts of the masters of the twelve sects, the strong cannot be humiliated!

The masters of the twelve sects soared into the sky, and the energy of the heaven and the earth rushed in at once, and the aura of the eleven top masters reached its peak in an instant, as if eleven suns were rising from the horizon at the same time Generally speaking, the vast aura spread suddenly, and everyone opened their mouths wide at this moment, looking high into the sky!

The vitality around them was clamoring wildly, and everyone felt suffocated in their hearts, as if they were about to be out of breath. Those powerful Qi practitioners usually restrained the breath in their bodies, and they would not deliberately release the coercion. But at this moment in the fighting state, the powerhouses of the twelve factions have no worries at all, and they all show their terrifying strength!

This is already a battle at the refining level, and it will destroy the city and the land at every turn. The power of a single blow is enough to wipe out the entire Jialan City. In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Zhang Zhenhai and the other masters tacitly set the battlefield In the altitude of several thousand meters!
In the Dayan Realm, only when you reach the Golden Core level can you break free from the shackles of the earth and fly in mid-air, while reaching the Mahayana level is enough to fly high into the sky. The so-called Shenyou Taixu refers to such things!

"Hmph, bear your names. When I destroy the Twelve Sects, I will bring your ashes back for free!" Zhang Kun stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head high, and looked at the sky. The masters are all standing in the clouds, like mountains!

But Zhang Kun seemed to be standing in the sky, his eyes were cold, he looked down, and regarded those strong men as ants.

"Dead people are not qualified to know so many things!" A man dressed as a scholar in a simple and elegant white robe snorted coldly. He came from Yong Academy, and he was a great saint second only to the head of the academy!

Zhang Kun turned his eyes coldly, and there seemed to be a cold light shooting out. He looked directly at the person in front of him with clear eyes, and grinned and said, "Really, then let me beat you until you are willing to speak!"

As he said that, the aura on his body suddenly rose to the extreme, the peak of the Mahayana, half-step fit!
"Boom boom boom!"

Countless people were stunned. The young man in front of him had grown to such a terrifying state. Ren Shengzi could not have such a terrifying cultivation base at such a young age!

Everyone was envious, and they looked at Zhang Kun with a lot of jealousy and envy in their eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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