Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1025 The Return of the Stars

Chapter 1025 The Return of the Stars
The gray-robed monk spoke leisurely, and suddenly the energy of the heaven and the earth rushed rapidly, and thick dark clouds gathered in the sky. The deep clouds were pitch black, as if there was some kind of supreme existence peeping at the world.

"Hmph." The gray-robed monk smiled faintly, and with a wave of his hand, a round of golden light was propped up, covering the little stone and the little girl in it.

"The battle of gods is the punishment of heaven. The path of every heaven-defying person is doomed to be rough, and karma will happen. They will definitely encounter difficult tests on the way of growth."

Every time he uttered a word, a divine thunder slashed down from the black cloud. That was the original Dao thunder. As a result, Ling Mufeng under their feet has been turned into dust, countless birds and beasts, monsters in the mountains, woodcutters and farmers in the mountains, all died!
The little girl turned pale with fright, bit her finger, and hid in Xiaoshi's arms.

Little Shitou was surprised, and he murmured: "Master is saying that the people who besieged Engong are not so much because of their personal grievances against Engong, it is better to say that they are driven by the way of heaven in the dark, and want to kill him." Benedict strangled?"

The gray-robed monk glanced at the small stone, showing a rare expression of admiration. He lightly raised his hand, and an extremely bright golden light shot up into the sky, because at the last moment, Wan Dao's original Dao thunder poured down, pointing directly at the stone. Small stones, shining with golden light, the original Dao Lei burst in mid-air, shaking away thousands of miles of clouds and mist.

"You are very smart, but in fact you are the most suitable person to be a disciple of the Buddha." The gray-robed monk said lightly, "However, he is a little different."

Xiao Shitou shook his head in confusion: "What's the difference between benefactors?"

"Others follow the tide and are manipulated by the will of heaven. Only he is different. In fact, he arranged all of this." The gray-robed monk said lightly, with a rare touch of emotion in his tone. He is a great detachment , has already looked down on everything, but he was still amazed when he saw Zhang Kun.

"Boom boom boom!"

The existence in the black cloud seemed to be extremely angry, and directly rained down a sea of ​​thunder. The gray-robed monk just spit out a word lightly.

"Fixed!" In an instant, Lei Hai froze, as if he had been frozen there.

Xiao Shitou took a deep breath and murmured, "Will Engong be in danger?"

"Yes, little stone, let's go with the teacher!" said the gray-robed monk.

"Yes, Master." Little Shitou nodded.

"It's a pity that I don't have the fate of master and apprentice with him, otherwise it would be pleasant to go to the mirror field." The gray-robed monk laughed, and with a wave of his sleeves, the three disappeared without a trace.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the upper sky of the Bodhi Courtyard has turned into a terrifying battlefield. Countless turbulent energy flows are stirring here, and the whole space is trembling violently. The terrifying and brutal spiritual fire, ice, and vitality all explode instantly and blow the entire sky. ignite!
Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, staring at everything in front of them, for fear of missing any details.


There was a thunderous explosion in the sky, and the void instantly split open. A huge crack continued to crack at a super high speed. From the endless darkness, a huge purple palm suddenly stretched out. The palm of the hand seemed to have supreme power, and the moment the space appeared, it was squeezed and deformed, and waves of space shock came!
Zhang Kun's eyes were fixed, he had seen this kind of method before, it was the secret method of the Zilong faction, the big palm of the void!

It is rumored that the Zilong faction once received the inheritance of a real dragon, and inherited the power of space control possessed by that divine beast, and the big palm of the void is the supreme secret method of the Zilong faction. The most terrifying thing about this method is that it can separate Strangling the opponent from a long distance, this is simply impossible to guard against, even without seeing the opponent's figure at all, he was caught and crushed by the big palm of the void!

Faced with the terrifying blow that destroyed the world, Zhang Kun just smiled indifferently and punched the void. In an instant, the stars burst out, radiant, bright and gorgeous, and enchanting. The fist light is not only beautiful, but also extremely powerful, the void boils in an instant, the brilliance and starbursts light up at the same time, the aura of the Supreme rises up, and shakes the huge palm head-on!

That is the power that he has not used for a long time, and it comes from the depths of the endless starry sky!

"Boom boom boom!"

It was like a huge river of stars pouring down suddenly, overflowing with brilliance, and a round of stars and moon suddenly rose in the battlefield!
The horrific attacks of the two sides collided in an instant, crushing each other, and instantly triggered an unprecedented terrifying explosion. The overflowing vitality exploded impressively, and a cloud ring suddenly rose in the flat ground!
Zhang Kun's body shook slightly. He shook the big empty palm of the vice headmaster of the Purple Dragon Sect with his fist, and stepped back involuntarily. The strength turned into a blue-gold brilliance and flowed into Zhang Kun's fist, directly hitting the big palm of the void. However, after all, the strength of the deputy headmaster of the Zilong faction is unpredictable. Zhang Kun chose to fight head-on, but he still suffered. A little loss.

However, at the same time, the vast palm of the void also dimmed, and it seemed that most of its power had been reduced. Zhang Kun punched out again, and the brilliance of the stars lit up again. Possesses the power to arouse shock!


After three attacks, the huge Void Palm had been turned into debris and disappeared, and its energy and power had also dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"Hmph! This kid is a bit wicked!" Embarrassment flashed across the face of the deputy headmaster of the Purple Dragon Sect, his heart shuddered, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

On the surface, he was calm and calm, but in fact, he was already extremely shocked in his heart!

That is the big palm of the void, it is the supreme secret technique of the Purple Dragon Sect, with a single blow, it can even imprison and shatter a strong man who is a few points higher than his rank!
Seeing the devastated expression on the face of the deputy headmaster of the Zilong faction, the faces of the other deputy headmasters couldn't help but flash a bit of solemnity. Zhang Kun is probably much scarier than they believed!
They should have known this a long time ago. In the Bodhi Secret Realm, the fall of all the strong men sent by the twelve sects through Fang Shou should have sounded the alarm for them. However, no deputy headmaster is willing to believe in a mere Mahayana The state of being able to make them burn out!

"Don't hold back, kill this kid here!" Zhang Zhenhai saw something wrong with the situation and shouted repeatedly: "This matter is related to the dignity of my twelve factions. We will use this battle to tell everyone and offend our twelve factions. end!"

(End of this chapter)

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