Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026
Hearing what he said, Zhang Kun couldn't help laughing.

"Old man, what you said is wrong. This battle is not about your dignity!" Zhang Kun smiled lightly, showing a bit of joking.

Zhang Zhenhai's face turned down instantly, and he couldn't help shouting loudly: "What do you want to say?"

Zhang Kun's eyes swept across the entire battlefield, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help evoking a bit of contempt, but his eyes were instantly cold to the extreme!
"This battle is about the life and death of your twelve sects. If I, Zhang Kun, survive this battle, I will come to your door and stamp out your orthodoxy in the future!" Zhang Kun laughed arrogantly, sarcastically!
In an instant, the faces of all the people present instantly sank, becoming extremely ugly!
"Zhuzi is arrogant, die!"

In an instant, all the eleven powerhouses made their moves. They didn't show the slightest intention to hold back their hands, and they directly launched their most powerful attack. In the sea of ​​turmoil, everything is destroyed!

One after another starlight is like a horse training, descending from the sky like a waterfall falling straight into the sky. Zhang Kun is bathed in a piece of starlight. In the ocean of his spiritual knowledge, a piece of ancient bronze mirror is floating. Shen Chen, in the mirror field starry sky, several star fields are shining brightly and brilliantly!

Beiluo Xingchen, Xuanyuan Fourteen Stars, Kingdom of Shadows, and Extreme Sky City, the four areas cast down the glory of the world. In a short moment, Zhang Kun can borrow this extremely powerful power!
All the eleven powerhouses shot at this moment, flames, thunder and lightning, raging waves, brilliance, black awns, lights of swords and swords poured on Zhang Kun's body almost at the same time. The most powerful attack technique, imprinted the imprint of morality on this battlefield one after another!
Their secret technique is too powerful, the void trembles, and the people below are even more frightened. They are all stunned. It seems that these strong men are not fighting, but destroying everything!
However, the next moment something that surprised them even more incredible happened. All kinds of horrific attacks landed on Zhang Kun's body, but they were blocked by bursts of skyrocketing starlight. The flames went out instantly, and thunder and lightning Disappeared, the raging waves calmed down, the brilliance was extinguished, the black light was cut off, and the sword, light and sword shadow also dissipated invisible at this moment!

The power of the stars is the supreme power for a star to run, reproduce, and evolve!

Even the immortals in the legend may not be able to master the power of the stars, but Zhang Kun is different. He has the extremely magical artifact mirror field. Through it, Zhang Kun can use the power of the stars he has visited before. The elusive power of other monks in Yanjie, the powerhouses of the twelve sects were stunned for a moment, completely confused about what the situation was!
They didn't believe that what happened in front of them was real, and once again resorted to the strongest attack technique, and swung it at Zhang Kun!

As if capable of destroying everything, the destructive and terrifying combat power erupted instantly, and the indomitable attack power shattered everything in front of them!
"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Kun punched one after another. He was bathed in the starlight, his strength soared countless times, and his whole body was shining brightly and brilliantly. Become so vulgar, lose momentum and power!

There was chaos between the sky and the earth, and it was unclear what was going on inside. Everyone couldn't help but stare at the fierce battle going on in the sky, for fear of missing any details.

But I saw that Zhang Kun was guarding the depths of the star field like a celestial being. A deep and mysterious star field hung high above his head. The blazing and bright light was constantly arising and dying, as if the universe was being created!

"What, what?" Everyone present gasped!
This is simply too dreamy, is this something that a Qi trainer can do, I am afraid that even the legendary immortals may not have such courage!

The power that Zhang Kun displayed at this moment is not too powerful, but he has a great aura with every blow, as if the universe and the world shot it himself, with a mysterious, ancient and powerful aura, and a single blow is enough to kill Broken Wan Dao, although everyone's attack power is higher than that of Zhang Kun, but after being swept away by the power of the stars, they become ordinary and lose their dao rhyme instantly!
Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
They have never seen such an attack method before. No matter how powerful the attack is, it will be ineffective if it hits Zhang Kun. The attack without the support of the profound meaning and Taoism has no spirituality at all, and Zhang Kun can easily resolve it with just a few gestures!
The battle is extremely fierce, the outcome is hard to tell, and the stalemate is deadlocked!
"There is a big secret hidden in Zhang Kun's body. He must have received an extremely powerful immortal-level inheritance!" Zhang Zhenhai stopped attacking, and a stern look flashed in his eyes!
"Yes, this kid must have been to a fairyland that is no less than the secret realm of Bodhi. After we kill him, we must search his soul to find out where the treasure land is, explore the fairyland again, and develop the supreme treasure among the fairyland. Resources, for the well-being of the people of Dayan Realm." The Great Saint Master of Yu Yong Academy spoke, his face was sanctimonious.

Everyone couldn't help sneering, and there was a bit of greed in their eyes looking at Zhang Kun!

"It is absolutely impossible for this kid to use this kind of power all the time. We have a lot of people, so we will be able to kill him sooner or later!" A handsome man with white hair and red pupils said with a light smile. He came from the blood clan sect among the twelve factions. Incaines!

This sect is very peculiar, unlike other sect inheritances, the members of the entire sect are all blood relatives!
Don't look at the handsome man with white hair and red eyes who looks young at only 20 years old, in fact he is an elder of the Incaine sect who has lived for countless years, and the blood flowing through him is extremely pure!
Their ancient and powerful bloodlines have been passed down for thousands of years and can be traced back to the ancient times. The white-haired and red-eyed man chuckled, and with a stroke in the air, he typed out an extremely complicated talisman, flashing across the talisman There were streaks of bewildering red light, which instantly traveled through endless space and imprinted on Zhang Kun's body!

The scarlet talisman actually possessed terrifying penetrability, ignoring the starlight that shrouded Zhang Kun's body, and engraved it on his body!
"Huh? This breath is." Zhang Kun couldn't help but frowned slightly, and immediately dissolved the bloody talisman easily.

(End of this chapter)

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