Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1027

Chapter 1027

"What, what?" A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the elders of the Ingai Sect. This is the murderous curse of the blood clan. It has extremely powerful karma and can consume a lot of vitality in an instant, but it is used on Zhang Kun. Sometimes it didn't work at all!
"Dirty things!" Zhang Kun raised his eyes slightly, his eyes were extremely cold, staring at the white-haired elder of the Ingai sect with extreme indifference!

Zhang Kun's speed instantly accelerated to an incomprehensible level, golden broken shadows surged, the space trembled slightly, leaving a few circles of microwave ripples, and the next moment Zhang Kun came to Yincai with a piece of starlight Beside the sect elders!

"Boy, you are throwing yourself into a trap!" The elder of the Ingai Sect was not at all afraid, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes. When it comes to melee combat, his natural and powerful blood gave him a strong physical body. It seems extremely weak, but it can be reborn continuously by sucking blood!

As long as the blood reserves are enough, it can even be said that it is impossible for a blood clan to be killed. They can be said to be the most difficult opponents. No one is willing to fight a powerful blood clan elder!
However, there was no emotion in Zhang Kun's eyes. He looked at the elders of the Ingai Sect with extreme indifference, as if he was looking at a dead person!
Surrounded by the starlight all over the sky, he suddenly shot out a blazing light. The blazing light shone brightly, evolving into a three-thousand way, and directly smashed down at the opponent. Light!

The elder of the Ingai sect also made a move in an instant. His whole body turned into a strange and dark blood light and rushed towards Zhang Kun, like an extremely vicious beast. His handsome face was revealed in the blood light. However, at this moment, his face is not as elegant and handsome as before. Instead, it is ferocious and terrifying. The bloody mouth suddenly bites towards Zhang Kun, and the sharp white teeth are shocking!
"Boom boom boom!"

The speed of the blood shadow was too fast, even Zhang Kun couldn't dodge it, but the sharp fangs pierced Zhang Kun's arm, and there was an extremely ear-piercing metal clanging sound!

Zhang Kun sneered again and again, grabbed him with his hands, held him in the air, and held up a pool of thick blood
"No! Impossible, how is it possible!" The elder of the Ingai sect opened his eyes wide in an instant, turning into a pool of blood. At this moment, he seemed to melt into the space between heaven and earth, avoiding Zhang Kun's peerless blow.

Zhang Kun sneered, and didn't bother to entangle him any longer. With a shake of his figure, he raised his angry fist and blasted at the next strong man!
The loud noise kept coming, and Zhang Kun's speed was extremely fast. He was constantly shuttling in the space, and he couldn't find out which one was Zhang Kun's real body unless he carefully distinguished. The faces of the masters of the second faction were a little stiff!

"No, I can't let this kid live so comfortably, suppress it!" Zhang Zhenhai shouted, Zhang Kun's body skills are too weird, if he is allowed to use his speed advantage to fight against them, I'm afraid they will be defeated by Zhang Kun sooner or later. Kun defeated them one by one, just like Zhang Kun killed Qi Yangzheng!

Disillusioned one step at a time!

Zhang Kun's figure moves like a ghost, his body is crystal clear like snow, as if it is blooming with brilliant brilliance, when the speed reaches a certain level, the object will distort and deform, and only a strong enough body can bear it Can withstand the terrifying pressure, and Zhang Kun just has the supreme treasure body, which can easily accelerate to the limit!

But now among the remaining eleven masters, not everyone can keep up with Zhang Kun's terrifying speed. If the status quo is not changed, they can only be beaten passively!
On the other hand, Zhang Kun didn't intend to fight recklessly. In the face of ten times more powerful men than himself, he chose the most efficient tactics. With a flash of a blow on the battlefield, he immediately escaped from the opponent's attack range and fled far away. But Zhang Kun's timing was perfect, and the masters of the twelve sects were furious on the spot, but they had no choice but to dare not chase deeply!

Qi Yangzheng’s tragic precedent is right in front of his eyes, even these half-step Void Refining powerhouses dare not take it too seriously, if Zhang Kun accidentally uses the secret technique of the world as a furnace again, and swallows them like It's not good to refine the elixir in the cauldron!
The hearts of all the masters are full of rage at the moment. I am also the deputy head of the twelve factions. He is the number two person in the faction. He usually holds the supreme power and can control the life and death of hundreds of millions of living beings with a single thought. But now they are being manipulated by a junior in the Mahayana realm, this is simply too aggrieved!

Zhang Zhenhai sneered, raised his hand and shot out a burst of brilliant brilliance. The brilliance was like a dazzling firework, possessing the power of a thousand jun, and it went straight into the sky. The other ten powerhouses followed suit, using their vitality one after another, as if communicating Like God!
"Boom boom boom!"

A total of eleven rays of light shot directly into the sky, and thick dark clouds gathered in the sky, instantly covering the sun's brilliance. At this moment, the entire Jialan City was plunged into darkness!
"what happened?"

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
Fang Zheng and Fang Wen hurriedly raised their palms, and a warm light rose from their palms, illuminating the entire city, and everyone was able to see clearly what happened in the sky again!
I saw brilliant rays of light soaring up into the sky, and there seemed to be a mysterious existence beating a god drum in the dense dark clouds. There was a loud noise in an instant, which almost shattered everyone's eardrums!

"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Kun couldn't help but frowned slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Aren't the twelve factions working independently and fighting each other? Why do they also have a secret technique to be used together?" A look of surprise flashed in Zhang Kun's eyes. He suddenly thought of something, and his body couldn't help but shiver. !
At the moment when he was in a trance, the clouds shook violently, and there seemed to be some extremely powerful existence roaring in it. Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the entire world lost its color and sound!
The vast aura suddenly spread, and in the eyes of countless people, a total of eleven pillars shot straight from the sky into the earth, making a sky-shattering explosion!
"Boom boom boom!"

"Desolate ancient lock dragon pillar?"

Seeing this scene, Master Fang Wen's face changed wildly. He could no longer maintain his original indifferent expression, and stood up abruptly, and a bit of astonishment flashed in his eyes looking towards Gao Kong!
Master Fangzheng spoke quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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