Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1028: Dragon Pillar Suppression

Chapter 1028: Dragon Pillar Suppression
"Desolate Ancient Locking Dragon Pillars, it is said that this mysterious thing existed in Dayan Realm hundreds of millions of epochs ago. There were originally only nine ancient Locking Dragon Pillars standing in nine corners of Dayan Realm. The ancient dragon lock pillars use chains to bind a real dragon!"

Hearing Master Fangzheng's words, all the people present gasped. It was an ancient mystery. Originally, they had never been exposed to this level of things in their life. It was a shocking secret that only a few people knew!
Hundreds of millions of epochs ago, human beings were not the masters of the Dayan Realm. At that time, the races that ruled this world were extremely powerful. They could even enslave giant dragons that were equivalent to immortal-level existences. The human ancestors of that era were like ants in the cracks Survival, they occasionally raised their heads, and they could see a giant dragon as huge as a mountain chain locked on the ancient dragon lock pillar like a sky pillar!
However, one day, the nine barren and ancient lock dragon pillars shattered at the same time, and the giant dragon regained its freedom, and challenged the ruler, defeated the race that dominated the Dayan Realm at that time, and opened the era of the giant dragon.

However, kingship is not eternal, countless generations have passed, and there will be no real dragons in this world anymore!
It is said that their breath turned into storms, rain and snow, and their eyes turned into sun, moon and stars!
However, the legend of the ancient lock dragon pillar is still passed down to this day. Everyone who has heard this legend will feel incredible. It is still hidden in the Dayan Realm, but it has not been discovered for nearly ten thousand years!

"How could they have the ability to drive the ancient lock dragon pillar?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Fangzheng shook his head, and said lightly: "That's not the real barren ancient dragon lock pillar, but just a phantom of the barren ancient dragon lock pillar, but even so, these lock dragon pillars can still imprison any strong fit person. If Yizhu joins forces, even the Void Refining expert will never be able to escape the control of Suolongzhu!"

All the people present gasped, this ancient lock dragon pillar is so powerful, the strength and background of the twelve sects are really well-deserved, it is so powerful!

Fang Wenshou's face was full of horror, he frowned slightly, pondered for a while and said, "Are they going to use this to deal with Zhang Kun?"

Master Fangzheng took a deep breath, his eyes were lofty and distant, he looked into the distance, and muttered to himself: "The relationship between the Twelve Sect and Zhang Kun is endless, not to mention that there is a more powerful force behind the Twelve Sect. !"

The Ancient Locking Dragon Pillar descended on the battlefield and fixed it in the void. In an instant, the entire battlefield was locked, and Zhang Kun's speed was also reduced to one-tenth of the maximum speed, and the void was sealed. Stop, even if Zhang Kun performs Shadow Die twice, he will no longer be able to walk and shuttle on the battlefield!
"Should it be said that it is the means of the Twelve Sects? To deal with me, a little Mahayana monk, I used an ancient god like the ancient lock dragon pillar." Zhang Kun couldn't help sneering.

At this moment, Zhang Zhenhai's figure flickered, and he flew into the clouds. He was on a high place with cold eyes, looking down at Zhang Kun who was surrounded by eleven barren and ancient dragon lock pillars.

"Zhang Kun, you are not an extraordinary person. We dare not treat you as an ordinary Mahayana. We have to admit that you are an extraordinary evildoer. In the entire history of Dayan Realm, there are only five people with heaven and earth like you. What a pity they The final ending is the same as yours, all of them fall!" Zhang Zhenhai said coldly.

"Really?" Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "I have seen many people like you, and the ending is the same, that is asking for trouble!"

"You are dying, suppress!" Zhang Zhenhai yelled loudly, a vast aura suddenly spread, and the lock dragon pillar was filled with terrifying light, and chains shot up into the sky one after another, swallowing the sky Wo Ri, with extraordinary momentum, evolved into a boundless black light, the energy on the lock dragon pillar is really as huge as a giant dragon, and all of them are rushing towards Zhang Kun at this moment!

"Boom boom boom!" The thick chains fell straight down like a huge waterfall. This is a magnificent and magnificent picture. Come to attack!

Zhang Kun was located in the center, and was instantly bound by the chains protruding from the eleven dragon-locking pillars. There seemed to be an incomprehensible aura around him. The aura from the ancient times seemed to be able to suppress everything. Zhang Kun Kundu felt that the vitality in his body had stagnated, as if he couldn't continue to flow!
Zhang Kun let out a low cry, and the vitality around him was clamoring wildly. He activated the Ice Heart Art in an instant, and the power of the ice core exploded in an instant, and a icy and snowy scene immediately evolved behind him!

"Is this a vision?"

All the people present took a breath, the vision is the manifestation of Taoism, possessing terrifying power!

At this moment, Zhang Kun's eyes are extremely deep, as if there is a vast universe hidden in it, the power of ice and cold spreads around him, and the speed of the chain chain is a bit full, he walks calmly, even if he is unable to cast shadow Traveling through the space for the second time, his speed is still amazing enough, and he even escaped the siege of several chains!

"It's all about the battle of trapped beasts, everyone, use the secret method!" Zhang Zhenhai snorted, and immediately pinched the formula with his hand, and typed out an incomparably mysterious incantation. Suddenly, a dark beam of light rose, and the energy rushed towards a lock dragon like a savage force. column!


A giant dragon's roar sounded immediately, shaking the world!

It was the soul of the giant dragon that was once tightly locked by the ancient lock dragon pillar. Countless years have passed, and the mighty power of the dragon has not dissipated.
The faces of the crowd were in disbelief, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions. Creatures like real dragons have long since ceased to exist. As if the dragons were resurrected, they jumped out one after another and rushed towards Zhang Kun!

Too strong, those eleven giant dragon shadows devoured the sky, as if they could devour everything, no creature could be their opponent, as Master Fangzheng said, even the Void Refiner can't escape the dragon lock at all Pillar of bondage!

The berserk attack surged like a wave, Zhang Kun couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth violently, awakening some ancient energy!

The mysterious and distant aura suddenly spread, and in an instant, mysterious black and incomparable lines appeared all over Zhang Kun's body!

(End of this chapter)

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